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An enjoyable yet sinister tale of the macabre that'll keep you turning pages...


Lust, Love, and Greed contaminate the rural town of Blackwater that results in deadly turmoil.

Robert Thompson spots a woman across a bar, and his misfortune begins. He tries to get close to her, but the unthinkable happens, and he goes on the lam. He hides out where no one will look for him, an evil house. A spirit distorts his psyche, and Robert uncovers a dark secret about Blackwater.

Yet a more immediate danger lurks in a correction facility, where Claudia Ragsworth, a covetous Warden, recruits Robert to get revenge against an adversary. Still, with every choice, the consequences become more horrifying.

Meanwhile, a strange—yet curiously familiar—man approaches Elliott Blackthorne and Zia Petko, which have intertwined their souls with old black magic, for a reason unknown.

Blackwater is full of toxic secrets—horrors waiting beneath bated breath.

If you enjoy Stephen King and Joe Hill, you will love the horror and suspense of Noxious.

There is so much going on in this book and I found myself quickly turning the pages as the events build, unfold and eventually intertwine in what is a clever fusing of several stories that centre around the strange dark small town known as Blackwater. Bruce Knapp has delivered a tale that is dark, sometimes gruesome and wholly satisfying and the setting is delivered well and through the multiple characters. Throughout, the story evolves along with those characters as everything plays out.

Grim shadows loomed over Blackwater, trying to conceal the hatred, but the evil continued to grow like a fungus, a black poisonous mould...

We see those who are looking for faith, some with lust on their mind, religious types, businessmen, lawmen and even those on the fringes of the occult and witchcraft. Hell, there is even something monstrous lurking in the local 'Suwanee' river, this tale really is one of variety that even feels like an anthology piece that is all wrapped up in less than a 200 pages and with short but sharp chapters which keeps those pages turning and the flow consistent.

Main character 'Robert Thompson' seems to have a dark cloud following him and his choices soon lead to a shocking and gruesome turn of events. It was at this moment I really became invested in the story. Robert is a changed man from this point and his journey is filled with sometimes graphic brutality to himself and others. Of course that cloud hanging over him has a name ('Nyx') and plays an influencing role in the form of possession.

Eventually we see the 'Noxious' part of the story which kicks in later on but has been cleverly built from the early stages. Of course Robert's journey culminates during this satisfying finish for a book with so much variety in the horror genre. The town and setting of Blackwater feels like a character in its own right, it's always there, hanging over everything with a certain darkness. This makes for a great atmospheric feel to the reading experience.

Those who like multiple character led stories with elements of the occult, witchcraft, paranormal that's a little graphic in places will enjoy 'Noxious'. Everyone else may just end up in the 'Otherworld' on Leap Day.

Reviewed by
Lee Hall

Indie author and book blogger from the UK who works in cutting edge science by day and writes by night. I know the struggle that is indie publishing so my efforts focus on spotlighting fellow authors and contributing to the writing community. I prefer books with a wordcount up to 90k or less


Lust, Love, and Greed contaminate the rural town of Blackwater that results in deadly turmoil.

Robert Thompson spots a woman across a bar, and his misfortune begins. He tries to get close to her, but the unthinkable happens, and he goes on the lam. He hides out where no one will look for him, an evil house. A spirit distorts his psyche, and Robert uncovers a dark secret about Blackwater.

Yet a more immediate danger lurks in a correction facility, where Claudia Ragsworth, a covetous Warden, recruits Robert to get revenge against an adversary. Still, with every choice, the consequences become more horrifying.

Meanwhile, a strange—yet curiously familiar—man approaches Elliott Blackthorne and Zia Petko, which have intertwined their souls with old black magic, for a reason unknown.

Blackwater is full of toxic secrets—horrors waiting beneath bated breath.

If you enjoy Stephen King and Joe Hill, you will love the horror and suspense of Noxious.


For the first time that day, an apparition grabbed Walter Hutchens. Unfortunately, it would not be the last.

Walter wheeled around, discovering a translucent glimmer of an older woman in a dingy ebony dress with lengthy sleeves buttoned up to her throat. Despite her feeble body and gaunt cheeks, she had the gaze of a predator.

He rubbed his eyes in disbelief. “You aren’t real, only a lie.”

The older woman shifted her wiry silvery hair out of her eyes, but the hatred stayed. “Lies are a peculiar thing. You can try to conceal them, but the more you do, the more the truth becomes clearer.”

With all his might, Walter yanked his arm from her grasp and plummeted to the ground. She dissipated as an unsettling mist fell to the earth.

After hurrying to his feet, he massaged his neck, staring at the Blackthorne house. This place ain’t for the weak-minded, he reminded himself.

A howling March wind echoed through the surrounding woodlands as voices of the past filled the air. Walter trudged up the stairs to the mouth of the beast.

Uncertainty transfixed him at the vivid red door as his body shuddered with horror before pushing it open. His nose wrinkled as a wretched stench leaked out, almost gagging him. In the doorway, he replayed the appalling and intolerable horrors from the Blackthorne murders, which he hoped to forget soon. Undaunted, he went ahead through the archway into the unknown, prepared to appease Joseph Blackthorne’s last wishes.

Blood sloshed under his feet as an industrial-size mop struggled to absorb the remnants of Joseph and his wife, Francis.

Walter laid two unzipped body bags on the floor. First, he dragged Francis’s body across the floor as her hair left a trail of blood. Once at the body bag, he put her feet in, crossed her arms on her chest, and zipped it up. Next, Walter—with a morose expression—gripped Joseph by the ankles and dragged him over to the next body bag. He tucked him in and crossed his arms on his chest. His eyes pooled as a tear dropped on Joseph’s cheek.

