Shea and Victoria's story grips you, draws you in and doesn't let you go. I cant wait to find out what the future has in store for them.
The story and some of the themes are probably slightly more relevant in 2020 than the author intended when she started writing ...
This book has it all: brilliant world building, multifaceted characters that really make you care about them (even if in die cases it's just to make you want to reach inside the pages and shake them for their decisions), a well-thought out plot with juuust enough hints to make you go "ha!" out loud and startle your cat. And, last but not least, a very good writing style that makes it super enjoyable to read.
I'm generally not a huge sci-fi fan but I enjoyed Valkyrie immensely, so I definitely recommend this to readers who typically read outside the genre, as well.
A fast paced sci fi which packs in a whole lot of plot, as well as a bunch of interesting and complex characters.
As well as the detailed socio-political worlds we are introduced to, there's a lot of character development throughout. Noone is two-dimensional, even the most evil people we meet in the book, and queer characters are represented without their sexuality being the whole of their identity,
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