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A riveting new adult fantasy novel blending a mystery about lost Time with a wondrous account of found family.


A forgotten life.

A secret passed through generations.

A dangerous immortal with nothing to lose.

Joan Sanders is on track for a bright future at NASA, but a strange accident and even stranger dreams draw her to the Cardozas, three mysterious siblings with a charming coffee shop, a dark past, and an uncanny knack for knowing things they shouldn’t.

As Joan grows closer to the Cardozas (especially the grumpy, yet charming, older brother), she’s thrown into a world of secrets and magic that challenge everything she believes. And she realizes she may have more in common with them than she thought.

While Joan and the Cardozas race to unravel a centuries-old secret that could destroy time itself, an ancient, heartbroken drifter lurks on the edges of their lives, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

And he may know more about Joan’s past than she does.

In this funny and mesmerizing first installment of the Keepers of Time trilogy, M. N. Kinch weaves a magical story of romance and found family, with unforgettable characters you’ll love from the very first page.

The homey scents of espresso and fresh-baked bread greet your nose as you pass under the working clock and through the entrance to the Clockwork Cafe and Bakery. There you find yourself at the very heart of this novel, where petite Gabby, her dark eyes sparkling, takes your order and pauses at the register, mesmerized by the feel of old coins in her hand. Tall Joan, the astrophysics masters student who fell in love with the stars, bends her blonde pixie cut over the espresso machine, analyzing surface tension and the relative densities of milk and coffee as she pours your latte. Silver-haired, light-eyed Luna drifts silently among the tables as if in a dream, appearing out of nowhere to retrieve your empty cup. (“Oh god. Hi, Luna,” one character responds. “We might need to stick a bell on you.”

Thiago, waving dark hair pulled back in a bun, creates endless, gourmet variations on his muffin recipe and methodically triple-checks the lock after the last customer leaves for the night. He has reason to be meticulous, and his grumpy exterior hides a constant vigilance as he strives to protect his sisters from their parents’ fate—and from themselves, from the powers they inexplicably inherited. He doesn’t let anyone past his defenses… until Joan.

The book is narrated in the present tense, which I find an interesting choice for a story that concerns the chronological flow of Time. A real page turner, it still maintains a lovely, fluid sense of time, staying grounded in the little things. The real magic in this novel is in Kinch’s depictions of humanity in the daily details of ordinary life:

Sometimes he steps out of the cafe during the afternoon lull and returns with small paper bags from obscure stores and excitedly pulls out tiny jars of ingredients I’ve never heard of, like a child lovingly showing off each of his new toys. Vanilla bean paste. Black garlic. Whole nutmeg like tiny stones. Curls of fresh cinnamon. Strange fruits that smell of other worlds.

A few minor anomalies bothered me. A character with a broken wrist plays the piano, despite the cast, for over an hour. Doable, perhaps, but my wrist was aching at the thought. There is reference to a character falling “into the night” in a place where it is always day. And caveat lector: the romance is very sweet, but also spicy. While not overly graphic, it’s like one of those TV-14 shows your teen is so not ready to see. Throw in a detailed torture scene, and the intensity ratchets higher.

Keepers of Time ends on a cliff, literally and metaphorically, and our new friends are not in a good place. The offered sneak peek of Book 2 provides a modicum of closure, but readers will be impatient to read more!

Reviewed by

Kit is an author, martial artist, linguist, fitness instructor, homeschooling mom, and crocheter of elephants. While she likes a good story, she loves great writing. Fav authors include Patricia A. McKillip, Robin McKinley, Amor Towles and Jane Austen. Kit's novel The Gatherer released Feb 7, 2024.


A forgotten life.

A secret passed through generations.

A dangerous immortal with nothing to lose.

Joan Sanders is on track for a bright future at NASA, but a strange accident and even stranger dreams draw her to the Cardozas, three mysterious siblings with a charming coffee shop, a dark past, and an uncanny knack for knowing things they shouldn’t.

As Joan grows closer to the Cardozas (especially the grumpy, yet charming, older brother), she’s thrown into a world of secrets and magic that challenge everything she believes. And she realizes she may have more in common with them than she thought.

