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Not for me 😔

This was a generally exciting read, but I had some trouble staying engaged with the protagonist's struggle to overcome her own trauma.


How Wonder Woman Became a Smuggler is an adventure-fueled tale of a child coming of age in the midst of domestic violence to become an outlaw.

It is a 60,000-word autobiography spanning several genres including True Crime, Family Sagas, Coming of Age, Domestic Violence, and literary non-fiction.

The story begins with the heroine, LENY (6), an abused child, who is saved by her dog Blackie during a home invasion. At age seven, Leny witnesses her father rape her sister CINDY (9).

As a child who imagines herself as a hero, either Wonder Woman or a Nun, Leny blames herself for not being able to rescue her sister.

From childhood on she struggles to regain her self-esteem by being an overachiever. She marries the first boy she has sex with who controls her as a battered wife and mother for seven years.

To escape her husband, she becomes mistress to a kingpin gambling figure for protection while filing for divorce. She embraces a black-market lifestyle.

Many riveting adventures later, she ends up in Key West Florida, leading the free life of a lady pirate.

The narrative fearlessly exposes fresh truths about generational dysfunction and journals the path to self-awareness and healing.

I picked this up looking for a different read than usual, and it was definitely a change to my general nonfiction books. Like I said in my preview, though, I had some difficulty with understanding how the main character (and those around her) overcame trauma. I will say that I probably would not have started this had I known the background to what absurd event would happen with the protagonist during her childhood, but it definitely makes for a crazy origin story. It was also frustrating seeing her weakness when it came to manipulative and toxic men, though I know the statistics to these trends prove to be generally true. I do wish that there was some more care put into her healing and reckoning, but that was the main part of the book that was difficult to digest for me.

That aside, there are significant pieces of advice given throughout this book that I'm sure will be helpful for others. The severity of what was going on compared to the honey sweet life lessons, though, felt like an ironic contrast to me that I'm not sure was the author's intentions. There are parts that hop into the genre of Young Adult, though I wouldn't want any younger people reading this. The protagonist also had some crazy life stories that felt a little discombobulated, though I'm also unsure if this was an intentional decision made by the author. It could perhaps hint at the tangled memories that one experiences when they're constantly undergoing hardships, but it also felt unorganized and had me turning between pages to connect the dots of what was going on.

Though I wish not to discount anyone's experiences dealing with the sensitive issues of domestic and child abuse -- I myself am privileged enough to have never experienced these issues myself -- I am unsure if this book handles such a difficult conversation in a tactful way. That being said, I am willing to be corrected by those who feel otherwise and have been through such situations. For myself, however, I found it difficult to stay engaged with this book.

Reviewed by

My name's Danielle and I'm an expert in policy who also loves to read and write. Since quarantine began, I've read nearly forty books. Since then, I've redeveloped my passion for not only reading, but encouraging my friends and families with recommendations tailored to their taste.


How Wonder Woman Became a Smuggler is an adventure-fueled tale of a child coming of age in the midst of domestic violence to become an outlaw.

It is a 60,000-word autobiography spanning several genres including True Crime, Family Sagas, Coming of Age, Domestic Violence, and literary non-fiction.

The story begins with the heroine, LENY (6), an abused child, who is saved by her dog Blackie during a home invasion. At age seven, Leny witnesses her father rape her sister CINDY (9).

As a child who imagines herself as a hero, either Wonder Woman or a Nun, Leny blames herself for not being able to rescue her sister.

From childhood on she struggles to regain her self-esteem by being an overachiever. She marries the first boy she has sex with who controls her as a battered wife and mother for seven years.

To escape her husband, she becomes mistress to a kingpin gambling figure for protection while filing for divorce. She embraces a black-market lifestyle.

Many riveting adventures later, she ends up in Key West Florida, leading the free life of a lady pirate.

The narrative fearlessly exposes fresh truths about generational dysfunction and journals the path to self-awareness and healing.

I woke up in the dark to the whispery sounds of my dog Blackie scooting stealthily on his belly, his toenails making faint clicking sounds as he inched across a wood floor towards the bedroom window.

