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Not for me 😔

An uncomplicated romance that doesn't inspire but good for its basic love story.


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Almost by Amy Booker looks at love and what we do with the almost loves in our lives. The story follows Sarah and Ryan, two high school friends who were almost more and what happens when they reunite after many years. I came into this book looking for a light-hearted romance and that’s exactly what I got. This book isn’t as exciting as other romantic novels that you may read but is an easy read if you are looking for something uncomplicated.

Unfortunately, there weren’t too many things I enjoyed in this book. I did however like the female character and how she exemplifies independence. I liked that this wasn’t a typical female character looking for support from the male but a character that was trying to work hard and achieve her own personal goals. That was something that was consistent throughout the book. The author also does a good job of conveying sorrow. I could feel my heart pull reading certain chapters and felt my stomach drop in others. Lastly, I love the playlist the author provides the reader at the end of the book. It makes reading Almost an experience.

Now for the things I didn’t like. The very cliché metaphors. As I said, this is an easy read and the metaphors had me cringing and not being able to take some parts seriously. I also think in terms of relationship skills, neither of this was developed by the characters. The same problems they had going into the book, they came out with. There were also many plot lines that were rushed. At certain times there would be conflict and it would be over with no real resolution, within a few pages. I think the author could have expanded more on some of those conflicts. And I think that was my largest criticism of the novel. There was too much going on, and a lot of things squeezed in, so nothing could really get deeper into the emotions and development of the characters we were reading about.

Overall, I didn’t entirely enjoy this book but there were some admirable things such as the romance between the characters and the idea of your first real love. But there was a lot going on throughout the book that I couldn’t really sit there and appreciate the story line. I would recommend this for someone who wants a light romance that doesn’t require a lot of focus.

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I am a 29 year-old South Asian female living in Canada that, from a young age, was taught that books were the easiest way to travel and learn about humanity. I love providing honest reviews and am happy reading various genres.


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From Afar


I didn’t expect to run into her so soon. When I suggested the band come to my hometown of Chandler, Ohio, to work on our next album, I knew I would see her at some point. Statistically, it was inevitable. It’s a small damned town. That it’s happening within the first hour of arriving back was not the plan. Recognizing her long chocolate brown hair, I know her the instant my eyes catch sight of her. Sarah Lawrence. Watching her from inside the gas station, and basically blocking the door for all incoming and outgoing traffic, not that I care, takes my breath away. She’s standing by the back of her car while filling it up, her eyes are closed, and I can tell she’s in her own little world, humming a song to herself as she always does.

The early evening slanting sun shines on her hair, casting a copper glow on her beautiful, suntanned face. Sarah is simply stunning, and my breath catches a little as I take her in. Her curves still curve in a way that drives me nuts, and a new dragonfly tattoo forms part of a half sleeve on her right arm. We’d talked about her wanting to add that particular one, and I’m happy she followed through. It suits her perfectly. Quiet. Peaceful. Beautiful. That’s my Sarah. Well, not my Sarah.

“Excuse me,” an older woman says impatiently as she pushes me aside in a hurry to return to her car. She glances back and gives me a vicious glare while shaking her head like she’s got any clue what’s happening in mine. She has no idea I suddenly spotted the unrequited love of my life, and at that moment, my heart left my body and dropped to the grimy store floor. Metaphorically, of course, but this lady doesn’t realize that. Not letting her distract me, my focus is strictly on Sarah, who is still oblivious that I’m only around thirty feet away from her, watching her like some stalker.

Shit, I think, abruptly aware of how horrifyingly creepy I must appear to everyone around me. I glance down at the power drink in my right hand and the car keys in my left, as if they’ll give me some clue as to what I’m supposed to do with myself. Right. I stopped to buy a bottle of water on my way to my band’s hotel. No big deal. Did I pay for this already? I did, right? Fuck, Ryan, get your shit together.

Shifting back to the doors, I’m unsure if I should make myself known to Sarah or slink out with my head and face obscured somehow. My baseball cap mostly does the trick, and I’m pretty good about going incognito to escape getting recognized, but I didn’t foresee hiding in my own town. Not that I’m super famous, but our band’s popularity is picking up a little, and I can’t always guess what to expect from people. This moment caught me completely off guard, even though I envisioned my reunion with Sarah a million times in my head. To be fair, our meeting again did not happen at the corner gas station whenever I dared to picture it, but here we are. I need to figure a way out of this. I am not prepared to face her yet.

