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I really enjoyed reading Trust and Treason by JR Tomlin, a medieval historical fiction tale of the Scottish noble Sir Archibald Douglas.


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In the historical fiction novel Trust and Treason, author JR Tomlin treats us to the second installment of the the Douglas Bastard series. The novel is set in medieval Scotland. At the battle at Neville’s Cross the Scots are forced to fight on ground that is riddled with ditches and walls. Their tactical mistake limits their movements and turns into a disaster. During the rout, many Scottish commanders and troops were killed, and many flee. The English capture others, including the king of the Scotts David II and Sir William Douglas, the heroic Knight of Liddesdale. Sir Archibald “The Grim” Douglas survives the battle and returns home, riddled with guilt, to find Scotland under the thumb of the English troops. 

On Archie’s return, the Lady Douglas orders him to leave her castle for failing in his duty to protect Sir William.

“Her disdain stung more than a slap could. I covered my mouth with my hand, pain tightening the back of my throat. She had always been kind to me. The worst was that she was not wrong. I had a duty to Sir William and to the King. Both duties I had failed.”
Historical Fiction Novel Trust and Treason, by JR Tomlin

To atone, Sir Archibald organizes a small band to attack the English and continue to fight for his King and for Scotland. His tactics are successful on a small scale until the discovery of power struggle between branches of his family and the breakout of the black plague in Scotland, which throw his efforts into disarray. 

Some ten years later, as the plague subsides, the English propose to ransom the King of Scots free if Edward III’s son is named in the succession for the Scottish throne. The ransom message was carried to the Scots by the paroled King David II himself. 

Shocked by what he is hearing, Archibald, who is now in the service of Lord Douglas, soon faces an even greater test of his personal loyalty.

The book is gritty, vivid, and rich in historical detail—easily transporting me into medieval Scotland. Although at first it was a little hard to get used to, the archaic Scottish added to the emersion experience. I also liked Ms. Tomlin’s interpretation of a portion of Sir Archibald’s story which does not appear the history books.

I enjoyed experiencing Archie’s trials. JR Tomlin’s Trust and Treason is a fantastic piece of historical fiction, a meticulously painted portrait of a principled and idealistic patriot. There is no surrender for Sir Archibald, and by the end of the story, he is forced to choose between two painful options. The only thing that I wish would be a little different is to have a little more time between Archie’s decision and the final confrontation scene. I think exploring Archie’s likely conflicted feelings would have been prime internal conflict to see on the page. 

I recommend it highly.

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I am a historical fiction author and a technology executive. My current project is a HF Series about the life of Sir Francis Drake, exploring how a farm boy from the Southwest of England became the infamous pirate El Draque, second circumnavigator of the world, and one Englands greatest admirals.


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October 24, 1346

I cantered into the outer bailey of Hermitage Castle, set on a windswept rise. The guards on the ramparts watched me in silence. I rode alone because Will Ramsay was riding to Dalhousie Castle to let them know he still lived and that his cousin had been killed in the battle at Neville’s Cross. We planned to meet at the township of Roxburgh.

The sky was clear blue, the air crisp with an autumn chill. The leaves on the trees were yellow and falling. There was a wooden palisade, a barracks, a smithy, and some small cots I rode past. In the inner bailey, a timber-framed hall rose above an undercroft accessed by a flight of steps. A chapel with a wooden cross above its door was on one side, abutting the hall. A little apart stood the kitchen, and the stable stood at the gateward end.

Sir John Douglas, one of my cousins twenty years my senior and a big, bluff man, turned from speaking to the castle steward. “Archie!” he exclaimed. “Saints be praised. You live.”

I slid from the saddle and handed the reins to a stable boy. “Through God’s mercy, but why are you here?”

“Come away in. This is nae talk for the bailey.” He clapped my shoulder, although he was half a head shorter than me. We turned toward the stairs to the hall. “I am glad you are free and uninjured. We had nae news of you. It gives me hope for my brother” John strode to the high table, poured two cups of ale, and handed me one.

