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This book contains sensitive content which some people may find offensive or disturbing.
Gavin sat at his desk, staring blankly at the monitor screen. The rest of his desk was empty. He had plenty to bring, but he hadn’t seen the point. He worked alone on the night shift, so there wasn’t anyone to even notice. He couldn’t wait to finish his shift so that he would get a couple of days off for his birthday. Not like it will matter much, but I will get some time with Kaleb. We can have a gaming and bad Kung fu movie marathon. He thought with a laugh.
Looking back at the clock, only a minute had passed. He huffed in disgust at the absolute snail's pace that the clock had seemed to decide to move at.
With a sigh, he opened his backpack and pulled out his personal laptop. If nothing else, he could get in a couple extra hours on his secret hobby. Hacking. Well, more specifically looking for his parents. He glanced over in his backpack at the picture of his family before his mom left. The smile on his sister’s face was the happiest it would be for years after that picture. The picture next to it is him and his best friend in the world, Kaleb. They had endured too many wedgies and beatings from their classmates not to be best friends. No one else got their nerdy references or their sense of humor. They were outcasted for their interests. And the fact that Kaleb got beat up by a girl two years younger than him as a freshman in high school. That didn’t help matters either. Gavin thought as he reminisced about their relationship.
Megan, Gavin’s sister, hated Kaleb. In a way, any older sister hates the friend of the younger brother who has been infatuated with them for over a decade. Gavin met Kaleb in the 4th grade at Sarah Smith Elementary School in Atlanta Georgia.
Gavin forgot for a moment that he was at work. Hitting the button on his computer, he spoke into his headset. “Snollygoster Inc., this is Gavin. How may I help you?” He tried to sound cheery, but it couldn’t reach his tone entirely.
“Gavin. Happy birthday. I’m sorry,” and the line was dead.
What is happening? That sounded like Brett, but why would he be calling? Why would he remember that my birthday is tomorrow? How did he even get this number? Or know where I work? Gavin pondered as he pulled up the callback number, but when he tried it, it was just a burner number. Even tracking it didn’t explain anything besides it was outside Washington, DC. He felt himself slipping into a self-deprecating spiral brought on by the encounter with his ex-friend.
After a lonely freshman year at Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, Gavin thought he had found his people. He had joined a fraternity and roomed with Brett. He never would have taken Brett for a nerd. He was a lady's man on the track team. And yet, Brett and Gavin had programmed their own fantasy game while there. Like RuneScape but very dumbed down.
It was while programming the game that things started to turn. Brett asked him if he had done any hacking before. Not sure where it was going, Gavin answered with a half-truth. He admitted to doing some, but not to the extent he had done it. Gavin had been hacking since around the time he was eight. And actively hacking and looking for his parents since he was ten after his mom had left. Then it increased five years later when his dad left. Leaving Megan and him to fend for themselves.
If he was honest with himself, though, his dad left mentally the day his mom did. When she didn’t return, it left Megan in charge to run everything. And his dad just fell in line with it. Like he wasn’t the adult in the house. So, it shouldn’t have been much of a surprise when he left, but it still hurt.
Around that time was when it all clicked for Gavin. Hacking became easy. He loved doing it, but he never wanted to hurt anyone. So, instead of taking things, he started hacking into different security systems and leaving tips on improving them. And he got pretty good at it.
The lack of malice is what made the betrayal by Brett so hard to take. When Gavin was finishing his sophomore year and getting ready to graduate with a bachelor's in computer programming and computer engineering, is when everything went south quickly.
During one of their game programming sessions after class, Brett asked if he would like to join him with a group of other ‘creative programmers.’ Gavin joined him and quickly learned that it was a hacking group. They had a silly-sounding name until he understood why. They were called the Giant River Otters, or GRO, because they only ever hacked as a pack. Initially, they seemed to align with what he felt was right morally. They didn’t do anything for self-gain or malicious intent. Instead, they tried to help people and businesses.
Then, a few months into being a part of the group, there was an incident at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Gavin was turned in for altering grades by none other than Brett. The administration had followed the trail back to the GRO, and everyone in the group said Gavin was the one most capable of pulling off a hack like that. Hurt and feeling utterly betrayed, Gavin packed up his things and moved back in with his sister. Everything he had hoped for and dreamed was lost. He found this job working for Snollygoster Inc., a small privately owned call center, as their IT. It was nowhere near enough pay to live on his own, but it was a job. And he was good at it. Plus, they were flexible with him on when he could work. And he preferred to work the night shift so that he could take down a system without having everyone standing over his shoulder.
