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Not for me 😔

Jasmine has a good storyline and needs to exploit the vast possibilities of her story to tell a riveting and shocking story.


After the One World Order and evil president of the World,
Graham Redgbrink, introduces the new 'One Way Law'; which means
that all religions except Tolisim are gone and no longer exist anymore,
everyone today in 2055 is forced to worship an Idol called Tol or are killed.
This is the true Utopia. A young teenager called Kenneth, after the Irish Island
Genocide and slaughter of his parents and subsequent recruitment to the one-world's
governments Dark Army, flees with younger brother Adam, from his home zone called
Zone 4, previously known a Ireland, to Zone 11, formerly known as London, where he is
offered the rare opportunity to join a new, underground, Anarchist movement, who are
resistant against the government. That are called 'NO ID'. There, Kenneth seeks the rare vengeance of his parents death. Since everyone now has a new Birth Name on the inside of their left palm, getting The Mark is only the next step. Kenneth longs for love, a love that will last and transcend all time and space. As he and destiny collide after a run-in siege he finds just that...

Follow #TROJANHORSESAGA on Twitter and Instagram.

It is 2055 and the beginning of the end. The apocalypse has finally arrived. Rapture had taken place ten years before and the pious have been spirited from the surface of the earth. A supreme world government is in place and it appears there might be no end to its cruelty. In the middle of all these is Kenneth and his younger brother, Adam, have been forcefully conscripted into the army at a very young age after their parents and all adults in their village had been massacred by the Tol army; the organisation now in control of the world headed by Graham Redgbrink. He grows up feeling resentment for the system which would later frame his brother up to be killed and also set him up to be arrested as he attempts to avenge the unjust killings of his beloved family members.

I love the fact the writer renders the story in the present tense and has a good storyline. The novella reminds me of George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty Four. However, I feel the writer has failed to exploit the great potentials offered by the storyline. It seems that the writer maintains the present for a story that is supposedly in the future.

For one, there is a poor attempt at being futuristic. I expect to see the writer deploy flying cars, more sophisticated weapons and advanced scientific cum technological equipment than that which is captured in the story; space travel might not also be out of place if captured in the storyline. It is a futuristic story but retaining too many traits of the present.

Secondly, for a one world government, the settings which are predominantly Ireland and England seems to be a little bit constrained. Why limit the story to these places and give no news of what is going on in other parts of the earth and even in space; all areas controlled by the Tol party. Added to this is perhaps the fact that a totalitarian assemblage such as the one projected in the story does not require any semblance of a sane or democratic society and I wonder why legal courts have to be featured in the story.

Thirdly, there is the need to master how to blend in time and neologisms in a story. The writer seems to be in haste to make time pass along quickly and new words are painstakingly explained in a self-conscious manner. These things should be allowed to flow naturally without breaking the story to explain them.

Fourthly, I perceive the conflicting need to satisfy readers by spicing things up a bit with some sex in the story because I am still trying to comprehend the need for such detailed descriptions of sexual intercourse. Or, is it just to increase the word count?

Fifthly, it appears the story is in sequels and it might be too hasty on my part to give a final verdict, but I do not like how attention shifts at the end of the story from Kenneth (who the writer labels the hero at the beginning) to Miranda who is quickly pulled out of the shadows towards the terminal part of the story. As a reader, I would be more interested in what happens to Kenneth and wonder if there is any hope for him after being condemned to life imprisonment for attempting to assassinate the president. It is this connection that is missing in the sequel advertised at the end of the story.

Finally, as the world is at this time at the brink of collapse, there is no better timing for the emergence of a story as this one. We have so far been unable to rein in the Covid-19 pandemic, governments are issuing subtle threats of wars, and the smell of fear and death seems to be rife in the air. Are these the signs of the end time as prophesied or is it still to come? The days to come will bring forth the answer to these questions. But meanwhile, we await the sequel to Jasmine A Acquaah's Trojan Horse and hope that the writer digs deep into the world of imagination offered by her good storyline to give us a riveting and shocking picture of what the future might be holding in store for the human race. Let's keep our fingers crossed till then.

© Ubaji Isiaka Abubakar Eazy 2020

Reviewed by

Talking about books is what I know how to do best. With over 50 reviews on various online platforms, you need not fear that I shall deliver.


After the One World Order and evil president of the World,
Graham Redgbrink, introduces the new 'One Way Law'; which means
that all religions except Tolisim are gone and no longer exist anymore,
everyone today in 2055 is forced to worship an Idol called Tol or are killed.
This is the true Utopia. A young teenager called Kenneth, after the Irish Island
Genocide and slaughter of his parents and subsequent recruitment to the one-world's
governments Dark Army, flees with younger brother Adam, from his home zone called
Zone 4, previously known a Ireland, to Zone 11, formerly known as London, where he is
offered the rare opportunity to join a new, underground, Anarchist movement, who are
resistant against the government. That are called 'NO ID'. There, Kenneth seeks the rare vengeance of his parents death. Since everyone now has a new Birth Name on the inside of their left palm, getting The Mark is only the next step. Kenneth longs for love, a love that will last and transcend all time and space. As he and destiny collide after a run-in siege he finds just that...