While Joan and the Cardozas race to unravel a centuries-old secret that could destroy time itself, an ancient, heartbroken drifter lurks on the edges of their lives, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

And he may know more about Joan’s past than she does.

In this funny and mesmerizing first installment of the Keepers of Time trilogy, M. N. Kinch weaves a magical story of romance and found family, with unforgettable characters you’ll love from the very first page.


Streetlights reflect off the wet pavement, casting glowing stripes of yellow and blue over the road and sidewalk. I jog through the rain, awkwardly clutching my bag under my coat to prevent water from dripping inside and hurting my computer with my precious term projects and internship application on it. No stupid storm will put my master’s degree or a summer internship at NASA in jeopardy.

I reach the Clockwork Cafe and Bakery, the place my roommate, Nisha, recommended. I’ve never been here before, but I need a change of scenery. Something outside of the MIT campus, outside of Cambridge and the typical student cafes full of stressed-out undergrads cramming for finals, where that mood of last-minute panic permeates the air like a gas leak.

So I took a quick bus ride over the river to this quiet street in Back Bay. Sandwiched between a tiny health food store and a bookshop that closes at five p.m., the cafe’s wooden sign juts out from the tall brick building, dangling under a working clock. I smell fresh bread and espresso the moment someone opens the door to leave. I grab the door to step inside, push my hood off, and pat my blond pixie cut so I don’t get hedgehog hair. I can already feel tufts sticking out on the back and top. I probably look as frazzled as I feel.

A few people sit at the mismatched tables. A skinny dude with giant glasses and a scruffy beard working on a laptop. Two people about my age on what looks like an awkward first date. Some others I don’t bother to look at. Antique odds and ends clutter the shelves on the walls: books, toys, teapots, old clocks set to different times. High on the wall behind the register hangs a menu board listing teas and espresso drinks in artistic chalk lettering, accompanied by drawings of coffee mugs and tea bags. Below that, floating shelves of glass jars contain different types of loose tea. Baskets of rolls and muffins under a plastic shield line the counter, separating the seating area from the kitchen. Mumbling voices mingle with the clinking of cups on saucers, spoons in mugs.

Behind the counter is the kitchen—a bright, open room where a tall, slim man with his dark hair in a bun kneads a giant wad of dough. He looks to be in his late twenties or maybe even early thirties. The lines in his forehead and around his eyes don’t completely fade when he relaxes his face. His eyebrows knit together, dark eyes glaring as he scans the room.

“Where the hell is Luna?” he says to a petite young woman with chin-length dark hair.

“Probably out watching the rain,” the girl says in a dainty, musical voice. She leans against the counter behind him, turning a pink china teacup over in her hand.

The man curses and punches the dough, leaving a fist-shaped indentation. His olive complexion and eyes look just like the girl’s. I wonder if they’re siblings.

“Just clear the tables, that’s all I ask,” he grumbles before noticing me. His eyes widen briefly. “Gabby, help her!” he hisses at the girl, jabbing his finger in my direction before turning and storming out the door at the back of the kitchen.

“Oh,” Gabby says, looking at me for the first time. A tiny gold star on a chain sparkles in the V-neck of her slightly faded pinstripe dress. Her fine features light up with surprise, like she had no idea there was anyone else in the room. Putting her teacup down, she steps up to the register. “What would you like?” she asks, eyes sparkling.

I scan the menu and rows of tea, debating whether I need a big or small hit of caffeine. “Um, Earl Grey and a lemon scone, please. To stay.” Small hit. At least to start.

Gabby presses a few keys on the register. I’ve counted out exact change and drop the coins in her extended hand. The drawer pops open, but instead of depositing the coins right away, she examines each one before plinking it in the correct slot.

“Oh, this one was minted in 1963,” she says, inspecting one of the quarters. “That’s quite old for a quarter.”

What the actual hell?

She drops it into the register, now scrutinizing a penny. “Oh! This is from the seventies, so it’s real copper. Did you know modern pennies are just zinc with a copper coating?”

“I think I’ve heard that, yeah.” I look behind me to make sure a line isn’t building up. It isn’t.

“I’ll start your tea,” Gabby finally says, smiling at me. I nod, then grab a plate from the stack, select the biggest scone in the basket, and pick one of the smaller tables to set up my computer.

