In 2022 I published a collection of poems in the book “Our Dementia Journey” charting my family’s experiences with dementia since my Dad’s diagnosis.
My Dad, also called Pat, was diagnosed with dementia several years ago. Over the last couple of years my Mum’s health has deteriorated from a physical perspective and she now has no mobility and suffers from a deal of pain. I live with my parents and am the main carer for them both, having retired early from my job in finance. The journey we are on since Dad was diagnosed with dementia is very much a family affair for Dad, my Mum Margaret, my sister Donna and my brother Steven.
As a carer for Dad I know how difficult both physically and emotionally dementia can be for both the person who has it and close family particularly those who are carers day to day. Relationships can be strained but also strengthened and I truly believe that love conquers all. Despite the pain, the dementia journey can still provide gifts of memories that will last forever.
It is true to say that no one person’s dementia journey is exactly the same as anyone else’s and it is also true to say that family members who are carers can go through moments of emotional despair when nothing they try to do seems to work.
It occurred to me in writing the book that caring for loved ones, no matter what illness or condition they have, is a similar journey for all carers certainly from an emotional perspective.
The collection of poems in this book is therefore aimed at and inspired by all of those on a caring journey.
It aims to highlight the journey they are on as well as celebrate what they are doing. At the same time it aims to help those on the caring journey through sharing my experiences, and those of others.
I should also add that I will receive no payment for any time or effort in writing the book and that all my royalties from the sales of this book will go to Alzheimers Research UK, the world’s largest dedicated dementia research charity, in the hope that it will go some way to helping find a cure which I am sure is the common wish of us all.
Finally, I hope you find this book useful on your journey. If so I would be very grateful if you would leave a review on Amazon, Goodreads, Reedsy or any other forum. It does so much to encourage other readers and to raise funds for Dementia Research.
Thank You
Sample Poems:
Carers for the young
Carers for the old
Old caring for the young
Young caring for the old
Parents caring for their children
Children caring for their parents
Caring for people with illnesses of the mind
Caring for people with illnesses of the body
Carers unpaid and not recognised
Carers with a vocation and undervalued
Carers unseen with stories often untold
Always remember you are many in number and not on your own
Share your stories and needs with each other and don’t be alone
Look after your loved one but look after yourself too
What you are doing is wonderful so always stand tall
The poems in this book are to celebrate you one and all
The Wind and the Waves
The winds of dementiabeating constantly again, again, again against the
Repeating, challenging, following, aggressive winds
Suddenly a wave of emotion rises loudly, angrily, full of frustration
A cry for help by both the wind and the wave
The call goes out to the family rescuers lifeboat to come to the aid of us all
Then the wave crashes on to the beach, and slowly runs up the warm soft sands
as the wind stills
The beach strewn with guilt, tiredness, tears and love
Sorry Dad
when I get impatient with you
when I don’t understand what YOU are going through
when I try to hurry you along
when I don’t listen to YOUR song
when I lose my temper with you
when I am trying so hard not to
when everyday things get in the way
when they stop us making a great day
when I don’t see what is bothering you or giving you pain
when I can’t make it go away and not come back again
when I feel so tired and frail
when despite doing my best for you I fail
but …
I will always remember the real you.
I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me as much as I love you
Silent Scream
A silent scream
You know what I mean
Sometimes it is needed, to let off steam
It is loud and it is clear
But no one can hear
And it is nothing to fear
It can help with your sanity
And sometimes bring clarity
Releasing emotions from within
Letting calmness back in
Best done in your private place
Where no-one can see your face
You are after all only part of the human race