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A pleasant story enlivened by cute characters that will teach your children important lessons about identity and self-acceptance.


Broccoli Rob and the Garden Singers is an inspiring children's book with beautiful illustrations that takes the reader through the struggles and personal growth of Broccoli Rob, a shy stalk of broccoli who loved to sing. After several days of heavy rain, Rob was able to persuade his vegetable friends to come together and sing to encourage the sun to come out behind the clouds and shine bright, despite the other vegetable's initial reluctancy towards Rob's plea.

However, once the garden singers began to sing, Broccoli Rob was so shy even his vegetable friends can't hear his beautiful singing, let alone the sun. Rob found himself needing encouragement of his own from his garden friends in order to sing loud and proud, and that day he discovered a very important lesson from his experience.

Broccoli Rob and the Garden Singers is a delightful children’s book which will enchant your little ones with its melodious narrative and irresistible, relatable characters! It is universally acknowledged that magic and wonder can be found in ordinary things as well as in extraordinary things, however this is the book that will prove the validity of this statement to you once and for all. In fact, the reader follows the journey of Rob, a simple stalk of broccoli, through self-discovery and finding his voice (quite literally, in this case), a story that has nothing spellbinding or enchanting per se, but manages to be poignant and didactic nonetheless.

Indeed, what this book conveys in a great way is a lesson that concerns normal life, as it addresses questions that everyone asks themselves: who am I? Will the world accept me if I show my real self, or is it necessary to conform, putting on a mask instead? Surely, children (and especially young children at early stages of development) ask these questions too, in fact asking questions and wondering about reality is perhaps the distinctive trait of every child looking out the window of the world for the first time. Thus, the strong point of this work is, in my opinion, precisely that it addresses these uncomfortable, sometimes troubling questions about identity, it normalizes this thought process and, in the end, provides a comfortable answer that promotes acceptance and tolerance. This is also further developed in the text by the sense of community shared by the vegetables-characters, tied together through the parent-like figure of the wise Poppy Cornstalk, who provides guidance and whose advice leads to the ultimate resolution of the plot (incidentally, a metaphor of the role of the parent). It of course very good to see such important themes being discussed in a children’s book, which I would especially recommend to very young children, due to the style of the illustrations and especially since the earlier such important issues are discussed, the better it is for the infant’s psychological development. 

On the matter of the illustrations, there is nothing to be said except that they are incredibly gorgeous, the artist could not be more talented and the high quality of the drawings will leave the reader astonished: I was quite impressed especially by the way they seem to be imagined and depicted directly from the point of view of a child, as if stemming directly from the child’s creative impulse. The colours are vivid and every character is detailed in a unique manner, presenting cute, adorable traits that are peculiar to each one of them. The backgrounds and the landscapes depicted too are exactly how a child would envision them, quirky and coloured in unconventional ways, leaving the imagination truly unbridled in this act of world-building. The images are truly a treat to the eyes and are delightful to look at. The font chosen perfectly matches all this aesthetically speaking (a very rare feature nowadays in children’s books, which tend to use fonts that are simply too serious or boring for the stories they narrate!), as the text is rather fanciful and lovely to look at as well, hence enhancing the reading experience that itself becomes more enjoyable. 

The main thing I did not enjoy so much and that I would improve is the language, it can be quite bland and poor in vocabulary and it presents several weak sentences, and even the moral lesson shines through powerfully only at the end, but it could certainly have been unfolded and diluted in a better way throughout the book, in order to make it even more immediately understandable to the child reader. Furthermore, since this book is so overtly directed at younger children I was also expecting way more nursery rhymes and to find a certain musicality of the language, which is definitely lacking, to the point that sometimes I would make up rhymes in my head that could have been compatible but that I did not have the pleasure to find. In short, there is not an exact correspondence between the narration and the vibrant, lively aesthetic of the font and the images, since the language accompanying them is not even half crackling and fantastical as they are and it did not captivate me. This is such a pity considering that children’s books can afford to be poetic and dreamy-like (even nonsensical!) under any circumstance, especially when the subject matter concerned is banal, given that one of the main features of children’s literature is that it imbues the real with the unreal, twisting even the dullest corner into a spring of fantasies and visions.

Nevertheless, Broccoli Rob and the Garden Singers still scores a solid five out of five because of its truly fabulous illustrations that will enchant every child (and adult), enthralling the eyes to the point that they will be glued to the page until the end, and of course because of the moral that ultimately emerges to promote a positive, important message that every parent wants their children to learn. Be sure to get your copy once it is launched!