As he came out of his daydream, reminiscing about the not-so-happy past, there was a ding on his personal cell phone. Looking down, it was an email from Brett. A few clicks and it opened. Across the screen flashed an algorithm. Brett always liked playing games with people. He would be the type to heavily encrypt a birthday email for no reason. Grabbing a notepad and pen, Gavin quickly wrote it down. Cycling through all the algorithms he knew already; this one didn’t match.
Of course, Brett sends me an entirely new algorithm to open a freaking birthday email. Gavin thought with a slight smirk. It had been a while since he was able to use these skills. He started jotting down numbers and working through the math. Seeing a call from Kaleb, he ignored it. Kaleb likely wanted him to jump on Call of Duty with him, even though he knew he was at work. Getting close to finishing the algorithm got Gavin excited. He always felt a sense of accomplishment when he was able to complete a problem like this one. Bringing the email up on his laptop, Gavin entered in the final missing parts of the algorithm. “Ha, Brett. A bit rusty, but I still got it.” He said under his breath, as no one was there.
As he hit enter to show the completed line of math, the screen came to life with coding. Gavin’s eyes started to flutter. So much coding flew across the screen. He felt his head starting to get hot. His eyes burned, but he couldn’t look away. Then, images mixed with coding. He felt his legs go to jelly. His arms were mush. His entire body felt like it was on autopilot and on fire. Then black.
Alex’s phone buzzed. Looking down, she saw the text said 5. Five seconds. She looked around quickly to find a place to get away from the frat boys at the bar, who wouldn’t leave her alone. Seeing no way to get out, she realized she would just have to be vague in her replies. She waited for the call. The ringing started.
“Hunter secure,” CIA Director Richard Hunter said.
“Hey, boss! What do you need?” Alex responded.
“Agent Johnson, we have confirmation of completion. Your old partner has gone rogue and sent it to a civilian, as far as we can see. Your plane leaves in an hour. The dossier will be on the plane.” Director Hunter commanded.
“Yes, Sir, I will get that paperwork to you right away.” She said. She was thankful to be able to get away from the weak attempts to hit on her. “Sorry boys, duty calls.” She said as she paid her tab and made her exit. That wasn’t her scene, anyway.
Getting to the plane, she boards and sits down. Picking up the file, she immediately sees the picture of a man with scruffy, thick, brown hair that looks clean but could use a comb, glasses, and a friendly, goofy smile.
HEIGHT: 6’4”
Looking at the naive and nerdy-looking man, this will be cake. Alex thought as she smirked. Finally, an easy mission.
Gavin woke up on the floor to Kaleb standing over him. “Hey man, we gotta go! How could you fall asleep at work? And on the floor? Are you an animal? Let's get you up and home. We have a big day ahead of us, Birthday Boy!” Kaleb kept jabbering as he helped his friend off the floor. He grabbed his laptop, shoved it in his backpack, and pushed him out the door. “If we don’t get a move on, Megan is going to kill us!” he said, sounding scared.
“Kaleb, I don't think I can drive, man,” Gavin said, slowly tossing Kaleb his keys. “You can get us to my house, right?”
Kaleb looked floored. “You know I can, buddy! You just rest your pretty little head and let Daddy Kaleb do all the work.” Gavin had a splitting headache and didn’t even bother correcting Kaleb on how creepy that sounded. ”Just get us to my sister’s.” Gavin mumbled as he closed his eyes, trying to clear his mind of the coding that kept running through his mind, but it seemed to almost be worse when he closed his eyes.
Looking over and seeing his friend in pain, Kaleb offered, “How about some music?” He turns on the radio, and it was on the news channel since Gavin always streams his own music.
“And today at the CDC, the Ambassador from Kenya is speaking on the Ebola outbreak. His plane will be landing in just a few short hours.” The news anchor stated.
A pink orchid, coding, a DNA strand, coding, an airplane.
