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CONQUERING YOUR FEARS: My Journey to Empowerment!

By Maria Rice

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The downfalls we experience that triggers our fears aren't punishments you deserve but lessons...from your past lives.


Maria reveals her powerful and extraordinary story. Without realizing what she was doing, Rice created hell on earth before finding the strength and power to overturn all the negatives in her life. As she discovered tantra, yoga, and meditation, she was able to get out of her hell of financial debt, gain unprecedented strength, and rise closer to heaven than she ever thought possible.

“I am sure there will be many similarities between your life and Maria’s that will connect us all and help us understand how we can overcome the challenges we face in modern society” – Telo Tulku Rinpoche – official representative of the XIV Dalai Lama in Russia, since 2023 “foreign agent”.

In her vulnerable and intimate memoir, Rice is not afraid to point the big lens at her personal life to show the reader a different way of perceiving life obstacles. As a twice-divorced woman raising two children and currently living in immigration, she has had to investigate deep her inner world to overcome her fears. Willingness to share what she has seen and felt and how it has impacted her own life reveals many ways in which we can all grow and face our fears.

If you were an omnipotent being responsible for creating organisms smart enough to sustain themselves, what is the best method to ensure that they remain at ease, despite knowing that the bad will happen and occur at any point? Leaving opportunities for suffering. As harsh and unfortunate as that sounds, we humans learn by suffering. Waiting in line only to find that had you hurried, you would've gotten involved in the three-car accident that occurred a block away; You get let go from your job despite the changes your employer told you about, only to find that your hobby has earned you supplemental income. Things in Life happen for a reason, however many people fail to see the underlying reason(s) why. Author Maria Rice has provided a great title sharing her stories and all the ups and downs she went through, had to endure in order to save her children and even herself. Because of these rough happenings, this often leads us to living with an abundance of fear.

Author Rice introduces the concept of Fear and why we have it. While, yes, there are some benefits to it acting as an early warning or protection, Fear is often an unhealthy trait. It's understandable that people have a fear of flying after the national tragedy that took place September 11, 2001, and has rightfully shown why. However, in order to be strong, you must overcome such fear especially if you're the type to enjoy traveling. You won't know if you'll get that prestigious job you've been wanting unless you apply; You won't know if that person has the same feelings for you unless you tell them. The common misconception when having to do something to overcome fear is overthinking the possible outcome, to which they believe won't work in their favor. Reminder: Trying IS NOT doing. You don't know unless you try, and that is also likely why many people are afraid to take some sort of initiative.

Near the middle of the book reads like a travel guide, as Rice stated how much she enjoyed her time in India. She learned everything from the spiritual aspects of ourselves to yoga, to life philosophies about our human purpose and being able to have the aura and abilities to cure without any kind of medicine, medications, etc. It may seem like the author has veered off topic but it serves as ground to her synopses from the downfalls she underwent most of her life.

Author Rice held nothing back as she shared her stories about her rough marriage, money troubles, family feuds, and even all the stress she dealt with keeping her kids normal, health-wise. Throughout her story telling, she often questions all that she has gone through, as many of us likely would've given up or lay such burden on others to have them figure it out. On the other hand, she shares the people whom she crossed paths with along with the impact they made on her. Whether they were good or bad people, Rice learns of their actions and behaviors that affected her mind and way of living, some of whom many will suggest some sort of retaliatory plan against them. However, Rice realizes after learning about her own karma from past lives are the main reasons for these occurrences. Money trouble? Poor friendships? Abusive parents/guardians? Rocky relationships? It's likely what happened from a past life, and being how deep and personal it seems, it's something that the reader themselves will have to interpret and figure out with their own lives, as everyone's experiences and lessons are different. Reading this ought to trigger some self-reflections reminding us that others may have had worse than us, but also to take things as life lessons.

Toward the end of book, the author unselfishly shares her tips and suggestions to uplift your spirits, i.e. raising your Kundalini energy. She did share more of the rough patches she had and learned along the way, such as marriage with her second husband and the relationship she had with her father. All these rooted in uncertainty and fear, until she found solace in all that she learned in her trips to India, plus being in touch with her quantum psychologist.

While the book provides some self-help ideas and tips, it reads like a memoir that ought to have a documentary shown to the masses reminding them to be thankful for what they have and where they are. As mentioned earlier, those walking in Rice's shoes would have likely given up but she herself didn't. She found peace beginning with herself--something many people may not have the patience, mindset nor the willingness to take with an open mind. On the other hand, her learning about the happenings from her past lives ought to teach us why the downfalls and unfair breaks we encounter in our own lives should serve as lessons and not an opportunity to curse the world and/or blame others for our problems. With this great approach suggested by Rice, we can take in this confidence to face our fears and maximize our opportunities, which in reality we're sure many of us have missed out on. Nevertheless, it shouldn't deter one to try and take a chance anyway, in addition to learning about all that's happened to you up to this day.

Chock full of story-telling and information, the reader will have their perception of life changed permanently, and for good reason after reading this book. To start off, one we can share from this book is never leaving things in limbo, and to attend to it immediately. Finish what you started. Doing this will present more time allowing more opportunities to flow. Any obstacle(s) coming your way is a challenge/lesson so don't fear! Handle it as soon as possible and remind yourselves that it's telling you something, but know that no matter what, you will be okay.

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I read and review nonfiction titles in an effort to bring the enjoyment of learning about our surrounding world through reading. There's a plethora of information, facts and truth informing the curious reader about all that is presented to us without fearing for the uncertain.