My eyes darted towards a flickering movement of something outside the window. Backlit by the moon, it was casting a malignant shadow into the room. 

Wait . . . what was that scraping sound?  

The window was being eased up . . . and then I saw it. A dark shape was crouching with one hand lifting the window up – and now slipping one foot over the sill. 

I remember the shape of the boot; a man’s boot . . . and I remember what happened next as Blackie lunged upward from the floor and latched onto his boot. The guy managed to slam the window down and escape . . . minus a bloody sock and a boot.

That was my dog; my Lassie in life. Not a sound from the dog – just fierce determination. He was not a yapper; he gave no warning. He just attacked. My kind of dog.

I was six years old, sleeping in my parents’ bed. Home alone. No doubt the robber – if that’s what he was – thought the room was empty. Maybe even knew my parents weren’t home. In the dark room I probably looked like just another pillow on the bed. 

I fell back to sleep with no worries. Lassie had handled the threat. And even at age six, I had developed an instinct for when danger had passed.

It wasn’t the first threat of violence I had witnessed; just the first threat from a stranger. I had already learned that family posed far more danger to me than strangers. 

I would experience another home invasion as an adult; but then the motive was clear . . . and unfortunately Blackie was long dead. 

Most of the violence I witnessed in life was domestic; and it started back on our ranch in Casper Wyoming when I was about five. 

Like many of us, our stories start with the disappointments of our parents. It’s on their shoulders, their broken dreams, that we stand.

I’d say we were an upper middle-class family in the oil business. My father, Glenn English, owned and operated Hughes Tool Supply Company flying equipment out to the oil fields. My mom, Edith, ran the office.

Glenn was a tough man well respected in the oil fields; known amongst the wildcatters as a man’s man. 

To me and my sisters, he was a cocky little Irishman – mean spirited . . . and worse.

He was an athlete – invited to participate in the Olympics as a college wrestler at Colorado Teacher’s College in Greeley Colorado. 

The story is he couldn’t accept the invitation because in those days you had to pay your own way, and my mom was already in a family way. At the time, they were a couple of poor college students. No money. Maybe that’s what started his animosity towards my mother. Regrets have a way of gnawing away at a relationship.

Our family life revolved around his work in the oil fields, and when he was home around teaching wrestling to local high school and college kids. Everything was about sweat, hard fists, and competition.

The oil business was booming in those days, the 1940’s, at least if you judge by the parties our parents went to and the baby grand piano in our living room in our town house in Casper. My mom loved the good life. My dad liked to gamble, and they both liked to drink.

How I loved that piano. It’s sound took me away. I mean, anyone sounds good on a baby grand. I’d get up around 6am, mom would fix me oatmeal, and I would practice classical music. I lost myself in that music. It eased all pain. Where would we be without music?

My sister, Joan was already a pretty good pianist. And my sister Cindy and I tap-danced to entertain mom and dad’s guests. That’s what kids were for; entertainment.

But once the guests were gone, the fighting would start. It was normal for us kids to go to sleep at night with a pillow over our heads to drown out the fights. 

Our father was both an alcoholic and violently abusive. 

I remember the sounds of one night, creeping down the hall and peeked around the arched doorway leading into the living room . . . and right next to the grand piano my mom was kneeling, her back to my dad, and he had a bull whip in his hands slicing it through the air. 

He was good with a whip; spot on, you might say . . . and he was drunk. 

I learned not to look.

And, I learned how to hide. I was always on guard. A first sighting of my father coming home was enough to send me scattering to make myself scarce if not unseen. Hiding under the house, a dank old place, cobwebs and all, became my sanctuary.

I didn’t imagine monsters lurking in the shadows and darkness. The monster was upstairs, and he was real. I was fine there in the dirt where adults wouldn’t look for me. I had my dog . . . well, my brother’s dog to keep me company. Blackie. He’d hide, too. Following the dog, that’s probably how I found the hidey-hole.   

In the dark, once the house was quiet, I would sneak back up to my bedroom. 

