Urbanism For Sale. Feld72: Österreichischer Beitrag Zur 7. Internationalen Architekturbiennale Sao Paulo / Austrian Contribution To The 7th International ... In Sao Paulo

By Lilli Hollein

husam talib

Reviewed on Feb 25, 2021

Not for me 😔

The book is multidisciplinary approach writing; the book was written by different people from different cultures and backgrounds. Moreover, there was a strong governmental and nongovernmental support to finalize this book. The federal minister of education and art in Austria and the ambassador of Austria in Brazil where main contributors in assisting not only the book to see light but the project of the book. Authors are from four educational backgrounds, a journalist from Austria worked in the field of curator in architecture and urbanism, a university professor having his own practice and taught in various areas in USA and Europe, A specialist in historical and postcolonial studies published different books on modernism and culture, A critic in architecture and art where her interest the intersection between social studies and architecture and art. As illustrated the book is written by a mix of people that are not from architecture or urban design major except one; there work is mainly is social studies and art critic and culture.

The book is multidisciplinary approach writing; the book was written by different people from different cultures and backgrounds. Moreover, there was a strong governmental and nongovernmental support to finalize this book. The federal minister of education and art in Austria and the ambassador of Austria in Brazil where main contributors in assisting not only the book to see light but the project of the book. Authors are from four educational backgrounds, a journalist from Austria worked in the field of curator in architecture and urbanism, a university professor having his own practice and taught in various areas in USA and Europe, A specialist in historical and postcolonial studies published different books on modernism and culture, A critic in architecture and art where her interest the intersection between social studies and architecture and art. As illustrated the book is written by a mix of people that are not from architecture or urban design major except one; there work is mainly is social studies and art critic and culture.

Regardless that the book includes theory base knowledge and experiment and practice projects, but the major parts are about the projects and the experiments the architects from Austria feld72 applied to various locations in the world. For that, the book is written to serve various audiences, students or practitioners interested in social science studies and the influence of perception theory on people behavior, art and culture critics interested in the role of art and people culture and ethics in rehabilitating societies and architectural environment, architects interested in experiments of turning deprived buildings and urban landscape to life, urban designers interested in developing their knowledge in the strategies of brining derelict urban space and developments to human use, theorists interested in the role of urban theory influence on the production of urban development’s and cities, and government and non-government bodies interested in planning community and exhibition events.

Continue Reading: http://husamtalib.com/Urbanism-for-sale-FELD72

Reviewed by
husam talib

Husam in his 25 years in architectural and urban design practice experience has helped several international firms in the Middle East achieve success by meeting project’s planned goals and reduced projects budgets without quality tradeoff.


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