Joseph’s hands were rigid and cold. “I’m goin’ to miss ya old friend,” Walter said in a sepulchral tone.

The cadaver grasped Walter’s hand as he tried wrestling it away. A voice echoed in front of him and then behind him. But instantaneously, the unintelligible sound came from every direction, getting closer, louder, and frantic. “Help me, Walter. I am trapped. We’re all trapped.” A chilling presence passed through his body, leaving his fingertips and toes numb as the cadaver released its grip.

Walter’s heart pounded against his rib cage while struggling to breathe. His body at once shook. He went to zip up the body bag but realized the zipper was already at the top.

Walter fell backward on his ass. “Was it zipped up the whole time?” he asked himself. “Did anything even grab me?”

He drew his knees to his chest and rocked. Nothing grabbed me, he thought repeatedly.


Meanwhile, a stone throws away, Robert Thompson—a childhood friend of Walter—pulled up to the house. He leaned over the steering wheel and gazed up at its roof’s crooked lines against the drab sky. The place unnerved and freaked him out. As much as he wanted to leave forever, a darkness in the pit of his stomach told him one thing. He would be back.

Unwilling to move, it took an act of a moral force to lift his foot on the bottom stair leading to the front door. To continue up the stairs, it took a higher power, God.


A knock on the door jamb startled Walter. He wheeled around, “Robert, you scared the bejesus out of me.” He scurried to Robert, patting his face. “Is that you?”

Robert removed Walter’s hands from his face. “Yeah, buddy. I am here. You do not look so good. How are you holding up?”

“All right, I guess. I am worryin’ about Elliott and his psyche. Blackwater rips apart people with sound minds.”

“Where is Elliott?”

Walter pulled out a rag, wiping the sweat from his brow. “Elliott is stayin’ with some friends until I can make things normal again, or at least the new normal.”

“Walter, where’s another mop so that I can pitch in?”

“Sorry, I only have one, but you can grab that bucket of soap water and a sponge to clean the blood off the wall.”

Robert picked up the bucket and walked over to the wall. He set the pail down while reading the wall in his head. Bobbie did it. Instead of asking any questions, he dipped the sponge in the soapy water and scrubbed away.

Walter dumped the blood-stained water in the kitchen sink and refilled the mop bucket with clean water. He rinsed the mop before returning to cleaning the floor.

Robert pulled out a chair and sat down. “I’m done. Someone needs to paint because the blood discolored the wall,” he said while shuffling through a pile of drawings on the table.

“I’ll have to get some paint. Did ya buy the lumber?” Walter asked.

“Yeah, I got twenty sheets of plywood in my truck.”

“That should be enough for now.”

“Walter, did you see any of these drawings?”


“You need to see this drawing.”

Walter leaned the mop against the wall and walked over to Elliott. “What do ya want to show me?”

Robert held up a piece of paper. “Is this the Blackthorne house?”

“I reckon. Why?”

“There are bodies under the house with an ‘X’ for each eye. Are they dead?”

Annoyance took control of Walter’s voice. “Hell, I don’t know. A kid’s imagination can run wild.” A fake smile masked his frustration.

Robert tossed the drawing on the table. “I just find this one strange.”

“Whenever Elliott gets back, I’ll ask him. Now, can you stop all this poppycock so that I can get back to work?”

Robert stared at the next sketch in awe. It showed the water well with a blueish beam reaching to the heavens. “Sure.”

“Whenever you are ready, I can use some fresh air, and we can stage the wood by the windows. This house can twist your psyche until getting what it wants.”

“No arguments from me. This place freaks me out.” His eyes bounced around the room as he scratched his head. On the way to the door, a voice entered his head, saying, “You are welcome back anytime.” He turned towards Walter, befuddled. “Did you say something?”

“No, why?”

“Never mind, I’ll meet you at my truck,” Robert said before leaving abruptly.

Walter watched Robert darting out the front door understanding it was a privilege leaving this house. People assumed Blackwater was the netherworld, but it was no closer to the nethermost of Hell than the pearly gates of Heaven.

Although his mind was unstable, Walter suddenly understood the darkness of Blackwater. He would never fall victim to the perpetual horror of this house. It could never betray him again.

Because this home was not for a family but a stockpile for the dead, a charnel house. And Walter would feed it plenty.

Bruce Knapp
Bruce Knapp shared an update on Noxiousover 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
Noxious is on sale for 99 cents from Sept 16-23, 2020. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B089FRVSSZ


Bruce Knapp@leehall I'm thankful for the time and effort you put into a well-crafted review of Noxious. I like how you mentioned Nyx: In Haunting of the Blackthorne House—the first book of the series—Nyx was hung when a township blamed the local coven for using witchcraft for the freeze of 1896, destroying the town's cotton. She was the apparition that tormented Joseph Blackthorne but was never mentioned by name.  In Noxious, Nyx is at it again as a vapor, which is an apparition specializing in mental manipulation. It can take the transparency form of a human body, but it evaporates as soon as anyone touches it with any force. Will Nyx be wreaking havoc in the third book? This was a 'The More You Know' moment :) Thanks again.
over 4 years ago
Lee HallInteresting, looking forward to seeing more in the series!
over 4 years ago
Bruce KnappThanks for the upvotes. If anyone has any questions, fire away.
over 4 years ago
About the author

Bruce Knapp grew up in the Jacksonville, FL area. Now he lives in Tampa and after years as a software developer pursues his passion for writing. Join him on this journey into the unknown. view profile

Published on August 12, 2020

40000 words

Contains mild explicit content ⚠️


Reviewed by