When Twilight Breaks

By Sarah Sundin

Cindy Davis

Reviewed on Feb 11, 2021

Must read 🏆

When Twilight Breaks is masterfully crafted, with love, intrigue, mystery, and danger woven throughout its pages.

When Twilight Breaks is the first book that I have read by Sarah Sundin, but I look forward to reading more from her in the future. Sundin has written several series, but When Twilight Breaks is a stand-alone novel. I am not a huge fan of historical fiction, so I am very picky about which books I read, but this one was extremely well-written and interesting.


Evelyn Brand is a strong female character, as seen from this line, "Evelyn Brand had done a crack bit of journalism, and she hadn't even had to dress like a man to do so." Evelyn is a female journalist, in the late 1930s, which is a male-dominated career path. She is a foreign correspondent stationed in Munich, Germany, and determined to tell the truth about the Nazi situation in Germany. Evelyn has been hurt by men in her past and has serious trust issues. Most men want her to be silenced, and even in her field of work, her voice gets silenced and the men make cracks about how she should be at home. Evelyn is extremely brave and resilient, working hard to uncover and report the truth.


Peter Lang is also in Germany, working on his Ph.D. in German, by teaching American students how to sound fluent in German. He is working on his dissertation, but he is also discouraged from continuing in the direction he is going. Peter is enchanted about how orderly Germany is and wants more places to be run like Germany is run. In a series of eye-opening events, Peter comes to terms with what he thought he knew and reality. Peter is a great character with lots of depth. 


Peter and Evelyn meet when Evelyn is assigned a "softball" assignment and Peter's job is to essentially babysit her. While they are drawn to each other on their first meeting, neither one is looking for a relationship. Plus, Evelyn has issues with Peter's enchantment of the Nazis. 


I loved this story. I enjoyed the witty banter between Evelyn and Peter. It was refreshing that they did not immediately fall but instead developed a beautiful friendship. Their friendship has quite a few rocky moments but seems to come out stronger after each test. Eventually, it is put to the ultimate test and Evelyn has to decide if she can trust Peter or if he is like every other man that has hurt her.


When Twilight Breaks is masterfully crafted, with love, intrigue, mystery, and danger woven throughout its pages. It has something for everyone! I would highly recommend this book to anyone who loves reading Historical fiction, suspense novels, books with light romance, or just a great novel! I cannot say enough good things about When Twilight Breaks. The only downside for me was having to read it over multiple days because real life kept getting in the way of my reading! This is one that you will want to devour in one sitting.


Thank you to Revell and Net Galley for the opportunity to read this book. I was not required to give a positive review, but am more than happy to do so. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.

Reviewed by
Cindy Davis

I am an avid book reader (book addict), I could literally spend all day reading and not get bored. I love learning new things through reading. *I prefer conservative books without profanity or explicit content.*


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