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An intriguing and fresh new take on the impending end of the world, God, and world religions.


When Earth’s variously named God retires in 2027 after 2,000+ years of service, he is replaced by a new Supreme Being – a planetary turnaround specialist who must decide whether to include mankind in his plan to restore the world’s luster. This deity introduces himself to Earthlings through an unscheduled appearance on the Ram Forrester Hour talk show, which he beams worldwide.

Ram and co-host Brendali Santamaria, an atheist and devout Catholic respectively, are shocked. God informs them and their viewers that a 60 day conference will take place in Los Angeles to determine humanity’s fate. Those attending must prove that homo-sapiens can help God implement his plan by eliminating religious violence forever, before the conference ends. Failure will mean extinction.

Ram and Bren’s romance ignites soon after God designates them as the conference’s only authorized media reporters. The harried couple must attend the conference by day, do their show at night and outwit a fanatical group hell bent on killing them for promoting a false god. Their love blooms as conflicts within the conference intensify, dimming the prospect of mankind’s survival. Because only Ram and Bren can communicate with this God, the burden of saving humanity rests in their hands.

First Second Coming was a fun read that challenges traditional beliefs of God and the Bible, as well as other world religions. It also turns the whole idea of the end of the world or rapture on its head. Instead of humans solely destroying themselves and everything around them, they are given an ultimatum from this new God: end religious wars, or perish.

However, the romance bits of this romantic suspense story were poorly written. The romance was rushed and the flirting was incredibly awkward and clunky. When we finally get to witness their physical union, there is no feeling of "finally, they've gotten together." Instead, the whole moment is almost painful to read. Brendali is monologuing about God's plan and her uncle while Ram kisses her and carries her to bed, followed by the line "We make love for two hours."

It is understandable not wanting to include an explicit scene as it is not to everyone's tastes, but there are much better ways to do it than this. The "show, don't tell" rule has its time and place, and it is in romantic scenes like this one. We don't get that in this novel, unfortunately.

That said, the romantic pieces of the story are not off-putting enough to ruin the story. Overall, this was a great read that peeks into various religions and really makes you think about modern Christianity and how it could progress in the future.

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I have a passion for reading and sharing what I've read, be it good or bad. I think reading is important for people, whether they're aspiring writers or just looking to relax. I hope by sharing book reviews, I can help folks find their next favorite book or new inspiration.


When Earth’s variously named God retires in 2027 after 2,000+ years of service, he is replaced by a new Supreme Being – a planetary turnaround specialist who must decide whether to include mankind in his plan to restore the world’s luster. This deity introduces himself to Earthlings through an unscheduled appearance on the Ram Forrester Hour talk show, which he beams worldwide.

Ram and co-host Brendali Santamaria, an atheist and devout Catholic respectively, are shocked. God informs them and their viewers that a 60 day conference will take place in Los Angeles to determine humanity’s fate. Those attending must prove that homo-sapiens can help God implement his plan by eliminating religious violence forever, before the conference ends. Failure will mean extinction.

Ram and Bren’s romance ignites soon after God designates them as the conference’s only authorized media reporters. The harried couple must attend the conference by day, do their show at night and outwit a fanatical group hell bent on killing them for promoting a false god. Their love blooms as conflicts within the conference intensify, dimming the prospect of mankind’s survival. Because only Ram and Bren can communicate with this God, the burden of saving humanity rests in their hands.

Stranger In A Strange Land:

Thirteen hours late, my cross-galaxy voyage to the All-Souls Transit Center ends in a puff of soft lunar dirt on Mare Tranquillitatis. I expect to meet the legendary God of planet Earth in his office, but as I deplane he’s shuffling down the concourse toward his departure gate. He’s easy to spot – inside this small, sparse four gate terminal we are the only life forms in sight.

With his stooped posture and unkempt shoulder length gray hair, God reminds me of the mythical Atlas. His tremors underscore the physical and emotional toll he has had to bear. Did his mental state also degrade? He spent two millennia managing a planet populated by quarrelsome headstrong terrestrials. Over that much time any deity posted to such a world would succumb to the effects of prolonged stress.

I quicken my pace, catch up to him and extend a hand. “Good day, Lord.” 

“This is how you address your superiors?” The decibel level of his gruff voice implies impaired hearing. “Where are your manners? A bow is in order.”

Though I have not yet fully adapted to the musculature of this adult male body I inhabit, my flawless execution of a deep obeisance brings a quick smile to my face.

God gives me a brusque signal to rise. “You’re my replacement, are you?”

“Correct, Lord. I am humbled and honored to take your place.” I bow again, less fully.

“Call me NTG if you wish. I prefer answering to that nickname.”

So the rumor is true. That he calls himself the New Testament God instead of his given name means he has indeed gone native. This explains a lot.

We sink into a ‘maximum comfort’ couch – or so the attached tag boasts – stuffed full of condensed nimbostratus cloud threads imported from Earth. An ugly green tarp spread over the cushions prevents our clothes from getting soaked by residual moisture.

