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From AAA to XXX: A Dictionary/Commentary on Porn and Porn Addiction

By Olivia Luv

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Worth reading 😎

This book is thought-provoking, although not perfect. Nevertheless, I think it's worth reading.


From AAA to XXX is more than an addictionary (a book about addiction that is arranged alphabetically with definitions) and more than a resource. In addition to contemporary porn terms, it includes addiction terms that have never before been applied to porn use. It also includes unique and thought-provoking concepts intended to change the conversation around porn. Grounded in the values of health and happiness, it will help individuals struggling with their own porn habits as well those trying to understand and change our pornified world. It is engaging, compassionate, inspiring, and occasionally humorous. It is a book for our time: porn use is at a pandemic level and creating multiple problems at both the personal and societal levels. Readers will emerge with valuable new insights.

One of the things that caught my eye for this book when I was browsing my Reedsy Discovery feed, was that not only did it claimed to be a dictionary (something I had never come to realise there would be enough terms for that), but also it said it included a commentary.

It was this fact that made me want to read this book. I wanted not only to learn terms, but also for this book to make me think and reflect on such a present topic within the society of nowadays.

Well now, what have I thought about this book? It has had some of the elements I expected, but in other aspects it's remained shallow for me. There were some terms that, even though I somewhat saw its relevance and "justification" to be there, I didn't think necessary (like the definition of love or femme cyborg). On the other hand, I felt like this could have gone so much more in depth. I am not an expert on this matter, but I am sure there were a lot of interesting terms, concepts and expressions that could have been included.

Maybe, one of the reasons why this is not the case it's because the author has tried to avoid being too explicit (something I've felt throughout the book), but I wonder, if this is a dictionary about porn, how can someone expect not to be explicit?

Something that's been very interesting in the book is the difference it makes about porn user and porn addict. I found it very thought-provoking. Although there were some things I took issue with. For example, I don't agree with the term mental infidelity when using this resources. In my opinion, it depends on each relationship, on what they agree and consider as cheating or unfaithful and also on the nature itself of one of the partners watching such content. In the book it is taken for granted that everytime someone uses porn, he or she is imagining himself/herself having sexual intercourse with the person or persons they see in the image. I don't think this should be generalised.

To sum up, this was an interesting read, but it could have been way more profound, wide and detailed.

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Hello! My name is Noelia. I'm a 25-years-old Spanish girl that spends most of her time behind a book. I started taking my reviewing journey a bit more seriously around 2 years ago. I love writing my thoughts on Goodreads, a little bit on Instagram too, and I also speak on Youtube about my readings.


From AAA to XXX is more than an addictionary (a book about addiction that is arranged alphabetically with definitions) and more than a resource. In addition to contemporary porn terms, it includes addiction terms that have never before been applied to porn use. It also includes unique and thought-provoking concepts intended to change the conversation around porn. Grounded in the values of health and happiness, it will help individuals struggling with their own porn habits as well those trying to understand and change our pornified world. It is engaging, compassionate, inspiring, and occasionally humorous. It is a book for our time: porn use is at a pandemic level and creating multiple problems at both the personal and societal levels. Readers will emerge with valuable new insights.


People who view pornography are doing something that many of them consider unhealthy, and some of them cannot stop. A majority of the population thinks that porn is immoral. That includes many porn users. Porn is now being recognized in many places as a public health hazard. It damages users, their partners, and the sex performers who participate in it. The aim of this dictionary and commentary is to help anyone who wants to rethink porn. This may include people in all three of the aforementioned categories. If even a few readers come to fresh insights or understandings or begin to use new terminology or an old term in a novel way, the dictionary will have served its purpose. It is also important to note at the outset that the underlying values of this dictionary and commentary are health and happiness. I believe that these values are shared by almost everyone, even when they have lost sight of them momentarily.

The list of terms included below is not exhaustive; that would be a much larger undertaking. Instead, it is focused on some essential terms that porn users, their romantic partners, online sex actors, and therapists should know and on ideas that From AAA to XXX: A Dictionary/Commentary on Porn and Porn Addiction that may lead to thinking about porn in a new way. It may also be useful to researchers since it contains hypotheses about what might be examined in future studies. An underlined, bolded term within the text indicates a term (or a derivative of a term) that is defined and discussed elsewhere in the document. It will only be bolded and underlined the first time it appears in the discussion of a particular term to enhance readability (but it will be bolded and underlined again when it first appears in discussions of other terms). Additional terms are bolded for emphasis but are not in the list of defined terms and hence are not underlined. Some of the terms are new and have been coined for this document or are terms not often associated with porn or porn addiction. In those cases, the reader will be led to an entry by hyperlinks (electronic version only) found in other parts of the book. The word “porn” is never bolded in this document because it is never defined (there is no agreed-upon definition). The term O-Mi is only bolded and underlined in this introduction. Familiarity with its meaning is assumed in the rest of the document.