Reviewed by

I hold a BA in English Literature and Classics. I majored in English and I am specialized in reviewing children's books and classics. Tips for my work are greatly appreciated!


Broccoli Rob and the Garden Singers is an inspiring children's book with beautiful illustrations that takes the reader through the struggles and personal growth of Broccoli Rob, a shy stalk of broccoli who loved to sing. After several days of heavy rain, Rob was able to persuade his vegetable friends to come together and sing to encourage the sun to come out behind the clouds and shine bright, despite the other vegetable's initial reluctancy towards Rob's plea.

However, once the garden singers began to sing, Broccoli Rob was so shy even his vegetable friends can't hear his beautiful singing, let alone the sun. Rob found himself needing encouragement of his own from his garden friends in order to sing loud and proud, and that day he discovered a very important lesson from his experience.

John S. Armstrong
John S. Armstrong shared an update on Broccoli Rob and the Garden Singersover 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
Another fantastic review, this time from Chick Lit Cafe! "Broccoli Rob and the Garden Singers by John S. Armstrong is a cute and quirky story about a big, bright beautiful garden filled with a colorful assortment of veggies, including a fun and optimistic character named Broccoli Rob who loves to sing about the wonders of his lovely green home. But Rob has kept his glorious singing a secret from the rest of his garden friends in fear they might make fun of him.   After a very rainy day, Broccoli Rob tries to sing a song to bring back the sunshine, but no matter how hard he sings it just doesn't seem to work. So he works up the courage to ask his garden friends for help to bring back the sun. However, his other veggie friends are full of mixed emotions. Finally they all decide to give it a try and soon begin to sing beautifully together. Then to their delight, the gorgeous warm sunshine suddenly returns. Broccoli Rob and the Garden Singers is a wonderful book that teaches important life lessons like, struggling with self-confidence and learning to trust your intuition. I read this inspiring story to my three girls and they absolutely loved singing along with Broccoli Rob to help him get the sun to come out. What a lovely way to encourage children to participate in the story! The illustrations are quirky, uniquely colorful, dazzlingly and delightfully pop on every page!    Broccoli Rob and the Garden Singers is a must-have book for children and families to enjoy! It will leave you in a happy mood humming a sweet tune of sunshine in your heart and mind! We loved this charming book! Broccoli Rob and the Garden Singers by John S. Armstrong comes highly recommended by Chick Lit CafĂ©!!
John S. Armstrong
John S. Armstrong shared an update on Broccoli Rob and the Garden Singersover 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
Thank you everyone for the amazing reviews of "Broccoli Rob and the Garden Singers." I'm thrilled so many children love the book and the illustrations, it's exactly why I wanted to see this book go into publication! See the Amazon reviews at https://amazon.com/product-reviews/B08FZ38GK3/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_viewopt_srt?sortBy=recent&pageNumber=1
John S. Armstrong
John S. Armstrong shared an update on Broccoli Rob and the Garden Singersover 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
"Broccoli Rob and the Garden Singers is a bright and cheery picture book that encourages kindness, teamwork, and believing in oneself. Young readers will be captivated by the story and the incredibly charming artwork....Broccoli Rob for the Win!" @thechildrensbookreview
John S. Armstrong
John S. Armstrong shared an update on Broccoli Rob and the Garden Singersover 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
Amazing review by The Children's Book Review! "Broccoli Rob and the Garden Singers is a bright and cheery picture book that encourages kindness, teamwork, and believing in oneself. Young readers will be captivated by the story and the incredibly charming artwork. In a colorful garden bed next to a classic red farmhouse, you can find a patch of vegetables, including Broccoli Rob. This shy piece of broccoli loves sunshine and singing. However, he does not sing out loud because he’s afraid that the other veggies will make fun of him. After days of heavy rain and zero sunshine, Broccoli Rob knows that he and the other veggies need the sun to come out so that they can grow big and strong. He suggests that they all sing to the sun but is dismissed. That is, until the wise Poppy Cornstalk encourages everyone to give singing a try. When they all work together, and Broccoli Rob is encouraged to sing out loud, the clouds part and the glorious sun shines down on them. Author John S. Armstrong delivers this heartfelt, well-cooked little tale in a sweet tone that young readers will undoubtedly gobble up. His message that no one should be embarrassed by doing something they love is a thoughtful and impactful one. There are other takeaways too, such as: try not to doubt others and there is no harm in trying something new. After all, anything that one does to make their own sunshine is time well spent. If you’re a reader who is well-versed in children’s music and who also likes to sing, you’ll especially enjoy the inclusion of the following well-known refrain: Mr. Sun, Sun Mr. Golden Sun Please shine down on me Does a picture book that encourages a positive outlook and empowers kids to believe in themselves sound good to you? We highly recommend serving Broccoli Rob and the Garden Singers at your next storytime. There may even be the added benefit of kids taking an interest in eating some veggies. Broccoli Rob for the win!"
