This was a fun middle-grade chapter book! The story was exciting and fast-paced, and it for sure will keep the little readers interested .this is a great way to introduce a child to the world of books of mystery and thrillers. Yes, there are some slightly disturbing scenes, but that is a part of the genre, and I think those are age-appropriate.I had a slightly confused tween who does not talk like that with their friends and therefore could not understand why someone would talk like that. So, probably the funky language is also kind of dated, because I guess I have to agree with my child, kids nowadays do not speak like that even when no one is around to correct their use of language. That is something that was around something 5 years .This book was great. The Mystery of the Missing Tea Drinker is a light read full of intrigue, exactly what I needed. The characters are wonderful, the adventure keeps you hooked, and overall, it's an amazing book. I absolutely would recommend it if you want a book that is free of all the typical adult drama and centred around a few smart kids who just want to get their dad back.We make it back to the verandah and Mr P stops for a minute, leaning on his stick and panting. He pushes the door open and a sour, musty smell seeps out. The hallway is dim. It’s full of newspapers and magazines stacked in crazy piles that reach almost to the ceiling. Ollie wrinkles his nose and I think he won’t go inside, but he follows me as we squeeze through the narrow gap between the newspapers and the wall."A nice and fun middle grade thriller/mystery. Young readers will for sure enjoy this adventure. The characters are fun and enjoyable, and the setting was interesting. I liked the relationship of the main characters and how it developed. One complaint is that I felt like the author relied a little heavy on exposition and told us instead of showing us. I noticed this a lot at the beginning, where one of the main characters told us