If you were to ask me earlier this year, or any other time of my life, if I would write a book about happiness I would never have thought so. But at this time in our lives I feel like there's so much crazy and warped energy around us that we need to be wise and figure out ways we can create our own happiness no matter the circumstances. No one is going to do that for us. It is our responsibility to create every feeling that we feel. No one can make us feel a certain way, rather it is up to us to choose to feel that way within the circumstances presented. I challenge you to choose happiness even when your current situation may not normally dictate it. Remember, it is your choice and it is your life.
I am not a psychiatrist, psychologist, or someone who went to school to learn how to be happy. This is just my interpretation of life and things that I’ve gone through, learned along the way, and/or watched others go through. Just like I mention in this book, sit with these thoughts, and if they resonate with you, great. If they don’t then don’t take them to heart. It’s always your choice. You are the master of your domain. I am just here to remind you of that.
I'm hoping that by reading this book you get a glimpse into things that you can do to create your own happiness. It’s definitely not something that we are used to having happen all the time especially through bad times, but I think this is our salvation. I feel like this is how we escape the matrix and the crazy of our current world. If we don't let the crazy in and we focus on our own happiness, we become exactly who we were meant to be. Let this be a sounding board to create things that you discover make you happy; share them with your friends, family, and everyone you know.
By the time you're done reading this book, you will probably know more than me about happiness. Certainly your own happiness. If I can help just one person achieve and choose happiness, I feel like I have accomplished something with this book. Here’s to an enlightened journey towards happiness for you and the world.
We embark on a journey
each day of our lives.
Our choices are many
do we take them in stride?
Is it happy, or sad,
or perhaps in between?
Let’s look at the prospects
and balance the unseen.