Follow #TROJANHORSESAGA on Twitter and Instagram.

Chapter 1

Marie Belle Hinson was sitting alone in the boy’s toilets.

She had had enough.

Of being bullied and pushed around.

It made her want to cry or slit her wrists, but she did not cry anymore, not since her mother had disappeared during the Rapture.

The Rapture—

Ten years ago, the Rapture had taken place. The Biblical Prophecy was fulfilled, and believers who had truly given their life to Christ were all lifted into the air and taken to Heaven to be with Lord Himself, Jesus Christ.

Including Marie and Miranda’s mother, Seraphany Hinson, the first wife of Jeremy Hinson, their father. The love of his life.

He had lost her that night.

They had had a fight. One of the loudest, fieriest, and most passionate arguments they had ever had in their entire relationship.

They had smashed plates, living in the heat of the moment. Seraphany would not give in to Jeremy. She had blatantly refused to give up her faith, Christianity, and get the Mark like everyone else. But Jeremy had tried to persuade her otherwise.

Marie and Miranda were only six years old.

“What about the girls?” screamed Seraphany.

“What about them?” said Jeremy.

“It’s started,” Seraphany said, looking at her husband, also the love of her life, in complete shock.

“Seraphany! I meant when they’re old enough. They’ll get the Mark too. I’m talking about me and you right now.”

“There’s no other way. Everyone’s doing it. This is the only way. That’s what you keep telling me!” she screamed again, smashing a half-filled glass on the floor.

“This is the only way! What else do you suggest, then?” he shouted at her.

“I’d rather steal food than get that thing. It’s demonic. It changes people. Their DNA. It even turns your blood black …” she said, starting to calm down, only to be riled up again.

“Seraphany …” said Jeremy, banging his head against the cupboard.

Seraphany hated it when her husband looked distressed. She then walked over to him, stroking his back softly.

“Baby, please, let’s just listen to Jesus. We’ll steal food for a little bit,” said Seraphany.

Suddenly, he turned around.

“Seraphany. No. You don’t how to,” he said to her.

He started to scratch his left wrist.

“We’ve already had to tattoo the girls with their Birth Name. That’s enough …”

Birth Name—

A seven-digit number tattooed on the inside of the left palm on every human being. Each number is individual for each human being—even twins, for example.

Seraphany noticed Jeremy incessantly scratching at his left wrist.

“Jeremy? What is it?” she asked him, then gasped as soon as he lifted his ratted sleeve to her face.

“I got it already,” said Jeremy. Seraphany stumbled backwards, stepping on glass.

“Seraphany! There’s glass!” he said, but he was too late, as usual.

The glass pierced her left foot.

She screamed and then started crying, not because of the pain but because of Jeremy’s betrayal.

“Baby!” he screamed, making his way to her.

“Don’t touch me! Ever again,” she yelled at him.

“Seraphany. I did it for us and our family. So we could eat. Live,” he tried to explain.

Seraphany looked away from her husband, loose with numbness and the sharp sting of betrayal.


She then walked out of the kitchen to tend to her children, Marie and Miranda, and put them to bed. They were playing in the garden.

Later that night, Jeremy tried to make amends with his wife. He wanted to touch her, but he was so fearful she would say she was leaving him, so he left her alone, lying there full of doubt and worry on her side of the bed, to think and reflect. He hoped she would forgive him in time, even though deep down he believed he had done the right thing and was not really truly regretful of his behavior, even though he had lied to Seraphany and had got the Mark, a microchip implanted deep inside the bone of his left wrist, without telling or even discussing it with her first.

Keeping secrets was something that they never did. They had based their marriage on love and trust, vowing to protect each other no matter what.

They didn’t even say goodbye or goodnight to each other.

“I’ll always be there for you Jeremy. Always. I love you too much. But I can’t do this.”

The Lord felt for her. He knew her heart was beyond broken.

“At least I don’t think I can … I’ll think about it,” she said to Jeremy. Jeremy heard her but didn’t turn around. They both just fell asleep.

The Lord knew it was time. Aba had told him before. But he couldn’t leave his daughter. He would then try one last time.

That night, a deep slumber came over some of the earth. People slept in, whilst others, on the other side of the world, were wide awake, at work, buying groceries, watching TV.

Then it started to happen.

Seraphany had woken up suddenly and run out of the bedroom. Jeremy woke up too. He called out after his wife, “Seraphany!” He wondered why she was running down the stairs so fast.

He got up and ran after her. She was halfway to the door; he was halfway to her, then…


About the author

Jasmine A Acquaah is the daughter of a mental health nurse and healthcare assistant. She hopes to break out as a thoughtful writer who can consider current events and show creativity when inventing strong characters. Jasmine is twenty-seven and still lives in Croydon, Surrey, with her family. view profile

Published on June 30, 2020

Published by Austin Macauley Publishers

30000 words

Contains mild explicit content ⚠️

Worked with a Reedsy professional 🏆

Genre:Epic Fantasy

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