“I can do this,” I whisper to myself as I open my laptop. I click the file A New Age of Space Travel: Possibilities for Exploration Beyond Mars,” by Joan Sanders. I’m supposed to present this project to a panel of NASA reps tomorrow morning, and I’m nowhere near finished. This project is kicking my ass.

It’s not like me to leave something to the last minute, but this project has freaked me out from the beginning. After all, I’m only a first-year master’s student competing against doctoral candidates with IQs higher than the number on my student loan statement. But that summer internship has my name on it. I knew it the second I saw the announcement on my advisor’s door, still warm from the printer.

I need something that’ll stand out. If there’s anything that’s shocked me about MIT, it’s how much I don’t stand out. I sailed through my undergrad, picking everything up easily, but grad school is different. MIT is different. This is where the big kids play. And I’m only finishing up the first semester of my master’s program in astrophysics.

I take a deep breath and put my fingers to the keys.

Typing sentence by labored sentence, I nibble at my scone as I flip through my notes. I startle slightly when a pair of hands places a mug of steaming tea on my table, a woman’s hands with the same olive skin as the two people behind the counter. I assume it was the girl who was making my tea.

“Oh,” I gasp. “Thank you…” I look up and forget what I was about to say.

It’s a different girl, mid-twenties maybe, perhaps a year or two younger than me, dripping wet, with silvery hair that falls just past her shoulders. She wears a soaked blue apron over a sleeveless flowered dress that’s thin and faded. How is she not freezing? Her lips part slightly, giving her a dazed look. My breath catches in my throat. She has the lightest blue eyes I’ve ever seen, almost the pale silver color of her hair. They stand out like shining stars against her olive skin. At first I wonder if she’s blind, but her eyes focus on me for a split second and she smiles softly before her pupils slide away from mine, looking right past me. Through me. Without a word, the girl turns and drifts away, arms limp at her sides, dripping a trail of water behind her.

This must be Luna, the girl the guy was so grumpy about. I shrug it off and get back to work, taking my time with the tea and scone. The scone is amazing. I look up at the guy in the kitchen, who’s wiping down the counters, wondering if he bakes all the cafe’s pastries and if they’re all as good as this. I could eat here every day.

Gabby, the girl from the register, carries a stack of trays past him and says something that makes him roll his eyes, but he smiles. The corners of his dark eyes crinkle. He hasn’t had a shave in a while and his nose is a little pointy, but the effect isn’t at all unpleasant.

Stop getting distracted, Joan. Work. NASA. Move it.

I drop my eyes back to my screen and drag out another sentence. My silver charm bracelet clinks on the keyboard, the tiny sun, moon, star, and rocket charms tinkling as I type.

Eventually, I’m the only one left in the cafe. I’m not sure what time they close, but I get the feeling I should pack up. I finish the last sip of now-cold tea, leaving the dregs in the bottom, before closing my laptop and slipping it into my bag.

When I straighten, my heart jumps into my throat. The silver-haired girl stands by my table, holding my plate and empty mug.

“Holy sh—” I exclaim, then stop myself. I hadn’t even heard her coming. This girl has a gift for sneaking up on people. “Um, thank you,” I mumble, shrugging into my coat and swinging my computer bag over my shoulder. She doesn’t answer, but stares down into my mug, frowning. Suddenly, I’m very uncomfortable.

“Thanks,” I say again. I stand and move around her to get to the door. I look back just before I step outside. This time, she looks straight at me, eyes wide, gripping the mug so hard her knuckles are white. My stomach churns. I yank on my hood and step into the rain.

Shivering in my coat, I stride down the street to the bus stop, wishing I’d brought gloves. It’s almost May. Shouldn’t it be warming up soon? I reach into my pocket for my bus pass when I hear the screech of car tires behind me.

I don’t have time to turn or scream.

Then, someone slams into me from behind, knocking the wind out of me. We fall to the pavement. Sharp pain shears up my arm, palms, knee, and the side of my face as the sidewalk shaves off my skin. My left wrist snaps and I cry out. Behind me, I hear a crash, the crunch of metal on stone. Rubble rains down on us.

Then, the world is still.

