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Book Reviews and How to Get Them

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Chances are that in your past, you've decided to read a book based on the number of reviews it had. It's no secret on the flip side, either: as an author, you know that your book reviews will either make or break your book sales.  How to get that sweet influx of reviews when you're self-published, though? That's another story. Luckily for you... it's a secret that Amy Holman Edelman is willing to share!

You'll take away everything you need to know about getting reviews from this course. After 25 years in public relations and almost a decade's worth of experience in publishing, Amy is a wizard at maximizing book discoverability. Come and learn from the best!

What you'll learn in this course

  • The different types of book reviews
  • What steps you should take before sending your book out for a review
  • How you can make a negative review work for you
  • How to get a trade publication to possibly review your book
  • Whether or not you should pay for an Editorial Review

Brought to you by Amy Edelman

After a 25+ year career in public relations, Amy Holman Edelman Amy Edelmanlaunched IndieReader in 2009.  Since then, the site has grown into a one-stop shop for discriminating indie authors. IR’s products, services and properties — including professional book reviews, the IR Discovery Awards, exclusive ad opportunities and CORE by IndieReader — can get your book in front of discerning readers, bookstore buyers (nationally!) and help you with everything packaging and design to marketing and distribution. Book discoverability has never been easier.

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