“Sir William was taken prisoner. As was the King. Many others but more—” My throat closed, and I cleared it. “The bodies piled deep, and that saved me.” I drank down a long swallow. To buy a few moments and put off talking about the horror of that day, I asked, “Why are you nae in Edinburgh? You must hold the castle, and I have nae doubt—”

“Robert Stewart relieved me of my post. He is naming his own man to the post.” He clamped his lips into a tight line. “Tell me what happened. Stewart’s tale made no sense. How was it he returned with his army intact?”

“Out scouting, Sir William and his men were surprised by the English army. Many died as they retreated to warn the King. We hadnae news that the English had raised an army with their King in France. The leaders said the English were too close for us to retreat. It was a mistake having our army burdened with so many wagons. And the ground was all broken with ditches, bad for forming schiltrons. When the first arrows flew, Stewart and Dunbar fled with nearly half of our men. The English were too busy killing to chase them.” I smashed my fist into my palm. “It was a desperate fight. The Earl of Moray was killed at the start. An archer’s arrow killed the Marischal. Maurice de Moravia and Sir Niall Bruce went down. The King was sorely injured—an arrow in the face. He kept fighting, though. I was knocked out and kent nae more. When I awoke, the bodies were so deep that I hid beneath them until I could flee.”

Lady Elizabeth said, “Archie.”

I had not heard her enter, so I turned. “My Lady…” Words fled me. The white barbette that framed her face beneath her fluted coif accentuated her pallor, and shadows underlined her eyes. Mary stood slightly behind her, wide-eyed.

“How is it you return without your lord? Where is my husband?”

“Taken prisoner.” I stepped toward her. “It grieves me to bring such ill news, but he lives. So, surely he may be ransomed.”

Her face paled. She stared at me. Her mouth opened and closed. “Yet you arrive with no hurt.” Her tone was acid. “You who were his squire with a duty to guard him. How can that be?”

“The King knighted me and took me into his own following—”

“You were nae with him? You left him!”

I saw the slap coming but did not move.

“You saw the chance of advancement, and you… you abandoned…” A flush ran from her neck to her forehead, wiping away the pallor. “He treated you like a son, and you abandoned him!”

My cheek stung with the raised welt. “I am sorry, my lady. I am, but I hadnae choice. I swore fealty to the King. He commanded me to join his household knights. And Sir William had his own men to guard him.”

She looked at the far wall as though she could not stand the sight of me, her back as straight as a sword blade. “I want you gone. You have nae place here.” She turned and walked slowly up the stairs to the solar.

Mary opened her mouth to speak, closed it, and shook her head with a helpless look, her eyes wet with tears. She followed her mother.

I swore softly under my breath, and my chest felt like a band tightened around it. Her disdain stung more than a slap could. I covered my mouth with my hand, pain tightening the back of my throat. She had always been kind to me. The worst was that she was not wrong. I had a duty to Sir William and to the King. Both duties I had failed.

“I am sorry, Archie. She just needs someone safe to blame.” John rubbed the back of his neck, frowning. “I will bring you yon things that are still in the solar. Mayhap you had better wait in the bailey.”

 “I will be in the armory for my bow and battleax.” With a nod, I turned and retraced my steps, aware that the servants had observed the exchange.

Colban, a wiry man with a scar down one cheek and hair grown grizzled, appeared through the gate. His eyes narrowed to slits. “I fear you didnae receive a warm welcome.”

“Warm enough.” I rubbed the red mark on my face and tilted my head toward the armory. “Come. We should talk.”

In the dim light of the armory, I turned to him and asked, “Where is Andrew?”

“Scouting. We have to expect the English at any time.” He grimaced. “Gamelin…” The two men had long been companions in arms. “Do you ken…”

“They were ambushed.” I bit my lip, not sure what to say. “He was a good man. I shall miss him.”

He scrubbed his face with a hand. “It could happen to any of us. We all ken that.” After an uncomfortable silence, he cleared his throat. “The battle were, when? A week ago?”


“It willnae be long before they arrive here, then. With our army destroyed, they is bound to come.”