“No, he didn’t. He got here yesterday morning and is staying at the hotel across the street from the event center.” Gavin blurted out. Surprised by the fact that it came out of him.
“Ok, Google. You don’t need to tell me how you spent your time last night instead of gaming with me. You’re lucky I took today off. Speaking of, do you think we could stop by the store? The boss had been after me to get the computer system working, and you taking care of it would get me some serious brownie points!” Kaleb asked in a rush, already turning the car around.
“Yeah, shouldn’t take long. It’s usually just a quick reboot. Let’s get it out of the way.” He said with a chuckle. It is starting to feel like I should be getting paid there, too. “But if we are too late getting to the house, then Megan will rip us apart.” Gavin finished as they pulled into the store’s parking lot.
They finished the reboot of the store quickly and were on their way out as the store started to open. Gavin made eye contact with a guy as they walked out the door. His brain started whirling again.
Coding, syringe, bodies, coding.
Gavin froze slightly. That man is an assassin. Why would someone like that be here? He shook his head and was glad that they were leaving. He wanted to get as far away as he could from him. Getting back out to the car, he took out his laptop. “Well crap, my laptop is fried.” He muttered.
Kaleb looked at it, “Oh no, man! That thing is your life!” Gavin just looked at it and checked the power button a few more times. Nothing. He would have to tear it apart when he had time. Maybe if he drove himself, he would be able to sneak it into the club where his sister was hosting his birthday party. Even though he would likely know all of three people at said party.
He knew Kaleb had stayed up all night like he was supposed to. He still didn’t understand what had happened to him last night. He never fell asleep at work. Even when he didn’t get to sleep during the day. And other than his splitting headache, he felt completely fine. Unfortunately, being sick would’ve been the perfect excuse to miss the party tonight.
Getting home, he showered and found Kaleb already passed out on the couch. So, he went to his room, picked out his outfit for tonight from the preapproved options that Megan had set out for him, and collapsed in a heap face-first on his bed. Sleep came easy to his exhausted brain.
Alex watched as Gavin and Kaleb got into the car. She had made the short flight in just a few hours, and the CIA had her car waiting for her on the tarmac.
“I have eyes on the target. I will follow and wait for an opening to approach.” Alex said.
“This is not a red mission yet. I will notify if and when that changes Agent Johnson.” Director Hunter said in an impatient tone. “Make sure we don’t mess this up. NSA is already in route. So, don’t just sit on your hands.” And the phone call ended.
I can’t believe that he would say that to me! Don’t mess this up? Who does he think I am? I’m not some amateur! Alex thought as she followed them. Watching them turn around and head back got her intrigued. Following them back to the store. This wasn’t on her list of places. She watched and made note of the backpack that didn’t seem to leave him. That will be the first place to check. Making an internal checklist of places to look without returning to his room.
She followed them into the store and kept her hood up. It wasn’t cold, but it was an easy impromptu disguise. She watched them go in the back. They came back out fast enough that she didn’t think it would be worth checking right now. Back of this store. Next location to review later on their list. She saw them leaving and delayed her exit so they wouldn’t get suspicious. However, she was beginning to believe that they were completely incompetent at spotting a tail.
She waited a few minutes and then followed out. Seeing them in their car just getting ready to leave, she quickly got into her car and made to follow them about thirty yards back. She watched as they made it to a nice townhouse in a nicer area of town. If she didn’t know he lived with his sister, then it would make sense that he was getting paid on the side from somewhere. But the townhouse made sense for a cardio surgeon and a neurologist.
She put on her thermo glasses and watched him enter the shower and then his room. She saw the other guy lying on the couch. And Gavin fell onto his bed. By his body temperature, she could tell it wasn’t long before he fell asleep. So, she posted up until something else happened. She couldn’t take much longer, but she couldn’t just knock on his door, either. I hate seduction missions. Red missions are always so much easier. She thought with a slight sneer.
Gavin woke up to his alarm going off. He checked, and it had been going off for 15 minutes. He bolted out of bed and got his clothes on for the party as fast as he could. “Kaleb! We gotta go, man! We are late!” He yelled from his room.
“Five more minutes, Mom,” Kaleb yelled back, trying hard to stay asleep. Then, there was a thump on his head. “Hey!” He said, opening his eyes to see Gavin standing over him. “Crap! The party! Let’s go.” He said, jumping off the couch and grabbing the keys.
