Bull and Bear Race At the Big Board is a playful, imaginative introduction to the stock market, providing the basic concepts of investing for the very young. Now, young kids (1-3) will not have the slightest clue what the stock market is and probably won't care to learn about the money/investment terms in this story: bond, bull, Dow, NASDAQ, and S&P, to name a few. With that being said, I appreciated Craig Robinson including a glossary and defining these words and more for those interested in the stock market.
Even if your child can't comprehend the market, there are elements to Bull & Bear Race at the Big Board they will enjoy. If you have a very young child, point to all the animals and teach them their names. If your child is working on color identification, you'll love all the colors in this book. The first four pages illustrated by Carlina Buzio are color-specific: green, red, yellow, and gray. By the way, we loved your illustrations! If we had to pick our favorite two, we voted for the bull striking a yoga pose on his bed and the bear looking very annoyed when chauffeured via a cart and bike.
While some of the information seems too advanced for younger kids, I think they'll still love the background images. The page of bull and bear playing on a teeter-totter was funny. My daughter remarked how the bull and bear had great balance. She also wished the schools around here had teeter-totters. If your school and park are without this play structure, you might want to discuss what the animals are posing on and its real purpose. Tetter-totters are definitely not made for ballet poses.
Even though my child wasn't interested in learning about the stock exchange, she did enjoy looking at the drawings. Maybe a child in the 3rd or 4th grade will be more invested in the textual side of this book.