The terms, except for the first (O-Mi, on p. 1) and the last (solutions in the conclusion), will be in alphabetical order (AAA to XXX). O-Mi is a new term introduced as an alternative to “porn.” It is an acronym. The letters that make up the acronym represent two activities that are part of online sex viewing—and, of course, sex magazine and film viewing that are not online. By citing these two activities (ogling and masturbation) in the term itself, there is more clarity than in the word “porn.” Note, however, that the term “porn,” though not defined in this document, will be used frequently because it is familiar to readers and because it is used by many of the cited sources. For these reasons, using it will enhance the readability of the book, but it is hoped that readers will see the utility of the acronym O-Mi for future use in discussions of sexual images. Thus, “O-Mi” will often be used here with the word “porn” but will sometimes be used alone.

Also, note that in many, but not all, instances no differentiation will be made between a porn user and a porn addict. Obviously, not all users are addicts; some users do not have the level of compulsion and the sense of losing control while viewing O-Mi images that addicts have. But negative effects on the brain occur without addiction (Love et al., 2015; Watching Pornography Rewires the Brain, 2019; Wilson, 2017, p. 107), and it is hard to pinpoint when porn use becomes an addiction. The outcomes for the O-Mi viewer are often more of a matter of degree than of type (except for the minority of child porn viewers who are pursued by law enforcement). Hence, no attempt is made here to draw a hard and fast line between porn use and addiction.

So, let’s look at AAA to XXX and a lot in between. I’ll examine our current porn conundrum and explore new and old ways of thinking about porn. Since many of the entries and commentary examine reasons why porn use is problematic, the conclusion will lay out some remedies to the tsunami of porn use

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1 Comment

Hermes SolenzolThe fact that the author talks about "mental infidelity" is a good indication of her ideological bias. This book seems to be one more shot in the "porn wars" that have been raging since the 70s. They pit conservatives and radical feminists, on one side, against sex positive culture, on the other. I am a neuroscientist and university professor, and I am compiling scientific information on sex topics for a book that I am writing. Here are some peer-reviewed, scientific papers that debunk the myth of porn addiction. Most of them were written by Nichole Prause and her team at UCLA. She uses the most advanced methods in brain imaging to study brain responses to porn and other sexual stimuli. Floyd CG, Landa S, Saunders MA, Volk F (2020) The Moderating Influence of Moral Disapproval of Pornography on Couples' Sexual and Relationship Satisfaction. J Sex Marital Ther 46:660-682. Kohut T, Balzarini RN, Fisher WA, Grubbs JB, Campbell L, Prause N (2019) Surveying Pornography Use: A Shaky Science Resting on Poor Measurement Foundations. J Sex Res:1-21. Prause N (2019) Porn Is for Masturbation. Arch Sex Behav 48:2271-2277. Prause N, Pfaus J (2015) Viewing Sexual Stimuli Associated with Greater Sexual Responsiveness, Not Erectile Dysfunction. Sexual medicine 3:90-98. Prause N, Steele VR, Staley C, Sabatinelli D (2015a) Late positive potential to explicit sexual images associated with the number of sexual intercourse partners. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci 10:93-100. Prause N, Steele VR, Staley C, Sabatinelli D, Hajcak G (2015b) Modulation of late positive potentials by sexual images in problem users and controls inconsistent with "porn addiction". Biological psychology 109:192-199. Prause N, Janssen E, Georgiadis J, Finn P, Pfaus J (2017) Data do not support sex as addictive. The lancet Psychiatry 4:899. Staley C, Prause N (2013) Erotica viewing effects on intimate relationships and self/partner evaluations. Arch Sex Behav 42:615-624. Steele VR, Staley C, Fong T, Prause N (2013) Sexual desire, not hypersexuality, is related to neurophysiological responses elicited by sexual images. Socioaffect Neurosci Psychol 3:20770.
almost 3 years ago
About the author

Olivia Luv is a professor who lives her life according to the values of happiness and health. These values inform this book. She has a strong background in the social sciences, healing, and the life course. She loves her family, writing, good food, and travel. view profile

Published on October 26, 2021

40000 words

Contains mild explicit content ⚠️

Genre:Sex & Relationships

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