Acting on impulse, I duck my head deeper into my hat and speed walk to my car without flat out running to avoid being inconspicuous. I probably look like a complete idiot to anyone paying me any mind. My feet slide a little on the greasy concrete as I move past Sarah, whose eyes are still shut, and I can hear a snippet of the tune she is singing to herself. The sound of her sweet voice carrying on the wind sends a tingling down the skin of my arms. One of the hardest things I’ll ever do is go past her; without acknowledging her, calling to her, being in her presence without her detecting that I’m here. My heart lurches a little, and I have to take a deep breath.

This isn’t the time or place for a reunion. The band still needs to settle in at their hotel, and I want to get myself situated at my mom’s house and hang out with her at least for a little while. I haven’t seen her in person for almost a year, and even then, she had to come visit me while I was on the road. Close to three years have gone by since my last time here in town, and this is the exact reason why. I knew as soon as I saw Sarah, I would lose all control. All the bricks in the wall I built around me and my heart would instantly crumble, and I was right. The dust and ash of those bricks and mortar are falling all around, getting ready to choke me.

Jumping into my car, I slump down behind the wheel as much as my 6’2” frame can, quietly thanking our manager Vanessa in my head for renting one with tinted windows. At least if Sarah looks around, she won’t see me. I don’t start the car but continue to stare silently as Sarah finishes filling her tank, her eyes popping open when the pump automatically stops. I could watch her when she gets in her musical reveries all day. Her singing is the purest form of happiness I know on the planet. She grabs her receipt, frowning at it briefly before getting into her car. It hits me then she’s driving her mother’s Honda. The sedan must be pretty old by now, and it’s odd she’s not using the new car she bought a few years ago when she graduated from college. It makes me wonder if she’s been in an accident or something since I saw her last. This thought makes my mind go dark, imagining her hurt or worse. I shake my head to clear those thoughts and look on as she carefully pulls onto the road, heading further out of town in the direction of her house on the lake. Maybe she just filled up her mom’s car for her. It would be like her to do that for someone else.

I’m so tempted to follow her. To go to her house and tell her I never stopped thinking about her. I never stopped loving her. Of course, I’d never told her I loved her in the first place, so that would probably freak her out. I let that chance slip through my fingers long ago, so I can’t do that. I need to play it cool. I feel enough like a damned stalker already from just watching her here. Sighing loudly, I push the air out of my chest, which is suddenly heavy with a weight I’ve not felt in a long time. The significance of my feelings for Sarah could drown me if I let them. I can’t let them. Not now that I almost learned how to live with them. Almost being the keyword

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Amy Booker
Amy Booker shared an update on Almostalmost 3 years ago
almost 3 years ago
AUDIOBOOK OUT NOW! Almost (Near Miss Book 1) by Amy Booker, Author Narrated by: Addison Barnes & Ryan Lee Dunlap Audible U.S.: https://www.audible.com/pd/B09X637CNB/... Amazon U.S.: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09S413GCR Amazon U.K.: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B09S413GCR Author Website: http://www.amybookerauthor.com Sarah Lawrence and Ryan Crawford are two musicians with a complicated relationship history, to say the least. They are former best friends who always wanted to be more, but never took that leap of faith. Three years ago, Ryan left for LA to chase his musical dreams while Sarah stayed home. She had good reasons but put the possibility of a romantic relationship on the shelf. Fast forward - his band’s star is rising, and Ryan’s becoming a famous rockstar, while Sarah’s still sacrificing everything for her loved ones. Now Ryan’s back in town with his band to record a new album, but they need Sarah’s help. Will they finally take their relationship to the next level like they’ve always wanted? Or will the music business and family tragedy get in the way of their dreams? Can Almost become Absolutely?
Amy Booker
Amy Booker asked a question on Almostabout 3 years ago
about 3 years ago
Which do you prefer? Personally, I love a good audiobook...
17%eBook1 vote
50%Paperback/Hardback3 votes
33%Audiobook2 votes


About the author

I no longer use this site. Find me at my website: www.amybookerauthor.com view profile

Published on February 09, 2022

70000 words

Contains graphic explicit content ⚠️

Genre:Contemporary Romance

Reviewed by