The person on top of me breathes hard. I finally take a gasping inhale. Oddly, I catch a whiff of fresh bread.

“Ow…” I wheeze, too shocked to say anything else.

The person who pushed me scrambles up. “Are you alright?” says a man’s voice.

I hiss through my teeth as I roll over, cradling my wrist. A face swims into focus above me—dark hair, cheeks and chin covered in stubble, brown eyes wide with concern. It’s the guy from the cafe, still in his white apron. He offers a hand, which I take.

He helps me to my feet. My face and palms sting, but my wrist throbs with white-hot pain. I take a deep breath, pinching my eyes shut.

“You’re bleeding,” Cafe Guy says, reaching back to untie his apron. He pulls the strap over his head and hands it to me. “Here, use the clean side for your face.” He looks grimly over my shoulder.

I turn to see a black Mercedes, half buried in the window of a brownstone boutique. Shattered glass and chunks of brick litter the pavement. A streetlamp flickers above us, illuminating the wisp of steam curling from the front of the car.

A person slumps in the front seat, still.

Cafe Guy approaches the car and I limp along beside him, apron dangling from my hand. “Sir?” I choke as we reach the driver’s window.

It’s a thin, sandy-haired man in his early twenties, wearing a baseball cap and flannel shirt. He doesn’t stir.

“He’s not moving,” I tell Cafe Guy, scrambling for my cell phone with my good hand. “We need an ambulance.” I pat my pockets, but I can’t find my phone. It must have come out of my pocket when I fell.

“I’m on it,” he says. He pulls out a phone, and his voice fades in my ears as he talks to an operator.

“Sir?” I say again. I touch the driver’s shoulder and wiggle it. The man falls limply to the side, light eyes blank and glassy.

“Oh, god.”

Cafe Guy hangs up the phone. “They’ll be here in five minutes…” His voice trails off as his eyes fall on the man in the car.

I crouch, the impact of the last few minutes finally hitting me. I feel sick and dizzy. Pain blooms in my wrist and I feel it start to swell. I shut my eyes tight, but I still see the man’s dead, flat eyes.

A hand grips my shoulder. “Come sit down,” Cafe Guy offers. My eyes well with tears of pain and shock. I allow him to guide me to a bench in front of one of the stores a few doors down, where I can’t see the man in the car. People across the street stop and stare, whispering to each other. Sirens scream in the distance. My vision swims.

Through the yellowish haze of my sight, I see two figures running toward us—one small and dark-haired, carrying something, and the other taller with silver hair, a step behind her. The girls from the cafe, Gabby and Luna.

“Here,” Gabby says, wrapping a blanket around my shoulders.

I’m too nauseous and tired to protest. Luna drapes another blanket over my lap, blank eyes staring straight ahead. I close my eyes.

“Help’s coming,” Cafe Guy says.

“The driver…”

“We can’t do anything for him. The EMTs will take care of it.”

I do my best to curl into a ball, letting my head droop until my chin touches my chest. I want to thank him, but I can’t think straight.

“I’m Thiago,” he says. “Thiago Cardoza. And these are my sisters, Gabby and Luna.” I look up at him and he smiles tightly, like he’s not used to smiling. I smile back, or try to.

“Joan,” I respond. Dizziness overtakes me and I squeeze my eyes shut. Through my eyelids, I see flashing blue and red lights approaching from down the street. 

