They Call Me Lucky by Lauren Zurcher is a cute story about a resilient rabbit named Lucky who defies nature and beats the odds over and over again.
Meet Lucky, a young cottontail rabbit who leaves his mother’s warm, cozy nest to make it on his own. Lucky enough to find a yard without a dog, Lucky thinks he’s set. Until a perilous encounter with a hawk, then a cat, and finally some ticks—what will Lucky deal with next? Thanks to his tell-tale perseverance and a little help from his human guardian angel, will Lucky live to hop another day?
They Call Me Lucky teaches kids the power of not giving up in the face of adversity. No matter what problems Lucky faced, Lucky had no choice but to keep moving forward. The story also highlights another important lesson: the ability to accept help when you need it. In this case, from a kind, human companion.
These two lessons in and of themselves are great for read-alouds at home or at school. Especially for any kids that love animals (and who doesn’t love a cute rabbit?). They’ll be rooting for Lucky from start to finish.
While I do feel the book teaches pivotal life lessons, without being overly moralistic, it needs further development. There’s an overuse of passive voice and a lack of dialogue which makes Lucky’s point of view feel distant.
Furthermore, the story reads like a succession of events, rather than the dramatic life-or-death scenarios Lucky barely survives. Because of this, readers are neither riddled with suspense nor do they benefit from an in-depth snapshot of Lucky’s thought process.
Overall, while They Call Me Lucky could use some more development, it is a cute story. And as it’s based on true events, I can see why the author felt it an important one to tell. Perseverance, resilience, and accepting help from others are essential skills for kids and adults. I recommend this story for teachers and parents interested in incorporating those lessons into their classrooms and homes, and for animal lovers of all ages.