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I think any preschool and elementary school child, new to a class or school, can relate to and find enjoyment in this story.


A young girl goes through her first day at a new school and struggles with her unique name as she introduces herself to new teachers and friends. With the encouragement from her family, she will soon discover how special her name really is.

Every child who ventures back to public school has their own feeling about stepping into a new school or classroom. Jitters. Excitement. Apprehension. Indifference. Most kids prep for the big day with a new haircut or selecting the perfect outfit. What they can't prep for is how kids will interact or treat them. The little girl in the story went from excitement to nervousness because of her name. Why? Because people have trouble pronouncing it. This dilemma happens every day, all across the globe. 

When the little girl went to school, her fears came to life. The teacher had difficulty pronouncing it. Some kids snickered at it. BUT, she met kids who were kind. Students invited her to sit with them at the lunch table. 

When the child's dad picked her up from school, she asked him why they chose that name and not something "normal." To avoid spoilers, I will not disclose what her name is, why it was chosen, or its meaning. I will share a snippet of her father's response, though. "Everyone has things that they may want to change about themselves, but what's most important is loving yourself." Words to live by! 

The second day of school went spectacularly well, and hooray for her! 

After Why Is This My Name? Not Just a Children's Story, there's a box where the child writes down the meaning of their name. I looked up mine and was shocked to find out it meant "crooked nose." Since I did break my nose when I was a teenager, the meaning fits (now). 

Amazon didn't list a reading age when I was writing my review. I think any preschool and elementary school child, new to a class or school, can relate to and find enjoyment in this story. Maybe teachers can read this story to their students on the first day of class and discuss the importance of being kind to others and embracing our differences. 

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I've been constructing reviews for over a decade and don't plan on stopping anytime soon. Most of the reviews will be featured on my blog (Kam's Place), Pinterest, Instagram, BlueSky, and Goodreads. Don't forget to tip your waitress! :D


A young girl goes through her first day at a new school and struggles with her unique name as she introduces herself to new teachers and friends. With the encouragement from her family, she will soon discover how special her name really is.

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Aloysia Burgess@kameronbrook Thank you for your thorough review, I'm so happy you enjoyed the book and you also looked up the meaning of your name. Thank you again.
over 2 years ago
Kameron Brook@aloysiaburgess Please let me know if you'd featured on my site in July. #KamsPlace You really did write an excellent story!
over 2 years ago
About the author

Aloysia Burgess, née Colquhoun, is a wife and mother to two boys. She always had a love of literature and, as a child, would write her own stories. Her goal is to encourage acceptance and self-love through her writing. view profile

Published on May 29, 2022

2000 words


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