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Loved it! 😍

Expertly paced and brimming with wit and whimsy, this delightful, fast-paced story about love and loyalty is a winner! Kudos!


Three Dog Job

If you are ever fortunate enough to meet a three-legged dog, there's a good chance that dog's name is LUCKY. This three-legged dog is, in fact, named Lucky.
Lucky walks through the yard with the gusto one would expect from a dog with a lot more moxie than Lucky seems to possess.
Lucky is confident. He believes he will be a hero. Lucky thinks he is the smartest dog in the world, he's not.
When Lucky and his friends venture out to steal wieners, they have great fun! Unfortunately, one of them gets caught.
Now Lucky will risk everything to save his friend.
Three Dog Job is a story about COURAGE, loyalty, and LOVE.

"He came to be a hero, and heroes don’t run.”

Lucky is a young three-legged Basset Hound mix who dreams of being a hero in this delightful, champagne-esque middle grade read.

A “freakishly smart and outrageously funny” canine, Lucky can hardly wait to become a police dog like his yard mate and best friend, Chief. A regal German shepherd, Chief is a retired police dog. Chief’s human is Officer Bob.

Lucky is crushed to learn he won’t be going to the police academy. Or fulfilling his dream of becoming a police dog. Could this disappointment be “the thing that breaks the happiest dog in the world”? If Lucky’s not going to be a police dog and a hero, then what’s he supposed to be? Should he be called “Lucky” or “Not Lucky”?

Meeting up with Mutt the “fearless free” Jack Russell Terrier mix, Lucky and Mutt hatch a plane to raid a hot dog factory. Bonus points: The lovely Flea Bag is also in on the job. The canine trio makes off with a bunch of wieners, but Flea Bag is captured later by the evil truck driver Zane.

Back home, Chief scolds Lucky for his actions. Chief and Lucky belong to a law enforcement family. Doesn’t Lucky know stealing is wrong? But Lucky wants a life with purpose. Like what Chief had with Officer Bob. Meanwhile, rescuing Flea Bag is a three-dog job. But the obedient Chief will not leave the yard per Officer Bob’s rules. And Chief won’t let Lucky leave to rescue Flea Bag, either. Chief must choose between leaving the yard and saving his friend or obeying his human and letting Lucky die. Which will he choose? Will Lucky risk all for love? What about a third dog? Can Lucky find his purpose in rescuing Flea Bag before it’s too late?

This book really surprised me. I didn’t know what to expect. Diving in, it didn't take long to discover a real gem. Pitch-perfect pacing and a carefully crafted plot percolate with adventure, action, gentle humor and valuable life lessons on friendship, loyalty, courage, and compassion. Clever, quirky, and catchy, Three Dog Job sudses with sass and spunk. Chapters are brief and flow seamlessly one into another. Brimming with wit and whimsy, Three Dog Job is what you might call the “cat’s meow.” But. Well, you know.

With age-appropriate vocabulary, plenty of action, and loveable, well-rounded characters, Three Dog Job will certainly appeal to its target audience of middle grade readers. Ditto anyone who enjoys a creative, fast-paced story that’s well told. I LOVED it!

Three Dog Job is Book 1 in The Lucky Chronicles. I can’t wait for more!

My rating: 4.5

Reviewed by

Lifelong bibliophile. Library Board Member. Select book reviews featured on my blog and Goodreads, etc. I'm a frank but fair reviewer, averaging 400+ books/year in a wide variety of genres on multiple platforms. Over 1,600 published reviews. Still going strong!


Three Dog Job

If you are ever fortunate enough to meet a three-legged dog, there's a good chance that dog's name is LUCKY. This three-legged dog is, in fact, named Lucky.
Lucky walks through the yard with the gusto one would expect from a dog with a lot more moxie than Lucky seems to possess.
Lucky is confident. He believes he will be a hero. Lucky thinks he is the smartest dog in the world, he's not.
When Lucky and his friends venture out to steal wieners, they have great fun! Unfortunately, one of them gets caught.
Now Lucky will risk everything to save his friend.
Three Dog Job is a story about COURAGE, loyalty, and LOVE.

The Dream

LUCKY HAS THE same dream every single time he falls asleep, and he falls asleep a lot. Several times a day. The dream goes like this:

Lucky sees himself as a muscular black and tan German Shepherd straining against a leash that is held by Officer Bob, the human guy who feeds Lucky.

Officer Bob unhooks the leash and the shepherd explodes like a rocket in an angry pursuit of a bad man in black pants and a black and white striped shirt. Black mask over his dark eyes. Clearly a criminal. Pure evil.

Lucky is now almost upon the buttocks of this criminal. He reveals a gleaming mouthful of pearly white and razor sharp teeth.

He snaps his jaws, eyes rolling back into his skull like a shark...

And wakes up before he gets to bite that ripe, squishy, bubble butt.




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Bruce KuglinThank you for any comments. I love that someone gets the silliness that I put to paper. If you want children to read, give them something fun!!
9 months ago
Kristine L.@brucekuglin A delightful read!
9 months ago
About the author

I've been writing for 30+ years and sometimes I think I know more about how dogs think, than I do humans. Probably. view profile

Published on April 24, 2024

Published by City Hat Cowboy Publishing

20000 words

Genre:Middle Grade

Reviewed by