Dick Carmel
Dick Carmel recommended a book about 4 years ago
about 4 years ago
How do you choose the next book you read? Some people browse at their favorite bookstore, or online retailer, or at the local library, making their selections in the sections housing their favorite genre. Others browse at random. And some already know the title they want. The latter group has already made their selection ahead of time. Those who already know which book they want made their decisions at the recommendations of friends, or from online or press reviews, or word-of-mouth suggestions. I choose my books from reviews in the book sections of the newspapers and magazines I read–the New York Times, New Yorker, and Chicago Tribune. That is how I chose the five books in the Murderbot Series, which I just finished. I can't recall which of my resources prompted that selection. I wish I could because that reviewer deserves kudos. I have not read science fiction for many years. It was my favorite genre in late grade school and high school. I liked to fantasize but wanted a scientific base for my explorations. I don't remember why I turned to literary and crime fiction, which dominated my reading life over the following decades. Last month, I read a review of Murderbot, which returned me to my youthful genre. I'm glad it did. There are five books in the Murderbot series, written by Martha Wells. The publisher released them over the last five years (Wells is quite prolific.) I found them at my local public library and devoured them in chronological sequence. I think that was the right way to read them. Each novel stands on its own, but each succeeding novel contains references to characterizations and plot developments in earlier books. Each enriches those that follow. They expect to publish the next book later this year. I am very eager to read it.
Network Effect
Murderbot returns in its highly-anticipated, first, full-length standalone novel.You know that feeli...

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