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M. N. KinchThank you for your review! I'm so glad you enjoyed it!
12 months ago
M. N. KinchHey everyone! I just wanted to hop on here and introduce myself! My name's McKella, but I write under the name M. N. Kinch. Keepers of Time is my second novel. The first is called The Goblin's Daughter, which is a YA/NA paranormal fantasy published under the name M. K. Sawyer. I've always been a reader and a writer. I love fantasy, sci-fi, horror, contemporary fiction, and poetry, and I tend to blend all of those elements into my novels. The Keepers of Time Trilogy features some of my favorite obsessions and fantasy tropes such as psychic abilities, time travel, immortality, cults, magic and the magic of writing and music, travel, and love that transcends time. I put so much heart into this story, and I think the underlying message is that no matter how badly we mess things up, no matter how bleak life gets, no matter how messy our situation appears, we can start over and come back stronger. When I'm not writing, I love to read, travel, ride horses, paint, and read. Some of my favorite books lately have been Starling House by Alix E. Harrow (she is writing goals), The Fragile Threads of Power by V. E. Schwab, and Piranesi by Susanna Clarke. I hope you enjoy Keepers of Time! Feel free to ask questions, make comments, whatever. I'd love to chat! (I'm also always open to book recommendations.)
11 months ago
Adnan KhanThe review of *Keepers of Time* by M. N. Kinch on Reedsy Discovery praises the book as a riveting new adult fantasy blending mystery and magic. The story follows Joan Sanders, a NASA hopeful, who is drawn into a world of secrets and enchantment with the mysterious Cardoza siblings. The reviewer highlights the novel's engaging characters, fluid sense of time, and vivid depictions of daily life, though notes some minor inconsistencies and intense scenes. The book is described as a page-turner with a cliffhanger ending.
10 months ago
Romak RahamanAn intriguingly riveting novel, Keepers of Time unfolds the complexity of issues with time, history, and human nature. It concentrates on a series of characters called "Keepers" whose job it is to keep the timelines of multiple parallel worlds straight. And with each one of them who is faced with trials and unintended side effects, he has to handle ethical concerns of free will, predestination, and the cost of tampering with history. All these key characters-the wise and conflicted leader Selene, the curious novice Kai, and the enigmatic rogue Keeper, Jaxon-bring a unique perspective into the story, challenging the reader to think of personal sacrifices that can ensure reality. One of the book's most compelling themes is the moral ambiguity surrounding the Keepers' roles. The author raises thought-provoking questions: Can we justify erasing certain events to "correct" the future? And what right do these Keepers have to decide which paths deserve preservation? Through the characters' internal conflicts, the novel explores the tension between personal autonomy and the greater good, making the reader contemplate the boundaries of power and responsibility. The storytelling is a mix of strengths and minor weaknesses by the author. On one hand, world-building is really imaginative and careful; every scene feels alive, and lore about the Keepers seems well-planned and has a very rich backdrop to the journeys of characters. However, the overloading of details sometimes kills the pacing at times, especially in early chapters that are a little overwhelming. Nevertheless, once the story gains momentum, it becomes a riveting experience. Personally, the novel touched me by challenging my understanding of fate and choice. The emphasis that the narrative places on the weight of one's actions has left a lasting impression, especially as the characters confront the costs of their decisions. I would highly recommend Keepers of Time to morally complex science fiction and fantasy readers with philosophical undertones. It requires patience upfront, but the payoff is so very worth it for interested people in stories that push readers deep into thinking about the existence of things and the retribution of altering history.
5 months ago
Yash AryaM. N. Kinch's "Keepers of Time" is the first book in the "Keepers of Time" series, which combines time travel, romance, and urban fantasy. Joan Sanders, a future NASA scientist, is at the heart of the story. After a near-fatal accident, her life takes an unexpected turn. She meets the Cardoza siblings as a result of this occurrence; they own a charming coffee shop and have mysterious secrets. Their names are Thiago, Gabby, and Luna. As Joan and the Cardozas become intertwined, she discovers a secret realm of magic and timekeeping and faces obstacles that have the potential to change time itself. The work has received accolades from readers for its intriguing plot and original idea. Many have found resonance in the combination of a slow-burning romance and the found family theme. One reviewer wrote, "Amazing found family and a wonderful story."
3 months ago
Kakamimi 20This novel is really cool, I want to read it again, you have to read this novel okay... you will feel what the novel tells.
about 2 months ago
Jean Bai, MDHello, my book, Parenting the Crisis Generation, is now live on Reedsy. Please upvote my book if you like it. https://reedsy.com/discovery/book/parenting-the-crisis-generation-jean-bai-md#review
24 days ago
About the author

M. N. Kinch is the author of The Goblin’s Daughter (as M. K. Sawyer) and the Keepers of Time trilogy. She’s been writing stories since elementary school, often staying in from recess to sit in the school library and write. M. lives in Utah. view profile

Published on May 07, 2024

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90000 words

Contains mild explicit content ⚠️

Worked with a Reedsy professional 🏆


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