Work in Progress: The untold story of the Crawley Writers' Group, compiled by Peter, writer

By Dan Brotzel

Veronika Jordan

Reviewed on Jun 23, 2021

Must read 🏆

This book is the most fun I have had reading in ages. It is so good and so funny.

Hilarious. At a time when the world is in pandemic chaos following Brexit chaos, this book is a beacon of light in the darkness (I hope that is/is not too pretentious). In the spirit of the novel I am going to write in the style of the Crawley Writers Group. If I ever thought about joining a writer’s group I hope/dread that they would all be as mad as this lot.

Dear Peter

You are not misunderstood and unappreciated. You are simply a pretentious twat. And I’m not sure all that secret recording is actually legal.

Hey Jon

There are no aliens living in the sky or UFOs coming to rescue you. Get over it and keep taking the tablets or in your case probably stop taking the illegal substances. And as far as rebooting the rock band of the seventies, l should leave that elderly rockers thing to The Rolling Stones.

Hey Keith

I think maybe 4.5 million words, many of which are in a made-up language, is (are?) about 4.3 million too many. Can I have a Bink badge please at a hugely discounted price? Of course I can’t.

Dear Blue

Somewhere deep inside that Goth exterior is a really nice person desperately to trying to get out. I think I might be your friend.

Dear Alice

The Sentence has become a life sentence. Ditch it and realise that everything else you write is really rather good. Writers write. Everything else is procrastination. And keep blogging.

Hey Tomcat

A writer’s group is for writers to exchange ideas, not for perverts to pick up women. It can only end in disaster or the police coming round.

Hi Mavinder

Who are you? Where are you? Do you even exist?

And finally:

Dear Julia

I’m sure you are a beautiful person (both inside and out) with a beautiful house and beautiful clothes, the world’s biggest selection of canapes, more than one chimenea and a kidney-shaped infinity pool (how does that work?). Unfortunately, your ego is bigger than your talent, but no worries, talent is no requisite for success (you only have to watch reality TV) and I’m sure you will be the talk of the town.

This book is the most fun I have had reading in ages. It is so good and so funny. I wish there was more to come.

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I live in the Cotswolds with my husband and an elderly Jack Russell named Pancake. I have two sons and three beautiful granddaughters. I write poetry and short stories and have published a book of short stories and a novella. I also paint a bit which seems to take up much of my free time.


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