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Several themes are covered here: love, race are among them. Some parts are more successful than others.


More Than That is a compilation of poetry exploring various themes including faith, love, sex and racial tensions. The pieces are styled with a heavy emphasis on syllable placement, rhythm and rhyme scheme. Few pieces break from this norm. The author spends most of the book on musings and inner monologue, while relationship stands out as his main focus. Each chapter is introduced with a bite sized piece of poetry or two, that may or may not be related to the chapter that unfolds. More Than That breaks from the trends of hipster poetry, in hopes of offering more to the reader.

The poet establishes a rhythm early on and sticks with it throughout the entire book. The consistency however leads to a monotony since a pervasive sameness sets in as one keeps reading. And that is a shame because the themes are important. To me, the most interesting section was on race.

"Black man making history, recovering from trauma

Tryna be the husband, honestly, he's never seen his mama with..."

A promising beginning, and as the story is told, readers are interested. However here as in other sections the language lacks poetic language. While this inner monologue attempts to be true to a person's thoughts, a little goes a long way. The reader thinks, "I get the point, but show me some beautiful language!" Flashes of it are there, but not enough.

The poet does have promise and can expand on his thoughts. That being said I return to the theme of poetic language. Too often these days I see words in some semblance of poetic line or spacing, and occasionally am asked my opinion of the poetry. Usually, I have to say that this is not poetry. That is not the case here, since the rhythm is what saves this book from being merely an attempt to create poetry. But there must be something more.

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Poet/writer with four books and two in collaboration with artist Carol Worthington-Levy. My first novel, "The Botleys of Beaumont County" appeared on Blurb in 2020 Literary fiction piece set in the Southeastern USA around 2008. https://reedsy.com/discovery/user/arthurturfa/submissions


More Than That is a compilation of poetry exploring various themes including faith, love, sex and racial tensions. The pieces are styled with a heavy emphasis on syllable placement, rhythm and rhyme scheme. Few pieces break from this norm. The author spends most of the book on musings and inner monologue, while relationship stands out as his main focus. Each chapter is introduced with a bite sized piece of poetry or two, that may or may not be related to the chapter that unfolds. More Than That breaks from the trends of hipster poetry, in hopes of offering more to the reader.

True and Dream


I’d speak to you in melodies

I’ve written into treasuries

To flood the banks of memory

If ever you’d forget me. 


If daily smiles elude you 

Then I’ll come to the conclusion

You and I need closer hugs 

Until those hugs become a fusion. 


Drawn to her beauty, so I draw it in ink

Mimic her curves with my cursive

Pen her superlatives perfect as I know how to 

Sense her hurting sincerely 

I wish to carry her burden 

and bring her yearnings she yearns for 

so freely without her earning 

I was reminded of strength I had heard of but never seen

She so keenly embodies Royal, this humble, elegant Queen

How’d I ever approach her majesty?

Brilliance caused hesitation

Her presence demanded bowing

Her spirit gave elevation 

I thank the Father that formed her for genius in his creation

She’s art for artists 

Her story so worthy of illustration 

A ray of light to my retina

and pottery to my pupils

Chamomile to my worries

as I await their removal 

Invited her to the altar 

quite eager for her approval

Exchanged a symbol of love 

that was custom fit like a glove

A couple like pen and page 

that this poetry lives on

recording memorable moments

all lyrically as they’re drawn


I’ve always loved your penmanship

your beautyscript

You’ve always kept it neat and fit

your grammar clicks

there’s never need to edit it

Especially when you write to me

and constantly

spell love with an apostrophe 

to show that there is more there than is writable 

In spite of all the words you spell

the things they tell embezzle all my sense and well

I’m not one obsessed with spelling if it rings a bell

I spell love l-u-v

You really couldn’t blame me 

if absurd and worded crazy

it’s a word you’ve worded beautifully

it truly is an art

how you show me love through

ink and sheets and punctuation marks

How you take your time to fold with crease

and envelope your heart to me

with plenty quotes of secrets you deliver

And honestly, when I receive

overjoyed and overthrowing modesty

your love is overwhelming and I shiver

My heart gets steady coursing through a page

when your syllables engage

felt residuals continuous for days

In Love with a Dream

And so it happened, and who knew I’d fall in love with a dream? 

So much beauty in a person makes the eyes start to gleam

As yours do

And in fact 

you have your own kind of shine

Simple perfection to be envied in both body and mind

A glow of stars and, most importantly, the light of my world

Do I thank destiny or luck that I can call you my girl? 