God adjusts his overcoat and leans toward me. “I trust you had an enjoyable flight?” 

“I would like to say yes, but what a hellacious trip.” That’s an understatement. “We flew through several cosmic storms, circumvented an unmapped black hole and limped here on back-up power after the anti-matter fuel engine failed. I will never fly by chartered spaceship again.”

“Now that you’ve arrived, what makes you think you can take on a tough job like this?”

“This is my fourth assignment, though the first for Milky Way Galaxy, Inc.” I place my carry-on bag on the tan moonrock table and open a side pocket. “I have a résumé, if you want to peruse it. In each previous posting, the planets I shepherded returned to optimal status. Whilst this assignment is more complex, I assure you my record shall remain unsullied.”

“Humph.” He spits into the thin puddle created by the leaky couch and waves off my résumé. “I thought those spineless MWGI decision-makers would send a rank amateur. After only three postings, you expect to fix this mess? You’re still wet around the ears, sonny. Have you even hung your precious university degrees on a wall yet?” He points at the nearby picture window. “On Earth they say you learn more through failure than success.”

“Elder, I did not travel here to fail. MWGI reached out because of my extensive training as a planetary turnaround specialist. They are confident I am the best available deity for this job.”

“And you agree with that assessment, do you?” He fidgets, as though trying to stand and walk away, but can’t get off the couch.  

“I would not otherwise have taken the job, Lord. Once I did, I undertook considerable research. The travel delays afforded me extra preparation time. I have learned everything a new deity should know about Earth and its inhabitants. I am ready to take the reins.”

“Your extensive reading helped you form opinions regarding the humans, did it?”  

I disregard the sarcasm implicit in the question. If I ever reach his wizened old age, young deities will receive better treatment from me than this. His attitude is understandable, though. Forced retirement is a difficult pill for anyone to swallow, supreme beings included.

“Lord, these sentient beings do have many laudable qualities. However, whilst I prefer not to focus on the negative, on the whole humans strike me as a rather unpredictable species.” 

NTG spits again and rummages through the pockets of his black overcoat, pants and vest. “Where’s the damn thing? Did I forget it? Ah, here. Since you’re not dead, you’ll need this to get into heaven.”

He hands me a Holyday Inn card key with “NTG” stenciled on the back side. I stare at the card whilst mulling over my research, which characterized heaven as an imaginary afterlife sanctuary. With a shrug, I deposit the card in the pocket of my blue denim shirt.

“Many humans call it heaven, but I consider it home.” God’s melancholic smile comes and goes in seconds. “Souls get over the false advertising once they adjust to their newly deceased status. Follow the overhead signs to the tram that’ll take you to the complex. My office is by the main gate so I can greet arrivals on St. Peter’s days off. Ask for Angie, my chief of staff. She’s a real angel in every sense of the word.”

“Thank you, I will.” With time short before his departure I move our conversation in a more substantive direction. “Lord, you know Earth is non-compliant with many MWGI planetary operating standards. For example, the rate of climate change is too rapid. Air and water pollution levels far exceed maximum allowable limits. The ratio of species extinction to species creation is inverted. Overpopulation and starvation percentages have blown past permissible quotas.”

Although the list goes on, I stop to avoid rubbing it in.

NTG opens his overcoat, extracts a thick booklet and slams it onto the table. “This is for you, sonny. Study it. The dossier contains a thorough assessment of the noncompliance situation and numerous other issues you’ll need to address. If you wish, we can take a few minutes to discuss the gravity of Earth’s circumstances.”

“No doubt this will help me acclimate.” I move the study, entitled Homo-sapiens: An Advanced Sentient Species Plagued by Primitive Morality, to my lap. “The title reminds me that before I do anything else, I must decide whether to keep this troublesome species around.”

“This will answer your questions,” NTG says, tapping the cover flap. “Once you absorb the content, I’m sure you’ll accept my conclusion and recommendations. Although clearing the planet of humans is an expedient option, give them a chance. They can perplex at times, but you’ll come to enjoy them despite their many weaknesses and limitations. I’ve found it best to indulge them as though they’re adult children.”

That is why someone with my training is needed. “Allow me a moment to digest your dossier.” I read all 1,029 pages in 10.3 seconds and place the binder on my lap. “Is the present state of affairs truly this grim?”

“You think I’d lie?” Agitated, NTG shifts forward and nearly slides off the tarp.

“Of course not.”As one might expect given his advanced age, over the last few centuries he has let a lot slip. “You did not prioritize. Which problems require my immediate attention?”

“All of them.” He grabs the dossier from me and opens it to a chart listing the global issues. “The terrestrials will self-destruct if you let them. Unleashed, their sophisticated weaponry will render the planet uninhabitable for a millennium or two. I refer to that prospect as the Chazoanthropocene Epoch.”

“A prolonged ‘dumb man epoch’ is not my style, Lord. A passive Supreme Being would wait for evolution to create new ecosystems. I take immediate action, meet or exceed my goals and proceed to the next assignment.” In fairness, I cannot relegate the humans to extinction without affording them one chance to prove they are worthy of survival.