“No, no, buddy, I am driving now. I am feeling a lot better.” Gavin said with a slight laugh. He shakes his head at his friend’s antics. “That was a one-time thing, buddy. You know I’m not supposed to let other people drive the company car.”
“I know, man, but you can’t blame a brother for trying. Right?” Kaleb said with a smirk. They jumped in the car and were off.
Across the street, Alex sat up in her car. She had placed a tracker on their car, so she wasn’t worried about being able to follow where they went. She snuck into the townhouse and up to the room he had slept in. A War Games poster was hanging on the wall, the room was fairly tight, and there was a large TV with several gaming consoles hooked up. She looked around and checked the desktop for activity. Hooking up her drive to hit, she ran her program. The machine told her the computer hadn’t been turned on in several days.
She huffed in frustration after searching the room. It looked like she would have to make contact. Looking at the tracker monitor, it showed that they were at a club. She rolled her eyes. Of course, they are at a club. She quickly drove to her room, changed, and headed toward the club.
Having just endured the singing of Happy Birthday, Gavin was sitting to the side with Kaleb, discussing their next gaming night. Megan saw them and rolled her eyes. Making her way to them, she plopped down next to Gavin. “I hope you don’t plan on sitting here the entire time we are here and talking video games. I have invited women who aren’t on a screen here for you to meet. And have been talking you up to more of them. There are several who think you’re cute. Get out there and talk to them.” She urged while pushing him up off the couch.
“Megan, I hate to tell you this, but I would bet money I don’t have that they were just being nice because it was you that they were talking to. I don’t stand a chance with these women.” Gavin said as he tried to sit back down.
“You will never know if you don’t at least try. So, get your butt out there and mingle. Kaleb, you stay here. Or you are more than welcome to go home.” Megan retorted. Standing and guiding Gavin out into the crowd, as he turned and mouthed to Kaleb, ‘HELP ME.’ But Kaleb just smiled and pulled out his phone to play a mobile game.
Alex pulled up to the club and, with a little flirting, could get in relatively easily. She made her way to the bar and got a drink as she scanned the club for Gavin. She spotted him talking to some woman in the VIP area. Of course, he is. Typical guy. Too bad I didn’t get the VIP access, though I am sure it won’t be too hard to get an invite. So, she waited.
After a while and several weak attempts from guys to flirt with her, she saw him starting to come out to get a drink. He had his friend with him, who had driven him home. Turning her back to him as he made his way to the bar, she waited for him to order. She opened a second button on her blouse and waited to make her move. She couldn’t help but smile slightly at how long it took them to get the bartender's attention. As they got their beers, she waited for them to get them picked up and ready to head back. Show time. As Gavin turned, she turned as well. Purposefully causing him to spill half a beer on her.
“Hey, watch it!” She yelped, acting startled and slightly upset.
“Oh, CRAP! I am SO sorry, Miss. Please let me help, er, get, I’ll get some towels or something. Bartender! Please! Can I get a towel or something!” Gavin stuttered awkwardly, not even looking at who he had spilled the beer on. But Kaleb had. He was momentarily stunned and at a loss for words. He started pulling on Gavin’s shirt sleeve. “Please! Can I get… What Kaleb?!” Gavin finally turned to his friend and then turned to see what he was looking at.
Looking up, he sees the most piercing and deep blue eyes he has ever seen in his life. Everything stopped. Nothing else matters but those eyes. Followed by chocolate brown hair and a stunning figure. But Gavin couldn’t get past her eyes. What? I. Huh? Work! That’s where I’m at. Why is everything blue? Customer! Crap! Speak idiot! Gavin thought.
“It’s okay, really. I just didn’t expect to get a beer shower this early. Hi, I am Alex.” She started trying to smooth things over. Okay, so maybe he isn’t just like any other guy. He almost seems scared to even be near me now that he saw me. Is he breathing? Yes. Okay, that’s good, at least. He is kind of cute. This may not be so bad after all. No! Be completely professional! Nice guys don’t get sent government secrets, Alex!
“I'm Kaleb, and my mute friend here is Gavin,” Kaleb interjected, trying to smooth over his friend’s mishap. “Gavin.” He finally blurted out, putting his hand out the short distance between their bodies.
