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Intense dystopian adventure with a dose of romance and a dollop of suspense.


Since a meteorite strike destroyed Earth, Cassidy Jones has lived with her parents and brother in Petriville. The town is laced in cruel, dark mystery and hovers at the center of an indestructible sphere in Earth’s orbit.

When Cassidy refuses her mate, her dissent places her and her family in Gina Petri’s firing line. This becomes especially pertinent when Cassidy enters a communication pod and meets the alluring hologram of Eric. As one of Earth’s few survivors, he insists Gina will murder his people if she learns of their survival.

As Cassidy and Eric’s mutual attraction grows, his great losses trigger deep compassion in her. Before long, they experience their first virtual touch, but she yearns for the day she’ll meet him in person.

All the questions will be answered when Petriville returns to Earth, and that day is quickly approaching…

Reader advisory: This book contains scenes of violence and murder.

The Renascent World was an interesting book! It had a feel of Matched by Ally Condie, Uglies by Scott Westerfield, and just a hint of Divergent by Veronica Roth. As a dystopian novel, it pulled in a large number of tropes and combined them into a story different than any I’ve read so far. After her “Age of Understanding” ceremony at sixteen years old, Cassidy now knows the truth about humanity’s escape from Earth to Petriville (a supposed paradise run by Gina Petri). But something’s not right. Her mother keeps dropping cryptic comments and Cassidy receives a letter telling her that she’s been matched with her perfect genetic ‘mate’, all while she discovers a boy who has somehow survived on Earth. What follows is a dystopian adventure that is intense with a dose of romance and a dollop of suspense. The discrepancy between the advanced technology and the forced ‘mating’ increased the tension of the book, especially when Eric comes on the scene. I appreciated that many of the main teenage characters survived the book, but do wonder about their chances in a potential sequel.

I did have some issues with the pacing of this book. At times it felt as though the story was progressing too quickly for me to keep up. I did, however, enjoy the mystery of what was really going on. Up to the end I wasn’t sure who would survive! Overall, the premise was intriguing and I’m glad I had the chance to read the book. I would suggest this book for fans of Maze Runner by James Dashner, and the Uglies series by Scott Westerfield. If you like your dystopian with a hefty dose of danger and sketchy characters with a lot of societal control, this is a novel to check out.

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I'm a librarian currently working on gaining a PhD in library and information science. I read extensively, averaging over 200 books a year, and use GoodReads and a personal blog to rate/review books. As a librarian I am trained in Readers Advisory and review writing.


Since a meteorite strike destroyed Earth, Cassidy Jones has lived with her parents and brother in Petriville. The town is laced in cruel, dark mystery and hovers at the center of an indestructible sphere in Earth’s orbit.

When Cassidy refuses her mate, her dissent places her and her family in Gina Petri’s firing line. This becomes especially pertinent when Cassidy enters a communication pod and meets the alluring hologram of Eric. As one of Earth’s few survivors, he insists Gina will murder his people if she learns of their survival.

As Cassidy and Eric’s mutual attraction grows, his great losses trigger deep compassion in her. Before long, they experience their first virtual touch, but she yearns for the day she’ll meet him in person.

All the questions will be answered when Petriville returns to Earth, and that day is quickly approaching…

Reader advisory: This book contains scenes of violence and murder.


The fireball and tail shot across the sky, its speed impossible, incomprehensible as it burned through the atmosphere toward Earth. It barely lost any of its immense bulk as it neared, and only a moment later the enormous bulk slammed into Earth’s surface, throwing a circle of light and dust into the air. With it, an ethereal brightening seared the dark sky and, after what seemed like the longest time, the light faded into a shimmering mushroom of debris which began raining back to Earth as if in slow-motion.

From our viewpoint in her orbit screams all around me shattered the night, an echo in a chorus of onlookers’ grief. All I heard as the young versions of my parents collapsed to the ground was Mom, comprehension slamming into her and Dad. They had just lost almost everyone they loved.

Searing pain tore into my gut. I clenched my fists until my fingernails bit into my palms. I barely noticed that I was clinging to Liam, that he held me against him, his arms as tight as the vise gripping my heart, that I shook, sobbed and that tears slid down his cheeks too. My parents’ continued screams cut a burning, stabbing pain through my chest, constricting my throat. But I couldn’t drag my eyes from them or escape the suffocating Virtual Experience. My body numbed. A weighted, nauseated, distant dream took hold. I tried to lift my hand to wipe at the tears burning my cheeks, but my hand wouldn’t move. The VE faded into the swirling mist then slid away. We were back in the room with the familiar leather couches. After the longest time, Liam loosened his grip and I stepped away, wiping my cheeks.

Liam kept his eyes on me. “Are you all right, Cass?”

A choked “Why would they make us—?” was all I managed as my tears gushed.

Some fell onto my wrist, splashing Grandma’s antique, white-gold wrap-around bracelet pen and the sixteen silver sparkle bangles Mom and Dad had given me that morning. My ‘Age of Understanding’ gift. Sixteen. The old maxim really applied to me. But it felt back-to-front, like the soft sensation of a boy’s lips on mine should have preceded what I’d just witnessed. And it wasn’t for lack of wanting. I yearned to be in the arms of a boy tasting his soft, sweet lips. But I hadn’t yet met the boy who had recently begun starring in my dreams—the boy with eyes the color of a tropical ocean, dimples etched into his cheeks and the body of an athletic Greek god. He most likely didn’t exist, but he had ruined me for anyone else.

Another single, soft word made its way through my lips. “Why?”

Liam absorbed my gaze. “Not witnessing this doesn’t erase nor diminish what happened. Don’t you think this a fair way to honor the people who lost their lives?”

The words scraped through my throat. “I thought that was what our annual ‘Extinction Day’ commemoration was for.” I hated the crass term. It didn’t sound at all like an honor. Instead, I added, “I hate Gina for terming it something so cold.”

Liam took my hand. “You shouldn’t worry about her, Cassidy. She’s just a crazy old bat.”

Although it wasn’t his fault, I glared up at him. “Are you sure that’s all she is, Liam? Because I’m not.” 

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1 Comment

Carryn W. KerrHi everyone, As a debut, The Renascent World is desperate for your review. Please upvote the title and give it a read. I hope you'll find the romance, twists and adventure a pleasant surprise. Thank you.
over 4 years ago
About the author

Carryn W Kerr embraces the English language. Little excites her more than following her characters through their fictitious worlds. She lives in the metropolitan city of Johannesburg with her husband and son and spends her days writing, working out at the gym, or riding her horse, Mr. Fantastic! view profile

Published on July 21, 2020

Published by Finch Books

100000 words

Contains mild explicit content ⚠️

Worked with a Reedsy professional 🏆

Genre:Young Adult

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