The bins and pegs where weapons were stored were mostly empty, depleted by the needs of the army Sir William, my cousin and Lord of Liddesdale, led into England. I picked up my bow, wrapped in waxed cloth, lying on a far table. After shoving a dozen bodkins arrows and a dozen barbed arrows into an arrow sack, I turned back to him. “No, and Hermitage Castle isnae strong enough to hold against them. John must realize that.”

John stepped through the door. “Of course I do.” John extended a roll of my clothes wrapped in the winter cloak I had not needed, and I took it from his hands. “But we will prepare when they approach and try to negotiate a surrender that keeps us out of English dungeons and assures Lady Elizabeth and Mary kind treatment. They may allow our men to leave.” He sighed. “They will nae doubt insist that the ladies be taken to England, but at least they will be near my brother.”

Colban raised his eyebrows at the bow. “You planning on turning archer?”

“I’ve brought down my share of deer. Is using it against a man so different?”

“So you plan to fight?” he asked.

“Will Ramsay and I do.”

“Ramsay?” He cleared his throat. The feud with the Ramsays had ended, but that did not make John or his brother friendly with them. “I admit they have always been strong against the English.”

“Aye. He is giving his family the news, and we shall meet in Roxburgh. I dinnae expect any help from Stewart or Dunbar.” That was bitter in my mouth. After a moment, I crooked one corner of my mouth in a smile at my old friend, Colban. “You would be welcome.” I tilted my head to Sir John. “And you might want to lead us if the English dinnae throw you in a dungeon.”

John shook his head. “I was never good at the secret warfare William fought. I will find a place with a lord, mayhap even the Stewart. At least he has enough men left to oppose the English if they try to conquer his lands. Forbye, it depends on what happens when the English arrive, but we cannae leave Elizabeth to face them alone. I have a duty here.”

My attention turned to Colban. “What about you?”

“I am nae leader, but I will find you when my duty here be done.”

I nodded. “It would be wise, I suspect, to secret your weapons where they willnae be seized. You will be welcome with or without. Seek us near the ruins of Hawthornden Castle. You ken where.”

A groom brought my horse and a garron on a lead to the armory door.

“Yon isnae mine,” I told him.

“Sir William gave it to you, so aye, it is yours.” John grasped my hand with a firm shake. “God go with you, Archie.”

“And with you.” I shoved the clothes into a canvas saddlebag and tied it behind my saddle, hung the bow and arrow bag from my pommel, mounted, and, leading the garron, trotted toward the outer gate, watched by all of those present.

I did not look back and chided myself that I was tempted. It was no longer my home. When a skinny fox dashed across the road, my mount jibbed. I took him in hand. Will and I had plans to make, so I set off at a brisk canter. 

