Rewind: 1939 is a work of “realistic fiction” set at the beginning of World War II. It follows the life of a Polish man, Jesmy Alenskey, beginning with a Polish attack on the Nazis after the latter invades Poland. Then the action shifts to a freezing December day in the North Sea aboard a British cruiser. It quickly pivots to a French resistance base in to Canisy, “a small village on the outscourts (sic) of Saint Lo.” Then it follows “Operation Hamburg,” the Battle of Paris, and the Battle of Libuek.
While this short book has potential, it is too often confusing and difficult to follow. It would benefit from a professional edit. There is little character development and the plot is bereft of a distinct beginning, middle, or end. The writing is choppy and jumbled.
Indeed, Rewind: 1939 is not quite ready for prime time. Recurring issues with basic grammar, punctuation, paragraphing, typos, and capitalization are frequent. (Examples: “world war 2,” “Its a stormy night,” “He was an average polish man,” and "im going to England.” And no, Chal did not fall down after being shot “with a thumbing thud." And so on.) That’s just the first three paragraphs.
So the manuscript could benefit from another proofread and a few more rounds of “spit and polish.” (Not to be confused with “Polish.”)
Realistic fiction is fiction that uses imagined characters in situations that either actually happened in real life or are very likely to happen. The genre may further extend to characters reacting in realistic ways to real-life type situations. In this regard, Rewind: 1939 has great potential. It is creative and intriguing. Readers are introduced to characters they’ll want to get to know better. The story represents a fresh and original approach to a well-worn subject, and dives in with ingenuity and inventiveness.
It appears that a sequel to this book is in the works. With more time, attention and elbow grease, this story could be whipped into a real page turner you won’t want to put down.