Please do say destiny, as luck can turn its back anytime

whereas destiny assures me that you’re meant to be mine 

And love is tricky too, but truly I don’t say it in vain 

I love you as I love this crazy world through sunshine or rain

I thank the sky for time with you,

our time is precious indeed 

Sometimes I feel my time with you is really all that I need

I value it so much cause I feel It’s too good to be true

I rush my time with other things so I can slow it with you. 

Sometimes I dream of you and wake to find I’m still in a dream 

Fantasy finds my reality and steals it, it seems 

But I’m happy in this life it has created for me 

So I dare not try to fight it; hence, I just let it be 

Heavenly angel, golden halo, still you fly without wings 

I thank my God for you, my gift, and hold you high among things 

I take a breath of fresh serenity; you calm me inside 

Together we’re a prime number that no one can divide 

And you are beautiful—I swear it by the way your eyes gleam

The feeling’s mutual and true; I fell in love with a dream 

Cradled by the moon

Envisioned you in burgundy

Embraced in arms

Embraced by me

And time gets slow

Our bodies glow

While cradled by the moon

Our bodies fit in perfect jigsaw fashion 

As we view and share our passions

And our eyes get hazy

Cradled by the moon

Our figures silhouetted by the flame

while sheets and fire heat our frame

Stillness like pictures framed

And cradled by the moon.

I whisper to you “Lady”

That’s the name I call my baby

As you whisper to me “Tony”

While we’re cradled by the moon

Envision you embraced

my arms clasped snug around your waist 

We cannot fall but just in case

I hold you 

Cradled by the moon

More Than That

I never thought that I could ever feel so far above

and so much deeper and much further complicated than love

And so much stronger, so much weaker

when it takes control

I’m overpowered when it plays its role

And it’s not like I don’t try to keep it locked inside

because I do I give the rules, it just doesn’t abide

And I try to ignore it but I can’t neglect

the more I try to hide the more it projects

The feeling I describe is unlabeled by words

and if it is, it’s not a word that I’ve ever heard

So I say “I love you” and wish to take it back

because it’s not love—it’s more than that

And the hugs that you give, they just make it worse

It’s like a double-edged knife. I’m so blessed, so cursed

And I let it cut through when I don’t think I should

but still I wouldn’t stop it if I could

Because the feeling overall is just so amplified

and I can’t find a word to share it so I feel deprived

of a way to show you how I really feel for you

and “love” doesn’t work for me It’s not enough for you

But then again, I think it’s best not to have a word

Cause people say “love” so much that it’s lost its worth

So I say, “I love you” and wish to take it back

because it’s not “love”—it’s more than that. 

True and Dream

It’s casual you’d find me 

in this state of True and Dream

where I often spend my time and mind on you 

and us I mean.

Forever in this state 

with no desire to awaken from surreality

If so, my heart is captive in this place

Unmoving, yet so moved by you

so in you it’s an interview

of images and visuals

of us one individual

so, naturally, decisions to

just love you unconditional

build comfort and run rampant in my mind

It’s natural to find me in this state of mine

restrained in signs

this love is of divinity and heavenly design

We know it in our deepest heart

and feel it in our spirit

and that pounding in our chest—

trust I know music when I hear it.

I won’t lose it

I’m so near it 

that I’m in it

and I’m it

And my soul can hold no secrets

I confess and I admit

It’s casual you’d find me with our loving candle lit

because this flame cannot burn out in True and Dream.


You’ve halted my mundane 

like Amazonian sweet rain

to fertile crescents from deserts

we flourish like evergreens

I’ve been undone, but

we’re fastened together. 

Stunned, I’ve insisted on losing senses

can’t help the feeling I’ve won

All enveloped in embrace

while my heart is giving you chase

I’ve been tangled in you like laces

to keep my footing in place

honeysuckle, your lips

natural sweeteners to the taste.

My heart is skipping a beat

with the rhythm that you replace

Long-standing love in a vase

knees unbuckled and feeling safe

I envision you in my memory’s

corridor that I trace

Unrivaled beauty in bridal wear

my desires inspired 

Your laugh is ever infectious

Give all the love you require

I love you deeply 

I whisper these nothings 

ever so sweetly

I’m walking into your future

where you’ve desired to keep me

And we’ll never be departed 

I’ll tend the fruits in your garden 

I’ll nourish you at the roots

so we both can cherish the harvest

In unpredictable hardships

I’ll steer you clear of the harshest 

hurricane heavy rains

or the stormiest of the nonsense

Securing you with my finger tips

safety inside my hands

and we will abide forever

inside a spacious romance.

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About the author

Poetry has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. It was a passion mostly inspired by music that steadily became influenced by school aged literature. I have attempted to bring a rhythm back as a defining element of what caused me to fall in love with poetry at the first. view profile

Published on February 09, 2021

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10000 words

Contains mild explicit content ⚠️

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