One of my most haunting memories was the night my dad came stumbling into the bedroom drunk.

It was the sound of someone approaching, bouncing off the hallway walls that really frightened me. I went rigid in fear. Is that you Daddy? 

He caught his balance on the doorjamb and flipped on the light switch as he came into view, seeing me there in my parent’s bed. All Alone. 

As my eyes fought to adjust, I saw something wiggling in his grasp. Something tiny, dark and wet; a newborn puppy he pulled out of the pocket of his overcoat. 

Maybe he had won it gambling; I don’t know. Like a picture burned into my memory, I remember he was dressed up, wearing a dark blue suit and white starched shirt opened at the neck . . . like he’d just come home from an event or maybe a party.

I don’t’ know why, but he pulled the squirming puppy out, and towering over me . . . he grabbed ahold of the puppy’s head and tore it apart by the ears. 

I closed my eyes by instinct, a thunderous pounding in my ears blocking out the sound of the puppy’s screams. I don’t remember anything after that. It was like the world went dark.

After that, I would try to leave the house as soon as I heard my father’s voice. Blackie kept me company. It was enough. And no one ever missed me. 

I learned that it can be good to be invisible.

You know when I tell these stories, it seems like a dark life for kids, but there were instances of light, of grace. I remember being drawn to churches. It was the singing. 

Children believe whole-heartedly in what they feel.

The singing in churches spoke to my soul. I wandered into at least three churches in Casper and was baptized, a Presbyterian, a Baptist, a whatever . . . I just needed to feel close to God, and in those days, nobody even asked about where my parents were. 

In my childish fantasies, I was either a nun or Wonder Woman. Either super heroine could totally take up residence in my body. 

What I saw at home was that you win by being the toughest, the meanest if not the biggest fighter. So, the nun fantasy got nudged out by Wonder Woman. I needed the Wonder Woman warrior fantasy to stiffen my backbone.

In short; I trained myself to be tough. My helpless years as a child taught me . . . not patience – but endurance. 

I practiced my new role by jumping out of trees onto people, by wrestling other kids to the ground and throwing them over my head to earn my place in the pecking order of my world; the schoolyard. I guess you’d call that being a tomboy, or maybe a bully. 

As kids, you’re neither male nor female, at least I didn’t relate that way. I saw myself as a person, not a sex. I wore a dress but used the wresting moves I saw my father teach to stake out my space with peers. 

And like all kids, I had no concept of “over-kill”. I remember a punk kid shoving a snowball into my sister’s ear. She ran, and when he bent down to make another ball, I picked up a piece of cement block and dropped it on his head. 

Another time I lured a boy too big to fight to the edge of my father’s wresting pit. I pushed him in, threw a container of ice cream over him, and then told my big sister “Joan Wayne” that he’d broken in and stolen the ice cream. She beat him up. That’s what makes kids so dangerous.

I learned you become the leader by winning the fight one way or the other.

