125 Best Children's Books of All Time Monday, Mar 30 Whether it’s read out loud by a parent, covertly read under the covers with a flashlight after bedtime, or assigned as class reading — children’s books have the ability to … read more The 100 Best Graphic Novels of All Time Friday, Mar 13 Have you ever felt interested in comics, but been overwhelmed by the sheer amount of titles to choose from? Or maybe you’re already a fan, but you’re interested in broadening your range? Either way, our list has got you covered!… read more The 30 Best Dystopian Novels Everyone Should Read Friday, Feb 28 Whether they’re sci-fi books about androids dominating the world or speculative fiction tales that aren’t so far from real life, dystopian novels are never not in vogue. From widely popular series to critically acclaimed works, these stories’ social commentary caters to both c...… read more The 20 Best Haruki Murakami Books, Ranked Wednesday, Feb 19 Haruki Murakami is known for his surrealist writing. Here are the best Haruki Murakami books that will show you just how fantastic his works are. … read more 115 Best Young Adult Books of All Time Tuesday, Feb 04 The books we read in our teen years often become our favorites. So we've compiled the best 115 young adult books to help you find your own classics!… read more 50 Best Self-Help Books of All Time Monday, Jan 13 Want to better yourself, but don't know where to start? Our list of 50 titles is sure to give you the guiding hand you need to start improving your life today.… read more 50 Fantasy Subgenres and Their Must-Reads Tuesday, Jan 07 Fantasy is one of the most popular genres in speculative fiction — so it's no surprise that its niches range far and wide. And while you may already have a sense of what kind of fantas...… read more 50 Best Stephen King Books, Ranked By Horror Readers Tuesday, Dec 24 Stephen King has published over 130 short stories and 61 novels. So how do you start reading him? Why not start with our list of the best Stephen Kings books, ranked from least most popular.… read more How to Read the Witcher Books in Order (2024 Update) Wednesday, Dec 18 Since the release of Netflix’s 2019 adaptation of The Witcher, everyone's been buzzing with the same age-old question: are the books better? We're biased towards books ourselves, of course. But we'll let you decide for yourself —...… read more The Best Books of 2019: 50 Reads That Stole Our Hearts Tuesday, Dec 17 Here at Reedsy Discovery, one of our favorite year-end activities is making Best of lists. So that’s exactly what we did! We’ve compiled 50 of the best books of 2019, from fantasy to suspense to biographies and memoirs, and everything in between.… read more Prev 1...7891011...16 Next