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Whether a person's dream takes place on our planet or not, we should support their ambitions.


The simple images in this unique picture book allow children to ponder over the wonders of space while building their self-belief.

This book encourages children to Dream Big, Aim High and discover what it takes to be an astronaut.

Career gender stereotypes and self-efficacy start to form in early childhood.

There are space references for the grown-up astronaut hidden within the images.

When I'm an Astronaut: Dreaming is Believing: STEM (Inspirational Careers for Kids) by Samantha Pillay was a beautiful story about a child who intends to make her dream a reality. 

To become an astronaut takes a lot of physical training. Astronauts even work out in space to lessen the effects of gravity on their bones and muscles. BTW: If your child hasn't watched astronauts working out in space, I encourage you to share videos with them! It's impressive how they exercise and the length of time they work out too. 

Space travel is a team event. No job is too small! It was adorable how the little girl's puppy was right there with her, from training to exploration. I was waiting for a page where Harry Aveira illustrated the puppy in a space suit. Sadly, it didn't happen; however, they did illustrate many other cute poochy scenes: swimming in the pool, playing with a ball in space, and floating in a zero-gravity atmosphere.

Every Harry Aveira drawing was excellent, with or without the canine sidekick! 

When kids speak of their dreams, we should listen and encourage them to make their dreams come true. If a child says one day they will go to outer space, tell them you believe they will. 

Whether a person's dream takes place on our planet or not, we should support their ambitions. 

Amazon didn't list a recommended reading age, but I think toddlers will love looking at the images. Beginning readers will need assistance with words, such as physics, mathematics, and magnificent. More established readers should have no issue with the text. So, this book could entertain households with a variety of age groups. 

I will tell my fellow parents about When I'm an Astronaut: Dreaming is Believing: STEM (Inspirational Careers for Kids) by Samantha Pillay in hopes they will share this book with their youngsters. 

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I've been constructing reviews for over a decade and don't plan on stopping anytime soon. Most of the reviews will be featured on my blog (Kam's Place), Pinterest, Instagram, BlueSky, and Goodreads. Don't forget to tip your waitress! :D


The simple images in this unique picture book allow children to ponder over the wonders of space while building their self-belief.

This book encourages children to Dream Big, Aim High and discover what it takes to be an astronaut.

Career gender stereotypes and self-efficacy start to form in early childhood.

There are space references for the grown-up astronaut hidden within the images.


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About the author

Dr Samantha Pillay, surgeon, entrepreneur and author hopes to inspire the next generation of leaders with her Inspirational Careers for Kids picture book series. Starting school in a wheelchair, she understands the importance of self-belief to achieve one's goals. Visit her website to learn more. view profile

Published on August 09, 2022

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Genre:Picture Books

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