Edie Little
Edie Little shared an update on How Wonder Woman Became a Smuggleralmost 4 years ago
almost 4 years ago
Hey all, for today only, my ebook and audiobook are available FOR FREE on Amazon (promotion). Just search for the book title, "How Wonder Woman Became a Smuggler. It's my calling card for writing memoirs and stories about real people based on true events.
Edie Little
Edie Little shared an update on How Wonder Woman Became a Smuggleralmost 4 years ago
almost 4 years ago
@heathermiller0204 Reading your author profile. I like the reference to hearing voices of the past. That's why I enjoy writing memoirs (ghostwriting or collaborating).
Edie Little
Edie Little shared an update on How Wonder Woman Became a Smuggleralmost 4 years ago
almost 4 years ago
@janepowell Aah, Jane, in reading your story I find a kindred spirit. Yes "There is always a cause" and likewise we are not all victims but some, like me, both victims and unwitting abusers. As author if How Wonder Woman Became a Smuggler, I'd love to trade books and reviews . . . and make a new friend; someone who's been there/done that.
Edie Little
Edie Little shared an update on How Wonder Woman Became a Smuggleralmost 4 years ago
almost 4 years ago
@xavierludwig. Hello Xavier. Thx for the follow. I returned the favor. If you'd like a free copy of my book to review, I'll send you a free promo code.
Edie Little
Edie Little shared an update on How Wonder Woman Became a Smuggleralmost 4 years ago
almost 4 years ago
@matthewpatrick Hmm. I'm not seeing any book on Amazon "The Shadow" by Matthew Patrick??? Always like to make a new author friend.
Edie Little
Edie Little shared an update on How Wonder Woman Became a Smuggleralmost 4 years ago
almost 4 years ago
@felmernelson, Thanks for the follow. Love to chat. We life chroniclers could support one another. I consider myself a strong woman, but I'd like to play in a bigger arena - scary but alluring. Here's my memoir, and if you'd like to read it I can send you a promo link for the ebook.
Edie Little
Edie Little shared an update on How Wonder Woman Became a Smuggleralmost 4 years ago
almost 4 years ago
@ariyamiller Hi Ariya, thank you for the follow. I have returned the favor. You are listed as an author. Please let me know where I can view what you've written. Always fun to meet another author. And if you'd like to listen to a free copy of How Wonder Woman Became a Smuggler, let me know and I'll send you a promo code to listen for free on Audacity.
Edie Little
Edie Little shared an update on How Wonder Woman Became a Smuggleralmost 4 years ago
almost 4 years ago
@sallieeyman Hi Sallie. I see from your profile that you represent defendants in misdemeanors. How so? Are you a lawyer or legal aide perhaps? And you are an author, but I didn't see a book listed. Let me know, and thanks much for your upvote. If you'd like a free promo copy of the audiobook, I am happy to send you the code.
Edie Little
Edie Little shared an update on How Wonder Woman Became a Smuggleralmost 4 years ago
almost 4 years ago
@charlesgull Hi Charles, tried to reply to the email address you provide: charlesgull@hotmail.com, but the email fails. Let me know if you can access the promo code this way: Here is the email that failed: Hi Charles,  I am specializing in telling family legacy stories that include true crime and adventures.  So this first book is like a calling card; proving by writing about an epoch in my own life, that I can capture the raw emotions and events in a person's life to reveal in their own words who they were "then" and who they are now becoming.  Please enjoy one free audio review copy of How Wonder Woman Became a Smuggler: A legacy of family trauma (How Wonder Woman Became a Smuggler. First in a series of literary sagas based on true stories. Book 1), now available on Audible. Redeem the one-time use code below at https://www.audible.com/acx-promo DMUX4PRABZF7Z
Edie Little
Edie Little shared an update on How Wonder Woman Became a Smuggleralmost 4 years ago
almost 4 years ago
@jacobbrown2777 Hi, I returned the follow. Let me know what genre you like to read
Edie Little
Edie Little shared an update on How Wonder Woman Became a Smuggleralmost 4 years ago
almost 4 years ago
@amroahmadgimars, Hello, I see you started following me, so I returned the favor. If you like reading true crime memoirs and about family dysfunction, send me your email and I can send you a free promo code to listen to my audiobook on Audacity.