Taking his hand, she grinned, and he smiled back. It was quite cute he was being so innocent and sweet. His smile was so full, even if he was red with embarrassment. Different than every other guy who had approached her. Confirm where he has the item, Johnson. Come on. Get your head together. He has barely spoken, and your knees are weak? Snap out of it. “Really, I don’t mind.” She stated in a slow tone.
Gavin finally found his footing, “Please, let me at least get you a drink you can throw in my face or something.” He offered to be genuine and try to defuse his uncomfortable nature with humor, as usual.
“I don’t think that is needed, but I wouldn’t say no to a date.” She said, taking a pen from her handbag and pulling his hand toward her. “You don’t have to write it on there; you are welcome to join us in our booth. I have some paper in there.” Gavin inferred, not wanting to tell her he had a slight aversion to having people write on him after getting a particular part of the male anatomy drawn on him many times in high school.
“You sure you don’t mind? I don’t want to intrude.” Alex asked politely. She couldn’t help but feel a genuine blush creep over her neck and cheeks. It had been so long since she felt someone look at her the way Gavin was, not with lust or intent, but with real admiration.
“You wouldn’t be. Really. Besides, it is my birthday party, and all the people there are my sister’s friends. At least this you would be someone I invited. Know that you have to stay or anything if you don’t want to.” Gavin rambled out. He was clearly nervous, but it still hadn’t registered that she had asked him on a date.
“Okay, but only if you insist,” Alex said, as Gavin gave a huge nose-scrunching smile. She started to follow him to the VIP area. This is the goal. This was what I had intended when I made him bump me. But why am I getting a little giddy. It hasn’t been THAT long. Has it? Well, I guess that was different. That was just post-mission adrenaline-fueled lust. Does that even really count?
They got to the roped-off part, and she saw him lean over and tell the bouncer she was with him. Going through, they made their way to his backpack. She sat down next to it and started watching him rifling through everything in it. She saw a laptop, a phone, a set of small tools, a headset, two flash drives, and papers. Lots of papers.
Pulling one out, Gavin handed it to her. She smiled kindly and, trying not to sound too condescending, asked, “At this point, wouldn’t it just be easier if I put my number in your phone?”
Gavin blushed and smacked himself in the forehead. “Yes. Yes, it would be. Sorry, I'll get that.” He reached in and pulled out his personal phone, since he leaves his work phone at work, and handed it to her after unlocking it.
He is way too trusting. Just in general for someone living in the public. Let alone someone trying to hide the government's secrets. Unless he just believes that he can’t be caught. Maybe that is it. But he doesn’t give off that kind of confidence. He is bashful. Bashful. Like he hasn’t spoken to a woman in years, if ever. As she quickly implanted a cloning app that instantly vanished, she put in her number and called herself. Allowing the app to pair with her phone. “There, now we have each other’s numbers. I am new to the area and just would like to have someone kind to show me around a bit. If you don’t mind?” She asked.
“Not at all! Just let me know. I do have some stuff planned later.” Gavin said, looking at Kaleb. Kaleb looked at him like he had grown a third head. “Like hell you do! You’re free. You have nothing but time!” He nearly shouted.
“And apparently, my schedule has freed up,” Gavin said, slightly embarrassed.
Alex felt her phone buzz once in her hand. She knew that meant her boss wanted a check-in ASAP. “I need to use the restroom. Will you let me back in when I come back?” She asked with a heavy flirting tone.
“Oh. Uh. Of course. Of course, I will.” Gavin said, pushing his hand through his thick hair. A new blush crept across his cheeks. Making something happen in Alex’s stomach.
She got into the bathroom and into a stall. “Johnson secure.”
“Agent Johnson. NSA is boots on the ground. You are to stand down, according to their director.” Director Hunter said in his perpetually irritated tone.
“Give me twelve hours. I’ll find the device. I have already made contact and can have one-on-one time with him in the guise of a date. I can do this. I can find the device by morning.” Alex almost pleaded with her boss. After everything recently, she needed to prove herself.
“You have six hours. Get it done. And Johnson, this mission is now considered Red. If he runs, kill him.” Director Hunter said, sounding slightly less irritated. And the line was dead.