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Urooj AslamHistorical fiction has its own charm. I believe this book takes you into the history of a place with all the mysteries hidden in it. It portrays a great theme of love for the land and the king. The events that took place in medieval Scotland run deep and show the writer's great interest in them. The characters revolve around the theme of passion and dedication. It's a joy to read if Scotland and its history and rebellious nature tempt you. This a great book to add to your reading list.
about 2 years ago
MANOJ MEDISETTYThe story of Edric, a nobleman who must decide between his loyalty to his monarch and his own personal honour, is told in this historical fiction book set in mediaeval England. When Edric discovers a plot to assassinate the king, he must choose whether to remain loyal to the monarch or turn on him and risk his own life to put an end to the plot. The book is recognised for its in-depth historical descriptions and its examination of subjects like loyalty, honour, and treachery. For those who enjoy historical fiction and mediaeval literature, it is suggested.
almost 2 years ago
Ahsan Bhatti"Trust and Treason" is a novel by Olivia Rae that is set during the English Civil War. It tells the story of Lady Faith Digby, a strong-willed and intelligent woman who is caught in the middle of the conflict between the Royalists and the Parliamentarians.   The story begins with Lady Faith's marriage to the handsome and charming Lord Francis, who is a staunch supporter of King Charles I. However, as the Civil War breaks out, Lady Faith finds herself torn between her loyalty to her husband and her own beliefs. When Lord Francis is captured by the Parliamentarians, Lady Faith is forced to choose between her love for him and her commitment to the cause of Parliament.   The plot is well-crafted and full of twists and turns that keep the reader engaged. The characters are well-developed and complex, with Lady Faith being a particularly strong and likable protagonist. The novel also provides a vivid and detailed depiction of life during the Civil War, with its battles, political intrigue, and social upheaval.   One of the strengths of "Trust and Treason" is its attention to historical detail. The author clearly did her research and is able to convey the complexity of the political and social forces that drove the conflict. This adds depth and richness to the story, making it more than just a simple romance novel.   Overall, "Trust and Treason" is a well-written and engaging historical novel that will appeal to fans of both romance and historical fiction. It is a compelling and well-crafted story that is sure to captivate readers from beginning to end.
almost 2 years ago
Remini TestingVery good book
almost 2 years ago
Maleeha MaleehaAs an AI language model, I do not have personal preferences or opinions. However, I can provide some information on the book "Trust and Treason" by J R Tomlin. "Trust and Treason" is a historical fiction novel set in Scotland in the 1300s. The story follows the life of a young noblewoman named Margaret MacDowell, who is forced to marry a man she does not love. The novel explores the themes of loyalty, betrayal, and love in a time of political unrest and upheaval. The book has received generally positive reviews, with readers praising the author's attention to historical detail and character development. Some reviewers have noted that the pacing of the novel can be slow at times, but overall, it is considered an engaging and well-written work of historical fiction. If you enjoy historical fiction and are interested in the history of Scotland, "Trust and Treason" may be a book worth checking out.
almost 2 years ago
J R Tomlin@maleehamaleehaIt is good to see proven that AI language models are useless since every specific in your comment is wrong. There is no 'Margaret MacDowell' and no one is forced to marry.
almost 2 years ago
Farhan IsrakTrust and Treason is the second book in the Archibald the Grim series, a historical novel of Scotland set in the 13th century. The book follows the adventures and struggles of Archibald Douglas, a landless bastard and knight who is loyal to his king and country. After the devastating defeat at the Battle of Neville's Cross, where Archibald was captured and tortured by the English, he returns to Scotland to find his homeland under threat of another invasion. Archibald must rally his fellow Scots and fight against the powerful and ruthless enemy, while also dealing with betrayal and intrigue within his own ranks. Who can he trust? And who is the traitor? Tomlin masterfully recreates the historical setting and the political turmoil of medieval Scotland, with vivid descriptions and authentic details. He also portrays the complex and conflicted character of Archibald, a patriot with high ideals and moral principles, but also a flawed human being who faces difficult choices and dilemmas. The book is full of action, suspense, romance and drama, as well as historical facts and figures. Fans of historical fiction and Scottish history will enjoy this gripping and engaging novel that brings to life a turbulent and fascinating period of history. Trust and Treason is a superb sequel to The Douglas Bastard, and a must-read for anyone who loves historical fiction. I highly recommend this book and look forward to reading the next installment in the series.
almost 2 years ago
Aniket RanaThe outstanding thriller "Trust and Treason" will keep readers on the edge of their seats the entire time. This book is a suspense masterclass thanks to its complex plot and well-rounded characters. As another layer of the intricate web of dishonesty is revealed in each chapter, the author's skill at creating tension is impressive. There are no dull moments due to the constant tempo. The cleverly done turns and surprises keep readers wondering right up to the very last page. "Trust and Treason" has three-dimensional, incredibly relatable characters. The supporting cast is similarly well-drawn, and the protagonist is a flawed but captivating figure. Their intentions and behaviours seem sincere, giving the story depth and veracity.
almost 2 years ago
About the author

I am the author of twenty historical fiction novels. I have lived and traveled extensively in Scotland, not surprisingly since my father was a Scot. My travels have also taken me to much of the rest of Europe, Japan, and the Pacific rim. I now live in Oregon with my westie, writing and hiking. view profile

Published on October 18, 2022

50000 words

Contains graphic explicit content ⚠️

Genre:Historical Fiction

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