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Trek alongside Detective Lance Marshall as a brutal murderer sets out to cause chaos and destruction in Marshall Law by Paul Kilmartin.


A young woman is found brutally murdered inside of a Park.

She dies, in an area, that is surrounded by suspects. But with no apparent motive for her brutal slaying.

Detective Lance Marshall investigates. He has a history of investigating other cops, so he might not expect too much help. Fortunately, he has the help of three other Detectives, who need a break of their own, led by the enigmatic Lindsay Dawn.

A brutal serial killer with a penchant for extravagant murders.

A Police Chief, and a devious Mayor, both hoping that Detective Lance Marshall slips up.

As the murders continue, can Marshall keep the Police Department from falling apart and stop the killer?


What is the final straw before anyone knows what their breaking point is? After reaching that breaking point, what lengths would you go to for a semblance of normalcy? Everything has limits, but how far we push those limits and how creative the mind is, really has a bearing on the outcome of that person’s life and death. Kilmartin has created an enjoyable serial mystery that is sure to leave the reader hung up until the last few chapters of the book. 

Lance Marshall is the cop who no one likes. Why? Because, Lance Marshall investigates other cops. In this particular case, a woman is murdered in a park with four ways in and four ways out, one of those ways being the police station. Some of the other ways include a church, a medical facility, and a mortuary. With the precision of the stab wounds on the victim’s body, Marshall knows that he is looking for a highly-skilled individual who has surgical, military, or police training. In order to isolate those theories down to one solid lead, he is going to have to become the bad guy again... that’s right, investigating more cops. He has a few decent detectives on his side who want to find the truth and nothing but the truth. Lance knows that will come in handy. When another body is found, the same pattern emerges, but the third body is what blows the murders out of the water. Racing against time—Lance knows that the Chief of Police originally hired him for failure—he must prove not only to himself, but to everyone else in the squad, that he is highly capable of finding the killer going by the book. Even if the killer may be the very entity that has Lance in the hot seat in the first place. 

The first thing that stands out and should be addressed with Marshall Law is the grammatical and spelling issues. While quite poor, this story has the potential to be a great one if the reader can get past this aspect. Unfortunately, the reader shouldn’t have to. We recommend the author allows this story go through one more round of editing and proofreading if he really wants to achieve success with finding more readers. Moving past this recommendation, the characters are a little rough around the edges; however, you definitely get a decent personality descriptiveness about each of the characters within this story. Some more exuberant and exaggerated than others, but the reader can get the drift of which side each character bats for. No one is perfect and everyone has skeletons in their closet, but whose is the worst? The actual pace of the story carries on in a nice way, but again, the reader may find it difficult to find a continual flow with all of the grammatical and spelling hindrances. If you are a reader of murder mysteries, crime thrillers and police procedure, you may want to read this one. It is unclear whether this will be the first installment in a series called the Metro City Murders, but our assumption would be that this additional series title implies that there will be more cases for Lance Marshall to solve. 

An electronic copy of this book was provided to Turning Another Page by Reedsy Discovery and in no way affects the honesty of this review. We provide a three-star rating to Marshall Law by Paul Kilmartin.

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Turning Another Page is a small web-based business, owned and operated out of San Antonio, Texas. Originally created as an official book blog in November 2014, Turning Another Page has successfully grown to encompass services that can be offered to authors worldwide.


A young woman is found brutally murdered inside of a Park.

She dies, in an area, that is surrounded by suspects. But with no apparent motive for her brutal slaying.

Detective Lance Marshall investigates. He has a history of investigating other cops, so he might not expect too much help. Fortunately, he has the help of three other Detectives, who need a break of their own, led by the enigmatic Lindsay Dawn.

A brutal serial killer with a penchant for extravagant murders.

A Police Chief, and a devious Mayor, both hoping that Detective Lance Marshall slips up.

As the murders continue, can Marshall keep the Police Department from falling apart and stop the killer?


Things That Come Out In The Dark


The clear moonlit night sky illuminated the trees and shadows and the little creatures of the small City Park in an almost effervescent glow, as all around the area, things that slept in the daytime, suddenly began to come to life.

The light danced along the crevices and peered down into the burrows of the park's inhabitants. The shadows cast by the small furry animals, who were busily munching the grass, now darted left and right as first the scream and then the crashing noises aggressively descended upon their once quiet home.  

