Orion Lander’s bilingual collection embodies the very best of poetry, bridging personal and universal perspective with multilayered writing that is both exquisite and strong. Worthy of its title, Bouquet consists of two parts: one with twenty-six poems in Spanish and one with the same twenty-six poems re-told in English. The duality of each poem allows for a rich reading experience in which the works can be appreciated through the differing lenses of both languages. Each of the poems is comprised of a one-word title and a short stanza of free-verse. Brief and impactful, Lander’s writing touches on a wide range of subjects and themes, from ruminations on eternity to impressions of the impact of interactions spanning a moment in time. The poetry of Bouquet explores the desire for clarity and connection and delineates subject matter in a manner both abrupt and fluid. Lander frequently evokes images of the natural world in the context of humanity’s internal and interpersonal thoughts and struggles. By returning to these themes and incorporating his own experiences in thoughtfulness and mindfulness, Lander infuses his poetry with a sense of perspective gleaned from his natural introspection. Ponderous yet unindulgent, the poems are relatable, applicable, and enjoyable for readers of many ages and preferences, though fans of the free-verse styles of Elliot, Dickinson, and Cummings may particularly favor Lander’s pieces.
The perfect read for a vast spectrum of multilingual and language-learning readers, Bouquet presents a useful resource for aspiring literary translators as well as purveyors of quality poetry. By comparing poems side-by-side, readers can develop a deeper appreciation for the linguistic properties of the works while exploring the qualities of the languages in which they were written. Newcomers to Spanish and English can increase their vocabulary and experienced speakers can pick a favorite iteration. Overall, Bouquet promises a reading experience both engrossing and enriching to fans of poetry and language alike.