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An authentic and harsh look at the day-to-day life of a soldier in Vietnam.


The Vietnam War has tormented American consciousness for more than half a hundred years, and shows no sign of flagging. Up-Close & Personal is a signal contribution to understanding that drawn-out conflict from a soldier's point of view, informed by knowledge gained from being “up-close” at the basic, ground-pounding or river-patrolling combat level. The author pulls no punches. Detail is uncompromising, hard, often excruciating. All this amid the tumult of politicized youth on the home front shouting "Make love not War" and "Tune in drop out." Drugs, sex and blind resistance to authority that exported its rot to the military in Vietnam. Morale collapsed. Army leadership went adrift along with its management of the war. 1969-1970, the era covered by this book, was the nadir. That the stalwarts who dubbed themselves "Bushwhackers" were actually Military Police assigned an infantry role -- and thus unique in US military history -- makes the tale all the more compelling.

Memoirs from Vietnam veterans tend to range from the literary to the battle-focused, leaving many people wondering just what it was like to be a soldier in this conflict. Enter Robert Bogison’s memoir, “Up-Close and Personal: In-Country, Chieu Hoi, Vietnam. 1969-1970.” Bogison, an MP, takes us on his journey from boot camp to his readjustment at home.

It is a strong narrative that does not center around firefights (Bogison was in just three), instead focusing on the day-to-day work of a soldier. While most people think of MPs as standing guard, Bogison was an infantryman and then led a patrol boat crew. While some memoirs paint a glorified picture of the writer, Bogison not only laughs at himself but even questions his own outlook on the people he was defending.

Although not assigned to Vietnam, Bogison made several attempts to end up there only to find himself working a security detail. After more pleading, he finally finds himself in an infantry unit crawling through the mud, burning leeches off his body, and waiting for the enemy to appear.

A central part of the memoir focuses on a time when Bogison leads his troops on the patrol boat to find bodies from a helicopter crash. As they find the bodies in the river they are bloated and coming apart as the soldiers try to pull them in. It is a harsh section that takes any beauty out of death in wartime. 

Bogison’s interactions with the Vietnamese people are rare and raw. He was not a fan of the Vietnamization of the war and found reasons to not trust South Vietnamese soldiers. At one point he is ready to kill a Vietnamese woman and finally, he nearly stops a family from taking their injured 4-year-old child onto a military helicopter because he thinks it might be a trap. Others intervene and he relents only to realize that there was no trap. The child dies while being transported in the helicopter.

“I was evolving into a brute who cared nothing for the child or the Vietnamese people. I had become what Army at war trains its soldiers to do. Win.”

Harsh, self-judgment assures us we are reading an authentic account of the author's 14-months as a solider. Those with an interest in what happens to people in war, and that should be everybody, should read this memoir.

Reviewed by

I'm a long-time reader and reviewer who has no pretension about being an author someday. My undergraduate work was in Philosophy, Religion, and English. My Master's degree is in Professional Writing (English). I've taught first-year English with college students and write three different blogs.


The Vietnam War has tormented American consciousness for more than half a hundred years, and shows no sign of flagging. Up-Close & Personal is a signal contribution to understanding that drawn-out conflict from a soldier's point of view, informed by knowledge gained from being “up-close” at the basic, ground-pounding or river-patrolling combat level. The author pulls no punches. Detail is uncompromising, hard, often excruciating. All this amid the tumult of politicized youth on the home front shouting "Make love not War" and "Tune in drop out." Drugs, sex and blind resistance to authority that exported its rot to the military in Vietnam. Morale collapsed. Army leadership went adrift along with its management of the war. 1969-1970, the era covered by this book, was the nadir. That the stalwarts who dubbed themselves "Bushwhackers" were actually Military Police assigned an infantry role -- and thus unique in US military history -- makes the tale all the more compelling.



Robert A. Sullivan, Major General, United States Army (ret.)

There were two Vietnam assignments in my life, starting with the Military Advisory Assistance Command (MACV) in 1964 and oversight of the four major training sites, one in each of the Corps areas.

The second tour in 1968 was of a different magnitude and came nearer the time covered in Robert Bogison’s fascinating narrative, assigned to an infantry unit the author will recognize at once: Command of the 2nd Battalion, 39th Infantry, 9th Infantry Division. “Bushwhackers” of the 720th MP Battalion were intimately familiar with the 9th, “The Old Reliables.”

But Robert Bogison was not infantry. Not his MOS at all. Remarkably, he was a Military Policeman who got the roughest kind of infantry-appropriate, ground-pounding assignments imaginable. An anomaly in U. S. Army chronicles and very probably unique in the history of the Military Police Corps.