Edie Little
Edie Little shared an update on How Wonder Woman Became a Smuggleralmost 4 years ago
almost 4 years ago
@kimberlynhundu Hello Kimberly. I liked your profile about perspectives. And I see you like coming-of-age-stories. I write family legacy stories, and I have written my own, not as a polished novelist, but as an authentic tale of an abused child turned outlaw, and then getting free from herself. I'd be honored if you'd read and review my book and can send you a promo code to listen to the audiobook on Audacity.
Edie Little
Edie Little shared an update on How Wonder Woman Became a Smuggleralmost 4 years ago
almost 4 years ago
@shuntoyaprince Hi, I followed you back. Let me know what genre you like to read. This is my first book in a series of up-coming legacy stories. It's dark, as many dysfunctional family stories are, but also very adventurous and daring. If you'd like a free promo code to listen to the audiobook, I'll need an email address to give to Audacity.
Edie Little
Edie Little shared an update on How Wonder Woman Became a Smuggleralmost 4 years ago
almost 4 years ago
@inxcitemedia Hi. Thanks for checking it out. If you like, I can send you a free promo link from Audacity to listen to the audiobook version for free. In order to send you the link, I'll need an email address.
Edie Little
Edie Little shared an update on How Wonder Woman Became a Smuggleralmost 4 years ago
almost 4 years ago
@S J House @Lindsay Wanner @Dana Blouin @Merrill Bonarrigo @dar martin @Yvonne Shaw @William McBean @Lakesha Thompson @Joseph Rauch @Mildred Southworth @Gina Valdez @Matt Reid @Natty Cassyendra [KesshiKyoshi] @Americo Pérez @Joseph Rauch @Yana Mkrtchyan @Barbara Milton @Caroline Walsh @Tavi Black @Samuel Jumbo @A Booder @inxcite Media @aditi Jain @Tim Weider @Dylan Harrison @Nandra Hoffman @Susie Fiddes @adeniranadenrele Don't know who likes audiobooks, so I'm sending this out to all my followers. It's first come, first serve, but if you're not first, then just reply to me and I'll send you another promo code that you can use on Amazon Audible to listen to this true story, true crime, coming of age, family saga. Please enjoy one free audio review copy of How Wonder Woman Became a Smuggler: A legacy of family trauma (How Wonder Woman Became a Smuggler. First in a series of literary sagas based on true stories. Book 1), now available on Audible. Redeem the one-time use code below at https://www.audible.com/acx-promo J4NM2K7ZSSZB3
Edie Little
Edie Little shared an update on How Wonder Woman Became a Smuggleralmost 4 years ago
almost 4 years ago
@susiefiddes - Reviewer Hi Susie, I've read your profile, and I noticed at least one review of a coming-of-age story, and an appreciation of thought-provoking dialogue. For that reason, I'm reaching out to you with a free in return for review offer to listen to the audiobook version of my book (hope you like audiobooks). Here's the promo code you can use on Amazon Audible. Please enjoy one free audio review copy of How Wonder Woman Became a Smuggler: A legacy of family trauma (How Wonder Woman Became a Smuggler. First in a series of literary sagas based on true stories. Book 1), now available on Audible. Redeem the one-time use code below at https://www.audible.com/acx-promo HPR2JWU73P65J
Edie Little
Edie Little shared an update on How Wonder Woman Became a Smuggleralmost 4 years ago
almost 4 years ago
@dylanharrison Hi Dylan, well, here's a free promo code to listen to the audiobook version. I didn't see an answer back from our earlier conversation about trading reviews. Please enjoy one free audio review copy of How Wonder Woman Became a Smuggler: A legacy of family trauma (How Wonder Woman Became a Smuggler. First in a series of literary sagas based on true stories. Book 1), now available on Audible. Redeem the one-time use code below at https://www.audible.com/acx-promo FKE37E3MWBBMD
Edie Little
Edie Little shared an update on How Wonder Woman Became a Smuggleralmost 4 years ago
almost 4 years ago
@leonievorster5752 -  Reader Hi Leonie, If you would like to trade listening to an audiobook for free for a review, I can send you a promo code to use on Amazon Audible.
Edie Little
Edie Little shared an update on How Wonder Woman Became a Smuggleralmost 4 years ago
almost 4 years ago