John S. Armstrong
John S. Armstrong shared an update on Broccoli Rob and the Garden Singersover 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
Thanks to The Children’s Book Review for such an amazing and thoughtful review of “Broccoli Rob and the Garden Singers”! "Author John S. Armstrong delivers this heartfelt, well-cooked little tale in a sweet tone that young readers will undoubtedly gobble up. His message that no one should be embarrassed by doing something they love is a thoughtful and impactful one. There are other takeaways too, such as: try not to doubt others and there is no harm in trying something new. After all, anything that one does to make their own sunshine is time well spent." -The Children's Book Review (thechildrensbookreview.com)
John S. Armstrong
John S. Armstrong shared an update on Broccoli Rob and the Garden Singersover 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
Don’t forget to UPVOTE “Broccoli Rob and the Garden Singers”!!
John S. Armstrong
John S. Armstrong shared an update on Broccoli Rob and the Garden Singersover 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
"Broccoli Rob and the Garden Singers" is now LIVE on ReedsyDiscovery! Please vote to support this children's book that includes beautiful illustrations and positive message for all children! https://reedsy.com/discovery/user/john-s-armstrong
John S. Armstrong
John S. Armstrong shared an update on Broccoli Rob and the Garden Singersover 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
Get a free eBook version of "Broccoli Rob and the Garden Singers" by author John S. Armstrong https://goodreads.com/giveaway/show/312090-broccoli-rob-and-the-garden-singers… #authorjohnsarmstrong #broccolirob
John S. Armstrong
John S. Armstrong shared an update on Broccoli Rob and the Garden Singersover 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
"Broccoli Rob and the Garden Singers" has officially been selected to be a featured book on http://authorweek.com from Monday, September 14th-Sunday September 20th! Be sure to show your support by following me on… https://instagram.com/p/CE1jBwgHEXn/?igshid=1huogfyyvdlcq
John S. Armstrong
John S. Armstrong shared an update on Broccoli Rob and the Garden Singersover 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
Don’t forget to get your own copy of “Broccoli Rob and the Garden Singers”! Purchase your copy of at Amazon, https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1735432008/ref=dbs_a_def_rwt_bibl_vppi_i1 , also available through Barnes and Noble, Kobo, and many other sites)!
John S. Armstrong
John S. Armstrong shared an update on Broccoli Rob and the Garden Singersover 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
I am thrilled to announce that "Broccoli Rob and the Garden Singers" IS OFFICIALLY FOR SALE!!! Purchase your preferred format from a variety of online stores, including Amazon- https://www.amazon.com/John-S.-Armstrong/e/B08F7CMKRB… , Barnes and Noble- https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/broccoli-rob-a…/1137429456… , Apple Books- https://books.apple.com/…/broccoli-rob-and-the…/id1525963031 , Rakuten Kobo- https://www.kobo.com/…/broccoli-rob-and-the-garden-singers-… , among many other online retailers. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!


Ellwyn Autumn – Such an in depth analysis! I enjoyed how you described the illustrations.
over 4 years ago
English Literature Corner – @ellwynautumn Thank you so much Ellwyn! I am glad you enjoyed my review! I always try to keep my reviews professional and constructive :)
over 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
John S. Armstrong – "Broccoli Rob and the Garden Singers" Selected as a Story Monster Approved Book! This designation was developed to recognize and honor accomplished authors in the field of children’s literature that inspire, inform, teach, or entertain. https://goodreads.com/author_blog_posts/20524093-broccoli-rob-and-the-garden-singers-selected-as-a-story-monster-approv
over 4 years ago
About the author

John S. Armstrong is a published children's book author and book reviewer. Children who are exposed to reading at an early age demonstrate a multitude of cognitive benefits, such as improved attention, focus, comprehension, and creativity. view profile

Published on August 21, 2020

Published by Heartland Publishing LLC

0-1000 words

Worked with a Reedsy professional 🏆

Genre:Picture Books

Reviewed by