What’s more, Robert and his band of brothers did the job with consummate military skill, with fortitude, application of loads of common sense, technical savvy, with humor and with no small dash of élan.

Whatever their background, from California surfer to urban street hangers-on, they fought as a team of “heroic hearts,” strong in will and never to yield. They represent America’s best, young men to whom the nation owes a debt of boundless gratitude. The 9th Division that Robert and I share affection for — and to whose energetic support we likely owe our survival — is the same outfit in which Sergeant Smith served as a Military Policeman and told about back at Fort Riley, before Robert’s in-country perils began. About the ambushes and fire fights Smith survived escorting convoys on the highways of the Mekong Delta.

The 9th was the first infantry division Robert spotted in the octofoil shoulder patch worn by “old-timers clad in worn and faded fatigues” cited in the lively account of his arrival in Vietnam, when the well-worn saddle of a senior sergeant -and Robert’s trans-oceanic airline passenger companion -parted with a kindly, “Good luck, kid. Do what they tell you.”

Doing what they “tell you” is the easy part. Doing it right when there’s no one around to tell you anything is the hard bit. For Robert and for most of us, presence of mind for independent action came later, with experience.

 And it was the 9th Division Robert and his squad impatiently waited for a “special delivery” from the “artillery guys miles away at a place called Bearcat” only to be told that the 9th had a melee of their own to sort out and there was no artillery to spare. I know Bearcat. We share the experience in more ways than just geography.

The Vietnam War was a defining event for me, as it was in Robert Bogison’s life. In-your-face combat participation is a crucible that changes people forever. Robert was in Long Binh ward, Biên Hoa, Đồng Nai Province. My bunk was not all that far away in the Delta at Firebase Dirk, later designated Firebase Schroeder in honor of Lt Colonel Donald B. Schroeder who was killed in action.

We got the same mosquitoes, bugs the size of Philadelphia, venomous reptiles in unbelievable numbers, sizes, and colors, same wet, same mud and the same people who wanted to kill us. I still have a note written by our chaplain who remembered vividly how we ran into each other one action-packed night in 1969.

It was about 3am and we were experiencing a rather heavy mortar attack which gave evidence of being a prep for a ground attack. We were heading for the perimeter, but in opposite directions. The night was totally without light, except that from exploding mortars, one of which heavily damaged my quarters, and another, but a few minutes later, exploding on top of the sandbags protecting the aid station. 13 of us were in the treatment room when it hit. It was an interesting night.

The enemy at that time, for Robert Bogison and for me, came mostly from the Viet Cong, but it rapidly was joined by well-trained North Vietnamese Army forces moving down the Ho Chi Minh Trail from North Vietnam. We were involved in several major battles with both elements.

Like the “Bushwhackers” in this book, we conducted routine day and night operations. It was a pitiless schedule made worse by geography and climate. I thank God for allowing me to come through the war unscathed. There is no doubt Robert Bogison would not hesitate to join me with an Amen to that!

A word on recognition of extraordinary service rendered. It is a truism throughout the US military that when individuals get an award it is generally one step junior to the one, they actually deserve. But there is little debate that administrative practice in the Vietnam War tilted odds in favor of commissioned officers. As battalion commander, I had a LOACH observation helicopter at my disposal and took to the air frequently to help guide the battalion’s ground movements. Unlike “God’s Own Lunatics” the stalwarts who served as combat air crew and had no choice in selecting their sorties, my observer role qualified for award of the Air Medal. That never sat right with me. In that context, congratulations on your Army Commendation Medal, Robert. In your case the symbolism far outweighs the medal’s ranking on the awards chart.  

I am proud to have served in the same Army, same war zone with Robert Bogison and the 720th, confident of having done our duty.

Robert A. Sullivan

Major General (Infantry) United States Army

Norfolk, Virginia, February, 2019

General Sullivan, a native of Sturgis, South Dakota was commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant, Infantry, in 1952 through the University of South Dakota’s ROTC program. He retired in 1982 as Chief of Public Affairs, Office of the Secretary of the Army. In civilian life he was a banker.

He passed away 8 days after “UP-CLOSE & PERSONAL” was published, on June 21, 2019.  


About the author

Robert Bogison served a 14 month tour of duty in Vietnam as a squad leader in an ambush & recon platoon and as a non-commissioned officer in-charge of three Patrol Boats (PBRs) conducting Riverine Operations. 26 years in law enforcement, 19 of which were spent investigating homicides. view profile

Published on June 10, 2019

Published by brayton@harris.net

130000 words

Contains mild explicit content ⚠️

Worked with a Reedsy professional 🏆

Genre:Biographies & Memoirs

Reviewed by