When I step inside my crafty daughter's room, more often than naught, I walk into an avalanche of ribbons, buttons, pipe cleaners, pom-poms, scraps of paper, markers, and so on. Like Necky's the dinosaur's parents, I ask her to clean up. I tell her to put everything in its proper place and throw out the junk. My daughter's response resembles Neck's—"There is not one bit of junk to throw away." She also tells me, every single time, that everything is already in its proper place. She knows where everything is at. I can see many parents nodding in agreement; they've heard this reply more than once.
My daughter always has "a plan" to tidy up her room, which means enlisting her dad for help —just like Nicky did.
Besides being a big fan of dinosaurs, my child enjoyed this story because she too (quite often) makes something out of nothing.
There is a saying, One man's junk is another man's treasure. This applies to my daughter and Necky.
If your child is crafty, a problem-solver, or simply likes dinosaurs, I encourage you to purchase a copy of Necky the Fix-it Kid, written and illustrated by Frances Vellutini. If they enjoy this story, buy the whole series!
Amazon Reading age: 4-8 years
Grade level: Preschool - 3