Alex huffed. She hated being rushed. Especially for a seduction mission. Not that she ever really did them. She hated them but had to find a way to complete this mission. And this guy, at least, wasn’t all over her and trying to just get her to bed. Making her way back to the VIP lounge, she spots four NSA agents entering the club.
Rushing over to Gavin, she asks, “So, since it is your birthday, I owe you a present. How about we go on that date right now? My treat!” She asked.
Kaleb nudged him towards her. “I would have to tell my sister that I’m,” Gavin started.
“You go! I’ll talk to her and let her know where you went. I have no doubt she will be MORE than happy you’re on a date.” Kaleb interrupted.
“Great! Let’s go!” Alex grabbed his hand and headed out of the club. Getting out the door, he started towards his car. She waited for him to open her door. Watching out for the NSA agents. Thankfully, the club was so crowded. Once they were on their way, she kept an eye out for them.
He took her to a nicer Mexican restaurant. And as they say, she noticed he had opened every door for her. And waited for her to sit first at the restaurant. She chose to sit facing the door. Gotta keep him safe until he can tell me where the NOVA system is.
Once they sat and the conversation started, it startled her that he was asking about her with genuine interest. He wasn’t trying to interrupt her. He wasn’t talking over her. Or trying to one-up her. He just wanted to hear about her. Who is this guy? There is no way that he could possibly have whatever the NOVA system is. But I have to keep trying.
He was making her really laugh for what felt like the first time since she was a little girl. He had an ease that seemed to make everyone, and everything relax and try to enjoy themselves. She couldn’t help but admire how he handled himself. Once he got past the nerves of a first date, he was easy to talk to and highly personable in a way she hadn’t experienced before. Get yourself together. Who cares what he does. He is your assignment. Your suspect.
As she paid and they made their way out of the restaurant, she made eye contact with NSA agent Robert Charles. She pulled on his arm. “Gavin, give me your keys! NOW!” Come on, we don’t have time.
“What? Why? What’s going on?” Gavin asked, waiting for an answer. Is this because of my hacking? I have never told anyone that I am Vidar.
Pulling out a skeleton key, she pushed the button, which fit the lock, and unlocked the door. Gavin stood there stunned. Alex reached across and opened the door. “GET IN!” Gavin got in, feeling himself starting to freak out. Alex turned the car on and slammed it in gear. Quickly driving down random roads, trying to lose them. Knowing she doesn’t have much time.
“Alex, what is going on?!” Gavin almost screamed, gripping the car as if it was his last hope for life.
“Do you have the NOVA system? Did you get anything from Brett Martin?” Alex asked in a rush.
“NOVA? I don’t know anything. Wait, Brett? What does any of this have to do with my old college roommate? I hadn’t heard from him in ages until the other night.” Gavin rattled off.
“That is the NSA. They don’t follow the same rules as I am. To them, if the system is dead, then it is safe. And I am collateral damage. Now answer my questions. Did he send you anything? Did he give you anything?” Alex demanded.
“No. He didn’t… wait. Yes. He sent me an email with an algorithm to solve for my birthday. That was very on-brand for him.” Gavin responded. “ALEX LOOK OUT!”
He wasn’t in time. A black SUV slammed into the side of his car. They were spinning, and Gavin couldn’t understand what was going on. Why his date went south so fast. Why did a random SUV just seem to purposefully hit them? He saw Alex crawl out of the car. Thankfully, they were both okay. He got out himself as he saw the SUV turning toward them. “Alex! MOVE!” Gavin yelled.
Alex looked and saw Agent Charles’ SUV had turned around and was starting to drive towards her. Now, this is the adrenaline I need. Now, it is a mission. This is what I live for. This is how I feel alive. Government SUV, puncture-proof tires, that’s out. They have an auto lock, two feet back from the bottom of the grill, in the break line being severed. Gotta time it right. Wait, Wait. She reaches down, grabs a knife from her ankle sheath, and throws it at the ground right in front of the SUV.
The knife ricochets off the pavement and up into the engine. It severs the front brakes of the SUV as Alex rolls out of the way. The front tires lock on the SUV, causing the axle to seize up and get ripped off its mounts. The front-end dives into the ground, and the forward momentum causes the SUV to flip. With her out of the way, she gets up, runs, and grabs Gavin. Seeing an empty parking lot, she runs toward it, getting out her phone to call in an air evac.
