THE URBAN PROCESS:CITIES IN INDUSTRIAL SOCIETIES.With new preface to the paperback edition

By Leonard Reissman

husam talib

Reviewed on Sep 15, 2022

Loved it! 😍

The urban process is about people who interact with their environment and through this interaction they create demand that move the process.

The urban process author, Leonard Reissman (1921-1975), was a professor of sociology and human relations at Tulane University from 1967. A director of Tulane urban studies center and receipt of several professional awards and honors like the fellow, center of advanced study in behavioral science (1963-64). In 1970, he became professor and chairman of the department of sociology at Cornell University. He also served from time to time as visiting professor or fellow at Columbia University, the London School of Economics, and the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences. During his years at Tulane, he was engaged in a number of cooperative projects based on studies of the local community and its institutions. In 1975, Cornell University issued a memorial statement after his death from a heart attack.

This publication serves various audiences. Students, graduates, and researchers from social science fields like geography who are interested in the sociology of cities, the study of social life, and urban dynamics of the urban process. Practitioners like planners would benefit from the introduction as he says the piecemeal solutions to the urban problems and why most solutions are temporary not original. Politicians who are involved in defining the urban problems and failures who want to go further to find permanent solutions for these failures. Urban designers who want to stand on the main forces that affect the city’s development and transformation. Researchers researching the urban theory and the subject of typologies of change in urbanization. Architects may benefit from understanding the urban process in detail to know how it affects their work and the cause of the invention of new urban concepts like the garden city.

The book theme is centered on the new typology of studying the urban process of industrial cities and urbanization. How this human being affected and created the industrial city through the urban process.

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Reviewed by
husam talib

Husam in his 25 years in architectural and urban design practice experience has helped several international firms in the Middle East achieve success by meeting project’s planned goals and reduced projects budgets without quality tradeoff.


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