The Yule Goat is a typical Scandinavian Christmas ornament made of straw which is used as decoration throughout the home.
Before Christianity arrived in Scandinavia, the ancient Scandinavians used to celebrate the winter solstice around the same time that we celebrate Christmas today. The winter solstice is the longest night and shortest day of the year, and from here, the days gradually increase in length and bring us spring and summer. For the ancient Scandinavians, the beginning of the end of winter was a very important reason for celebration.
One of those traditional winter solstice celebrations was the Yule Goat. The Yule Goat was a person disguised as a goat who went from house to house entertaining families with songs and dances and receiving drinks and food in exchange for the entertainment.
Why would a goat be going from house to house to entertain people? In Norse mythology, the good-natured, protective god Thor traveled around in a chariot that two magical goats drew. It is believed that the ancient tradition of the Yule Goat represented the magical goats who came with Thor as he visited the Scandinavian homes bringing happiness and protection at this very special time of the year.
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