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Worth reading 😎

An intriguing set-up, the first chapter forces you to continue reading and while a LOT is happening, it ties up at the end.


Could it happen that a US President would nuke an American city to stay in power? Yes, It Happened. Amid a nation torn by dissension, Augustus, a former soldier turned successful blogger uncovers the ruthless plot. With his wife dead, he flees with his children on a cross-country journey to keep his children safe while planning his own plot to take back America. Augustus pulls off a dangerous kidnapping, overcomes the challenges of a Russian hit squad, upends fake news, and faces down his biggest threat, American Warriors, all in order to uphold his ideals. Through a series of events and challenges, he finds himself in a seat of power he never imagined in a radically changed America. With roots in contemporary America, Yes It Happened, is a parable of possibilities for our times.

Yes, It happenedcould definitely *happen* in our lives. The plot while ambitious, feels strangely surreal at times with several genres merging into one. There is action, fiction, drama, mystery, and a really fast paced narrative, the reader gets pulled into an alternate universe. The book attempts to be everything and in those ambitions, the prose feels sacrificed and the pace. I did have trouble engaging with the set-up but I definitely enjoyed the ride and it did feel as if it had a decent amount of momentum. If you are a serious reader, then treat this as a light weekend read or airport read. It does not demand much attention but does feel intensive when the plot gets really going.

The author had a good idea but I believe there was trouble sticking to a speed or mood. While there is no harm in merging various genres or moods, it can cause confusion in such a fast-paced novel. The language felt a bit too over-stylised, with excessive adjectives and action verbs. It started to read like the script of an American action movie at one point. There is absolutely nothing wrong with it but the author could have added more nuance and slowed down the narration because the initial story was rich enough in itself. All in all, a weekend read if you want to take a break from work and just relax with a fast novel.

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As a writer for almost 8 years, I have experience understanding and reviewing content across global and cultural borders. I have widely varied tastes and am open to reading and reviewing different genres.


Could it happen that a US President would nuke an American city to stay in power? Yes, It Happened. Amid a nation torn by dissension, Augustus, a former soldier turned successful blogger uncovers the ruthless plot. With his wife dead, he flees with his children on a cross-country journey to keep his children safe while planning his own plot to take back America. Augustus pulls off a dangerous kidnapping, overcomes the challenges of a Russian hit squad, upends fake news, and faces down his biggest threat, American Warriors, all in order to uphold his ideals. Through a series of events and challenges, he finds himself in a seat of power he never imagined in a radically changed America. With roots in contemporary America, Yes It Happened, is a parable of possibilities for our times.

Yes, It Happened

The Beginning

Chapter 1

Sometime in the Near Future

            A blazing flash lit up my home office followed instantly by a distant, wall-shaking explosion. “Holy shit!” I leaped from my chair and hurried to the window. Everything on the street seemed normal, until my eyes lifted to the horizon. A huge mushroom cloud rose over Washington DC. Oh, my God.” I mumbled in disbelief.

It could’ve been a Hiroshima photo--a slender stem and an angry bubbling cap. “Oh myGod.” I mumbled loudly again. While the Capital stood twenty-plus miles from our Virginia home, my wife, Martha, would be at her K Street office finishing her second coffee.

           Staring at the towering cloud of horror, questions raced through my speechless mind. Martha? Our kids? War? With whom? Why? Washington DC nuked? My heart pounded; my mind exploded. This can’t be. I needed answers.

           I headed to the kitchen TV. Nothing but snow on the local channels. I tried CNN. A pale newscaster held a phone tightly to his ear, the other hand covering the mouthpiece while speaking softly to the camera. “We’re getting reports that a nuclear bomb has been detonated in Washington DC. We’re trying to get more information.” His voice crackling in disbelief.

           “No!” I yelled at the screen while digging my cell out my pocket. No service. I grabbed the landline and punched in Martha’s number. Silence. I called our kid’s school. A busy signal. What to do? Get the kids? What about Martha? I thought, as I looked at the distant mushrooming cloud. Maybe she got to an underground bunker? There must’ve been a warning. Who did this? I turned back to the TV. The announcer continued pressing the phone to his ear, listening.

 Then a pounding on my door along with the familiar voice of a condo neighbor. “Augustus, you there?”

 I raced to open it. Phil’s terrified eyes locked on mine. “Someone nuked Washington! I can’t believe it.”

           “I can’t. . . . I don’t know. I need. . . .” Words tumbled from my lips, broken and fragmented, much like the new reality outside the window.

           CNN interrupted us, the announcer’s voice shrill and panicked. “It’s been confirmed that Washington DC has been struck by a nuclear weapon, maybe two of them. The strongest part of the blast hit just south of the Capitol, but everything, we think, within a ten-mile radius of the White House has been completely obliterated. We’re predicting death tolls in the hundreds of thousands. As of yet, we have no information regarding who could have done this. And there

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1 Comment

Ayush Nalavade@robertmaxwell thrilling premise and a cool title! Have you given any thoughts to adapting this to movie/tv?
almost 4 years ago
About the author

Yes, It Happened is my first book, although not my first writing attempt. With luck, another book will arrive shortly. My interest is in contemporary American fiction that tackles real world issues with an accessible, interesting narrative. Hopefully, I've succeeded. My writing idol is Tom Wolfe. view profile

Published on November 01, 2020

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40000 words

Contains mild explicit content ⚠️

Genre:Action & Adventure

Reviewed by