Follow Duncan and Moses, two unlikely friends, as they show the animals in their town the power of acceptance and friendship.
Duncan, a sleek black cat, was best friends with Moses, a chubby white feline. They were inseparable. They played indoors; they played outdoors. During their outdoor time, they spied on three wild animals teasing each other. Their behavior saddened Moses and Duncan. Young kids will probably remark on the illustration of the two sad kitties.
Duncan and Moses reflected on their differences and their strong bond despite them. This storyline created a great life lesson moment for young listeners. You don't have to look like someone else to be their friend or treat them kindly. Also, if you see others being mean to someone, speak up. This world would be a better place to live if we treated each other with kindness and respect.
Depending on the listener's age, discuss if they have seen this "teasing" behavior before at school. Ask how approached the situation.
People tease. Sometimes in jest, sometimes out of meanness. Also, discuss with your kid if and when teasing is appropriate.
The cheetah, zebra, and flamingo learned a valuable lesson from the black-and-white duo, and so will your kids. I encourage you to share Black Cat White Cat: A Children's Book About the Power of Kindness, Acceptance and Friendship by Stef Hickman with children three years and older. Some children under three might follow along with the plot. Every age group will love the bold and beautiful illustrations. Moses was my favorite because he resembled my furball.
After the story's conclusion, flip to the last page to meet real-life Moses and Duncan. They are adorable!
It's never too soon to teach children to be kind and accepting of others, so I recommend you share this book with your child today!
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