Maria reveals her powerful and extraordinary story. Without realizing what she was doing, Rice created hell on earth before finding the strength and power to overturn all the negatives in her life. As she discovered tantra, yoga, and meditation, she was able to get out of her hell of financial debt, gain unprecedented strength, and rise closer to heaven than she ever thought possible.

“I am sure there will be many similarities between your life and Maria’s that will connect us all and help us understand how we can overcome the challenges we face in modern society” – Telo Tulku Rinpoche – official representative of the XIV Dalai Lama in Russia, since 2023 “foreign agent”.

In her vulnerable and intimate memoir, Rice is not afraid to point the big lens at her personal life to show the reader a different way of perceiving life obstacles. As a twice-divorced woman raising two children and currently living in immigration, she has had to investigate deep her inner world to overcome her fears. Willingness to share what she has seen and felt and how it has impacted her own life reveals many ways in which we can all grow and face our fears.



As a child, I was terrified of performing on stage or answering my teacher's questions on the blackboard. My knees would shake, and my legs would buckle. Sweating, I'd fall to the ground, petrified to be in the spotlight. Physically, this made me feel bad, but my reactions weren't simply fitting. They resulted from paralyzing fear that prevented me from living, making friends, and winning. Eventually, I decided that my stage fright was holding me back. I wanted to be a winner because my mother believed and loved me so much for a reason.

But to manifest my worth, I needed to learn to speak in front of people.

I've learned that you can learn everything in life, including performing. And I started right away on the big stage of the Childhood Palace on New Year's Eve. I was eight years old. That year, it was a freezing winter at more than -50 degrees Celsius in my Siberian hometown in Yakutsk, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Russia. I was born in a place where we have so many extrasensory people and shamans due to our extreme climate and frigid winters. When it's -50 or -60 degrees outside, you feel deprived of oxygen, as if you live on the tip of the mountains where there is little air and oxygen is discharged. The pressure is, therefore, also different here. So, I think in such weather conditions, the third eye can be opened, and you can feel and see much more profound than others. In our town, primary school pupils do not attend school if the temperature is below – 45 degrees, so we didn't attend school during these days. Instead, my classmates and I signed up and performed in the New Year's Eve show, dancing as animals and flowers. Every day, a dress rehearsal took place before the performance, and as the composition of the participants changed daily, the dance was changed and re-performed every day as well. I really enjoyed being in the atmosphere of rehearsals and the creative process, but I was terrified to go on stage. Every day, I persuaded myself to overcome that fear and went out. And so on for 10 or 14 days. It was a powerful training and a voluntary way out of the comfort zone for an 8-year-old child.

Afterward, when I was 12 years old, I flew to the small town of Bournemouth in England for English language courses. My vestibular system was fragile all through my childhood. I suffered from motion sickness. At the end of every trip to my grandmother's village, only a few hours away by car, I'd arrive green in the face. And I couldn't fly by plane easily either. A flight to England was the same. I felt ill all the way there.

In Bournemouth, we were regularly taken to amusement parks. At one point, I decided that motion sickness wasn't suitable for me either; I didn't want to put up with it. I wanted to live a full life and have fun with my friends, but I needed to fix it somehow, so I just started riding the scariest roller coaster ride in the dark and backward with my teeth clenched. Oddly enough, surprisingly, I didn't feel sick back on the plane anymore, and it was a small but significant victory in my life.

A victory over myself! Over my body!

I have learned that you can train your body to cope with something previously inaccessible; the main thing is to find the right approach. Subsequently, this helped me overcome obstacles in life related to physical ailments, psychological blocks that prevented me from living a full life, as well as vivid manifestations of fear. Later, I was surprised to encounter adults who put up with their problems, fears, and phobias all their lives. They seemed to cherish and even be proud of them, depriving themselves of the greatest opportunities, experiences, and pleasures that travel offers. For example, I know one married couple who lives in Europe and has enough money to travel, but they don't leave their mainland because he doesn't sail and she doesn't fly.

If we look at life from the point of view of the tasks of the soul, I am convinced that the only way to grow from within is to meet your fear. We can even fix our Karma by meeting our fears and facing them. Karma is the consequences of our actions from past lives that are unconscious in our current life. Meeting your fears is the only way to resolve Karma. But the process requires incredible courage, perseverance, curiosity, research, and the ability to win by conquering yourself. If you take the path of least resistance and choose pleasure and comfort, it is not development that takes place sometimes, but degradation. Everyone, regardless of birth conditions and Karma, at any stage of their life, can take the path of freedom from fear.

Basically, we're meeting the potential to transform our whole life when we face our deepest fear.

This skill can be honed, just like pumping up our buttocks in the gym. We can learn to cope with our fears and even enter another dimension to change our quantum. The easiest way to start working on yourself is when you're a kid. It's like riding a bicycle. Neural connections of overcoming oneself are established during childhood, and after puberty, unused skills fall off as the body believes they are not necessary for survival. Everybody has already done it but forgot that growing up by itself is overcoming many children's fears, such as first swimming, dancing, singing a song, riding a horse, first time answering at the blackboard, or writing a dictation. But if you did not learn to cope with fear as a child and were always escaping these moments, starting in adulthood would be difficult but still possible. Everything is possible! Again - like riding a bicycle!

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Maria RiceDear friends, please fill free to ask any questions, I will answer to you in the comments
10 months ago
About the author

Maria Rice has spent her career as an accountant in multinational companies. Rice graduated from Plekhanov Russian University of Economics with a degree in Accounting, Analysis, and Audit. She also holds an MSc in Finance, Audit, and Risk Management from ESC Clermont French Business School. view profile

Published on May 12, 2024

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