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A beautiful novel of short stories showing the hardest emotions of being a human trying to find a way forward from hard life experiences.


Reckonings, regrets, longings. Life’s turning points. Sometimes redemptive, sometimes heartbreaking, these crossroads are familiar to us all. The yearning for a different path, a better ending, is uniquely human.

You Can’t Get There From Here explores these pivotal moments. In "Repossession,"we meet a young man looking for closure in his dead girlfriend’s apartment; "You Again, Always" introduces us to a couple coming together for one last time; and "Strange Secrets Worth Knowing" follows a man exploring a deadly path to a resolution. These are times when we’re faced with the consequences of our choices and struggle to find a way forward.

You Can’t Get There From Here by Megan Gordon is a collection of short stories and essays that speak to the many hardships we go through in life and love. From affairs to finding yourself, the author brings you into the mind of individuals going through some of the hardest chapters in their life. I personally had to re-read some of the short stories as I really wanted to grasp the symbolism used by the author, as well as understand the mindsets of the varying characters better. There were moments when reading these short stories where my heart just pulled and my eyes welled. Even reading through the stories a second time, I found myself enjoying them more than the first time I read them.

There were many different things I enjoyed when reading this book. The author does a wonderful job tying in the senses to different emotions and settings. They use the sense of smell wonderfully to describe the stages of a relationship. These smells were described so well as if I could smell what the author was explaining through the pages. I also liked how the author explained the experiences of women in a creative but unapologetically honest way. There were moments where I thought, “I am so glad I’m not the only one who feels this way”. The author did a great job walking through some of the harder aspects of being a woman. Another great aspect of these stories is that each story put me in a different mind space and each mind was so different from the next. I felt like I was there with the characters, going through what they were going through. It was so honest and painful but beautiful at the same time; as if I was reading their journal and seeing into how they really were feeling. Some scenarios were hard to read because it hit so close to home, but I enjoyed the fact that I could heal and reflect along with these stories.

I can’t say there was much I disliked about the novel. There were some passages I couldn’t relate to but that’s to be expected as the stories, while similar in theme, were very different. But in that sense, that’s what makes this a great read for anyone. I recommend this to any reader who wants to dive deeper into human emotions and relationships, and all the good and bad that can happen within them. I think there is at least one story or one part of a story that any reader can relate to. These stories are honest, heartbreaking and looks at the human experience without any of the frills, butterflies and rainbows. You Can’t Get There From Here is definitely a must read!

Reviewed by

I am a 29 year-old South Asian female living in Canada that, from a young age, was taught that books were the easiest way to travel and learn about humanity. I love providing honest reviews and am happy reading various genres.


Reckonings, regrets, longings. Life’s turning points. Sometimes redemptive, sometimes heartbreaking, these crossroads are familiar to us all. The yearning for a different path, a better ending, is uniquely human.

You Can’t Get There From Here explores these pivotal moments. In "Repossession,"we meet a young man looking for closure in his dead girlfriend’s apartment; "You Again, Always" introduces us to a couple coming together for one last time; and "Strange Secrets Worth Knowing" follows a man exploring a deadly path to a resolution. These are times when we’re faced with the consequences of our choices and struggle to find a way forward.


It is her choice, and yet as he walks away, regret rips through the girl like a knife, imploring her to call him back, but the words refuse to come.

Years from now, in quiet moments, the woman will find herself back in the room with the twin bed, her longing a dull ache in her throat. He will be there, reaching for her, the desire in his eyes reflecting her own. The ache will become unbearable, and while the woman fights back tears, the girl will stand in front of him, naked, pulse quickening, her hands on his chest.

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Donnamarie McGawEmotionally moving stories that tug at your heartstrings and find commonality in your own life.
over 3 years ago
Leslie MerrickI cried, I laughed, I got angry. I identified. This book hit all the emotions. I didn't want it to end.
over 3 years ago
Megan GordonThank you, Shamitha, for the lovely review. I’m happy the book resonated with you. If anyone has any questions for me, I’d be happy to answer them.
over 3 years ago
About the author

Megan Gordon is a former copywriter and editor who left it all behind to start her second act with her first love, fiction. She is the author of A Month of Sundays: Stories of Love and Loss. She lives in Dallas, Texas with her husband. view profile

Published on September 07, 2021

30000 words

Contains mild explicit content ⚠️

Genre:Contemporary Fiction

Reviewed by