@S J House @Lindsay Wanner @Dana Blouin @Merrill Bonarrigo @dar martin @Yvonne Shaw @William McBean @Lakesha Thompson @Joseph Rauch @Mildred Southworth @Gina Valdez @Matt Reid @Natty Cassyendra [KesshiKyoshi] @Americo Pérez @Joseph Rauch @Yana Mkrtchyan @Barbara Milton @Caroline Walsh @Tavi Black @Samuel Jumbo @A Booder @inxcite Media @aditi Jain @Tim Weider @Dylan Harrison @Nandra Hoffman @Susie Fiddes @Adeniran Adenrele It's stories like this that teach the emotional cost of generational family dysfunction. But it’s a good day when you can change the ending - which is the intention of this Ebook "How Wonder Woman Became a Smuggler” Get the book for just $0.99 on the Kobo Easter Sale . . . and Happy Easter, everyone!! https://www.kobo.com/p/easter21 (just type in the name of the book: How Wonder Woman Became a Smuggler). The promo ends 4/5.
Edie Little
Edie Little shared an update on How Wonder Woman Became a Smuggleralmost 4 years ago
almost 4 years ago
@terrah Hello Terrah. Pleased to meet you. Looks like we are both writing a lot about family disfunction. I'd like to interview you for my project called "Change The Ending" of generational family dysfunction.
Edie Little
Edie Little shared an update on How Wonder Woman Became a Smuggleralmost 4 years ago
almost 4 years ago
@S J House @Lindsay Wanner @Dana Blouin @Merrill Bonarrigo @dar martin @Yvonne Shaw @William McBean @Lakesha Thompson @Joseph Rauch @Mildred Southworth @Gina Valdez @Matt Reid @Natty Cassyendra [KesshiKyoshi] @Americo Pérez @Joseph Rauch @Yana Mkrtchyan @Barbara Milton @Caroline Walsh @Tavi Black @Samuel Jumbo @A Booder @inxcite Media @aditi Jain @Tim Weider @Dylan Harrison @Nandra Hoffman @Susie Fiddes @David Bush I appreciate your follows and your upvotes. And especially your reads!! So. . . in celebration of the publishing of my audiobook on Amazon you can get the audiobook for free if you sign up for a free Audible trial here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08Z8L9LJH?ref=adbl_mfpdp_dt_tr_prime_rat.   However, if you already have an Audible subscription, never fear. I have your back. If you will send me your email address, I can soon send you a private code to get a copy for free (just waiting for the publisher's promo code). Thanks again, and enjoy. 
Edie Little
Edie Little shared an update on How Wonder Woman Became a Smugglerabout 4 years ago
about 4 years ago
@inxcitemedia Thanks for the follow. My audiobook is available free right now on Amazon.
Edie Little
Edie Little shared an update on How Wonder Woman Became a Smugglerabout 4 years ago
about 4 years ago
@aditijain9152 Thanks for the follow, let me know what genre you like to read.
Edie Little
Edie Little shared an update on How Wonder Woman Became a Smugglerabout 4 years ago
about 4 years ago
@dylanharrison Hi, Dylan, what's your preferred genre to read? I will appreciate it if you put my book on your reading list. It's a heartfelt story about turning pain to power amid the emotional complexity of coming of age in the tumultuous 70s and 80s.   And there will be an Easter promotion on Kobo offering the ebook for 99c April 2 to April 5. 
Edie Little
Edie Little shared an update on How Wonder Woman Became a Smugglerabout 4 years ago
about 4 years ago
@divyarora Thanks for the follow. I returned the favor. I will appreciate it if you put my book on your reading list. It's a heartfelt story about turning pain to power amid the emotional complexity of coming of age in the tumultuous 70s and 80s.   And there will be an Easter promotion on Kobo offering the ebook for 99c April 2 to April 5. 


Jane PowellI also come from a difficult past and understand profoundly how hard it can be to sort through the trauma and move on. I haven't yet read your book @edielittle, but if your book was inspired by your own story I commend you for your bravery in sharing your struggles, putting shame to rest, and helping to bring awareness to the effects of child abuse and sexual violence.
almost 4 years ago
Ayush Nalavade@edielittle really cool premise and a really intriguing title! What are your thoughts on adapting this to movie/tv?
almost 4 years ago
About the author

I’m an avid writer and journalist. I'm also a childhood domestic violence survivor which inspired my memoir "How Wonder Woman Became a Smuggler", a story of adventures twisted by life events. I wrote the memoir to show I can do for you what I had the courage to do for myself; write a family legacy. view profile

Published on November 17, 2020

Published by

60000 words

Genre:Biographies & Memoirs

Reviewed by