NTG hands me the binder again. “If you choose to intervene, start by weaning mankind off its love of weaponry. After that, address climate change. Both are immediate threats to the sanctity and functionality of the planet and all its inhabitants.”

Earth spins into view in the picture window. Beguiled by my first viewing, I watch the American continents rotate from west to east. “From this distance I see only the beauty of this world, not its myriad problems.” I turn to face NTG. “I have another question for you.”

“I have time for one more. Make it good.” God wiggles to the edge of the couch, preparing to stand.

“The case study identifies two humans you recommend as my assistants – Ram Forrester and Brendali Santamaria. Have they been fully vetted?”

God spits on my pants leg by mistake. “Before MGWI terminated my employment, I planned to appear on a live television program, harness the earthlings’ global communication networks and give the terrestrials a stern warning. My staff investigated the potential hosts and put these two at the top of the list. Angie has their files ready for your review. Give them some form of motivation and they’ll serve you well once they accept you.”

NTG motions for help to get off the couch. I pull him up by the arm. “Don’t feel compelled to keep me informed of your progress, or the lack of it.” He trudges away to catch his plane without apologizing for the atrocious shape he has left this planet in.

At the window I focus again on the majestic spectacle that is planet Earth. Humans, a new era is underway. I shall hold you accountable for your foibles. Prepare to shape up or face dire consequences.

Jeff Pollak
Jeff Pollak shared an update on First Second Comingover 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
Great news: First Second Coming is in the process of being adapted into a movie. This will take a while, but it gives you time to discover why the TV and movie industries are so interested in the book. Here are the links: U.S.A. and Canadian readers link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1947392956 UK and Irish link: https://www.amazon.co.uk/First-Second-Coming-New-God/dp/1947392956/ If you'd like to follow the path of development, subscribe to my newsletter at my webpage: https://www.jeffpollak.com.
Jeff Pollak
Jeff Pollak shared an update on First Second Comingalmost 4 years ago
almost 4 years ago
Here's the newest news about First Second Coming: A little earlier this month CBS News spread the news of First Second Coming's inclusion in this press release: "LibraryBub's Selection of Noteworthy Independent Books for April 2021 "This month's selected publications have been warmly welcomed by independent critics and have been enthusiastically received by devotees and newfound readers alike. Some have already become Amazon best sellers in their particular categories, while the very best of the books have won awards within the independent publishing sector. Below is this month's selection by category. Science Fiction & Fantasy: First Second Coming (Book One of the New God series) by Jeff Pollak ISBN: 978-1947392953" And more news: Library Bub's newsletters of April 1st and 8th were sent to subscribing librarians throughout the U.S. and other English speaking countries (yes, that includes England!). According to the click rate, over 2,000 librarians now have been introduced to First Second Coming, so copies may be on their way to your local library soon. And still more news: First Second Coming was nominated for the 2021 RONA Award in Fantasy. This is an award for independent and small press authors, which I am proud to be. I won't know the outcome for a while but it was nice of InD'Tale magazine, which runs the award, to include my novel as one of nine nominees. Lots of good news, so don't miss out on reading a good yarn!
Jeff Pollak
Jeff Pollak shared an update on First Second Comingabout 4 years ago
about 4 years ago
Just this week, the cover for First Second coming was updated. It's now an eye-catching beauty! Check it out:
Jeff Pollak
Jeff Pollak shared an update on First Second Comingover 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
Hi, everyone at Reedsy - I just received terrific news. Literary Titan Magazine has just posted a five-star review of my novel on their website. You can see the entire review at https://literarytitan.com/2020/10/29/first-second-coming/ if you care to, but here's the gist of it: "First Second Coming has a fascinating premise that builds up in effortless fashion. I absolutely adored reading about Brendali and Ram and seeing how their relationship evolves. Even though they had different beliefs they were able to put aside their differences and work together. Jeff Pollak does a fantastic job of creating characters that are both unique and relatable. This combination gives us a relationship that is engrossing and believable. "While I had some preconceived notions that this was going to be a religious romance book, those notions were quickly dashed as this is much more of a thrilling romantic fantasy that is used as a vehicle to explore faith and humanity. "The story provides a sixty day deadline which works to its advantage because the story is propelled forward from that point on. It takes a talented writer to create characters you care about in a plot that makes sense all while going a breakneck speed. First Second Coming is a captivating adventure novel that touches on some deep themes while never forgetting to entertain readers with a bit of romance and a touch of humor along the way." How about that? I expected a decent review but one this glowing? I'm stunned (and quite happy).


About the author

Jeff Pollak was raised in New York City, graduated from college in Buffalo and headed to Los Angeles for law school while working full-time. He spent his entire legal career as a trial lawyer. Now retired, writing fiction is Jeff's new passion. view profile

Published on August 01, 2020

Published by Acorn LLC, San Diego (hybrid publisher)

90000 words

Genre:Romantic Suspense

Reviewed by