One startled rabbit watched from a nearby bush, as the drama unfolded around him. He weighed up in his little rabbit mind about whether there was a chance to run to his burrow. The rabbit moved back on his rabbit paws as he felt the tremors below him in the earth. Something was coming towards the clearing, in the center of the park.

Suddenly, and with a great crash, a thing came through the trees and bushes and landed in a dense thicket. Leaves and branches exploded outwards from the scene, as the woman jumped straight over the dense foliage. It was as if some wild deer was rushing through the park at two am on this Summers July morning. The sight could not have been more out of place.  

The rabbit turned on its heels and ran for cover as the woman finally landed and then fell through the ditch, her forward momentum taking her two steps after the crash through the foliage. The thud of a thump upon the ground reverberated through the planet and in one scramble for some traction, the fallen person was up again and running.

Her pursuer was grace defined, bounding through the trees, and landing upon the grass like a silent breeze. In a straightforward piece of human agility, a hand had grasped the trunk of a sapling, and propelled the attacker back into that very same stride, away and towards the first assailant.  

The predator gained upon the person like a wolf upon a startled human deer.

The woman got to her feet and tried to run, exhaling some oxygen, and trying to throw away the twigs from the bushes that had caught in her hair. She started to lose control over her breathing and could no longer resist the searing pain in her lungs and chest. She had run as fast as she could, screamed her heart out, and now merely, ran out of puff. She grounded herself in the dirt and panted heavily, while on all fours.

He mumbled, incoherently, as the woman, rifled through pockets and threw her wallet, and then her watch at the maniac.

‘Here, take it all. I don’t have anything else.’ She said.

He walked towards her, more casually now, still mumbling, but with murderous intent.

He grabbed a fist full of hair as he sprang at her, and then threw her face hard into the floor of the grassy park, stunning the young woman into silence.

The brute began to walk, menacingly around the fallen figure, exaggerating his steps and toying with her. He was living on her fear, as she began to choke on her tears.

The shaken, hurt, and distraught young woman began to brace herself for one final scream. She felt an impending death arrive upon her but not without one last fight would she let him complete his murderous act. She looked up, opened her mouth, but then for a moment, lost her voice.

The attacker had kidnapped the young woman, not far from where she now lay so very still. He had brought her to this precise location, before he had simply let her run away, through the park. The bastard, had only one thing on his mind, and that was to kill, but he wanted to make a statement by doing so.

He had slipped on his mask, and now looked through it, at her distressed facial features contorting up at him, and he smiled and realized that she would be his first.  

It would start tonight.

She stared deep into the dull eyes of the cow-face mask, a black and white dairy cow by any other name. The killer stuck his tongue through a tiny slit in the mask, to terrify his victim yet further.

The plastic from the mask reflected a little moonlight on the temples, but also on the six-inch Bowie blade that the attacker held in his hand. Still, her eyes were transfixed on the murderous blood lust from the eyes beneath the mask.

The blade went deep into her left-hand side with a forceful push, filled with effort. He let out a blood-curdling grunt, and then slit her throat. He hurriedly stabbed her fifteen times in rapid succession around the chest and abdomen. The murderer grunted and huffed little breaths from his mouth as he did so.

The young woman lay dying on the grass, and from her porcelain skin upon her face, there sat a single tear, which fell into the pool of blood, and dissolved away. The life ebbed away from her young body and the wildlife came to stir again, and there descended an eerie silence upon the park once more.  

Paul Kilmartin
Paul Kilmartin shared an update on Marshall Law about 5 years ago
about 5 years ago
Good evening my wonderful followers. Apologies for those who have read and felt disappointed with my edit, the book was a joy to write and I feel dejected that my work was not presented as it should be. The second party I used to edit and upload is no longer in my service and a newer edit is now available for download, minus the bugs. Rest assured, I will open my book up to free downloads for the next 5 days, as my way of saying thank you, and I am sorry. Stay tuned for the exciting sequel to Marshall Law. In Reading, to love and cherish. Paul Kilmartin.


About the author

Paul Kilmartin, from Ireland, writer of the acclaimed, Secret of The Lost Key series, which received over 4 thousand nominations on Kindle Scout, and the exciting novella, Run or Die. Explore thrilling scenarios and murder most horrible, in books that have been described as 'pure escapism.' view profile

Published on March 10, 2019

Published by

50000 words

Contains mild explicit content ⚠️

Genre:Mystery & Crime

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