“You have to tell me exactly what was in that email, and I mean now!” Alex demanded.
“Was I not supposed to open that email? The one that Brett sent? I just solved the algorithm, and then there was coding and some pictures. Was I not supposed to solve that? What did he get me into?” Gavin started talking faster as he was freaking out.
“I hope you had some good insurance on that car. I would hate for your family to have to pay for the damages after you’re gone. Because you are coming with me now.” Agent Charles came walking up with his gun out.
“He isn’t yours yet. He solved it. He saw everything. And he is still alive. He IS the NOVA system.” Alex said. Pulling out her gun as well.
Agent Charles raised his gun to point it at Gavin’s head. “So, all I have to do is put a bullet in his head, shoot you, and I can get my long-needed vacation? I could be on a beach by sunrise?”
Alex turns her gun on him. “We have to check in with the directors to see what they want. This is unprecedented. No one has been able to do what he has done. They will want him alive.”
Gavin wanted to go back and punch himself in the face. He wished he had never opened that email. He turned to run and heard a click. And froze. Looking across the street, he saw an ad for the CDC.
Some coding, a syringe, coding, an iris, coding.
“They are going to assassinate the Ambassador from Kenya at the conference in the next two hours. He takes the stage.” Gavin blurted out, turning towards them.
Both agents looked at him. “Talk to me, Gavin. What is going on?”
“I don’t know. There are images and coding that pop up in my head, and I suddenly know what is happening. And some that will be happening soon. I don’t understand it, and I don’t want it. I want my meaningless life back.” Gavin said with a slight whine.
“Loser.” Grunted Charles.
Looking at Agent Charles with a scowl. “Gavin, is there time to save the ambassador?”
“I think so. But we must hurry.” He took off running through the park. He knew he was only about a 30-minute run away from the event center. Even as his lungs started burning.
Getting to the event center, Charles grabbed him. “If this is real and you’re the Nova system, then you are staying out here. You’re too important. So, which way?”
“The fastest or the shortest?” Gavin asked. His nerves are taking over.
“Fastest. We need to get to him.” Alex said.
“Fastest. Got it.” Gavin jumped up and ran off. The 2 agents huff in frustration as they run after him. He barges into the conference room, looking around for him. Popping his head out the door, he sees the assassin closing a door down the hall. “That’s the assassin!” Gavin said to Alex.
Charles took off after the assassin, making Gavin almost feel bad for the fool. Coming up to the door, Gavin saw that the door was electro-locked with a computer login. “He is draining the air in the Ambassador’s room. Let me see the system.” He pulled the computer out and did a simple DOS override to get in. Then he saw that the lock was intentionally broken. As he set in the coding, he fried the motherboard and caused the electrical wiring to fry into the door. Making it open. “Got it!” Gavin said, letting the security into the room.
When Alex got outside to see Charles putting the assassin into the back of an unmarked car. She walked up to him to discuss the ownership of the asset.
Gavin walked out of the building and heard them arguing. He couldn’t take it anymore. They acted like he didn’t matter beyond what was in his head. So, he walked off. Catching a cab to a park by his house. He used to come here to clear his mind all the time.
As the sun rose, he heard Alex approaching him from behind. “I guess there is no way to get away from any of you. Huh?” He asked.
“Not really, but you aren’t going anywhere until we get orders. Our bosses have heard what is going on and are making a decision by later today. Gavin, I have to ask you something.” Alex said, feeling almost bashful.
“Yeah?” He asked, hoping it wasn’t related to this. He couldn’t help but like her. Beyond her obvious, attractive physical appearance, he felt a connection. He couldn’t explain it, but she was everything he had ever wanted.
“Trust me. I won’t always tell you the truth, but I will tell you what you need. Please, for your safety, trust me. Now, let’s get some sleep. We don’t know what tomorrow will bring.” Alex asked. There was almost a pleading tone.
He stood to leave and said, “I will try,” as he headed home to crash.
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I started this book as a short story fanfiction. 125,000 words later of my characters taking me on a journey and I have my completed novel! view profile
Published on September 15, 2023
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130000 words
Contains graphic explicit content ⚠️
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