DiscoverNew Age

The Human Radio: Consciousness and Connnecting to Source Energy

By hiram muchemi

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Using our minds to explore the connection between our minds and the world for a more mindful life!


The Human Radio is an exploration of the link between consciousness, our body and reality. It offers practical steps and advice on moving beyond our 3D senses to better perceive the world of energy all around us. Allowing us to move beyond faith, to a point of knowing and intuition. One must experience truth for themselves to achieve true freedom.

Written by an electrical engineer and alternative researcher it is a summary of his investigations into the nature of reality and what it means to be human.

Probably the last self-help book you will ever need, mixed in with a bit of strange and just enough science to convince the reader.

A book about meditation, spirituality, self-knowledge, reality and how we interact with it.

The book discusses the connection between our human consciousness and the reality we live in – or unknowingly create for ourselves.

Just as the title implies, the book invites you to think of your body as a radio and your consciousness as the tuner and life as the song you can choose how to play. The writer invites the readers to be skeptical and curios, but to read the discovered possibilities with an open mind.

The author starts by admitting to having been both clueless and curios about the mysteries of the universe, so he underwent years of research and offers the readers this book of his conclusions and thoughts so that some of their questions can be answered without them having to go through all the trouble of searching for them.

The book explores scientific discoveries and shared anecdotes from around the globe to explain the energies we ourselves are and those we are surrounded by.

It also offers practices and advice to help the readers achieve this connection with the world that the author has tried himself to be able to share objectively and with credibility.

While the book seems to have a lot to say, it almost all feels like an introduction into a bigger, more promising book that we never get to see.

It does however have an intriguing mix of imagination and reality, spirituality and the boundaries of our physical existence, meditation and exercise, the known and the mysterious, fables and the potential of there being more than just one truth.

If nothing else, the book at least guarantees an improved intuition, better sleep, healthier life style, more control of our lives, and interesting possibilities if not clear answers.

I recommend this book to all those curios and wanting to explore the power of their own subconscious minds for a more mindful existence.

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Writer, Ghostwriter, Editor, Beta Reader, Reviewer, Writing Coach/Consultant Hire me: Contact me: My reviews are my personal, professional opinion based on my experience in the field. ❤️


The Human Radio is an exploration of the link between consciousness, our body and reality. It offers practical steps and advice on moving beyond our 3D senses to better perceive the world of energy all around us. Allowing us to move beyond faith, to a point of knowing and intuition. One must experience truth for themselves to achieve true freedom.

Written by an electrical engineer and alternative researcher it is a summary of his investigations into the nature of reality and what it means to be human.

Probably the last self-help book you will ever need, mixed in with a bit of strange and just enough science to convince the reader.

A book about meditation, spirituality, self-knowledge, reality and how we interact with it.

The World Around Us

Have you ever looked up at a night sky filled with stars and wondered what is all this about? What are we doing here and how is all this possible in the first place? Religion and science struggle to answer that question to this very day. The truth is the origins of man and the universe still remain a mystery. We have many theories and beliefs that have been suggested to us. Ranging from the big bang to more religious and spiritual reasons for our existence. While some theories make more sense than others they still need a leap of faith.

What if you could feel the energy of the universe for yourself. It would definitely create a sense of peace and knowing beyond faith. What if you could dream about things that later on became true. Or improve your intuition. Would life make more sense? Would you still need belief if you were more connected to the source?

In this book we explore the mechanism of being connected and how these connections can lead to a more fulfilling life. In this chapter we will go through various origin stories. Some more interesting and credible than others but all very important clues in this great puzzle. I have always been fascinated by the various origin stories. When it comes to the evolution of humanity on this planet. There are two trains of thought. One, that we evolved from some kind of advanced ape and through the ages we have learned to use tools at the same time learning to paint on cave walls with our modern lives, the end product of a long journey from single cell to the complex organisms that we are today.

The second main theory is the intelligent design theory. That a creator made us and all aspects of the universe, that we are the descendants of the first man and woman put on the earth by God or gods. The creation story shows humanity as being fully developed from the first time we walked on earth. Over the years humanity has continued to grow in knowledge while remaining physiologically the same.

Irrespective of your thoughts on the starting point of modern man the end goal is similar. As a species we have come leaps and bounds. We have rich histories, many of which the full details are yet to be uncovered. As impressive as life is in the 21st century with aero planes, Wi-Fi and skyscrapers, our past is equally as impressive.

We are descendants of advanced ancient civilizations. We hear stories of Atlantis and Lemuria, lost civilizations that were said to be more technologically advanced than we are currently, rumored to have been lost to a global cataclysmic event. One is left to wonder how many cycles of loss, rebirth and rebuilding there might have been and all the knowledge that has been lost to time.

Even recently with Ancient Egypt, modern scientists are still trying to figure out how the ancient feats of architecture and engineering utilized when building the pyramids were achieved? It is not just the pyramids of Egypt. We also have Inca and the Nazca Lines. Huge drawings etched into the ground only visible from the air. Did they have flying technology so as to survey the drawings or were the drawings meant for their gods in the sky? The large stone statues of Easter Island in a remote inaccessible Island. City of the Gods Teotihuacán, in Mexico known for its pyramids and astronomical alignment to distant star systems. Then there is the Eye of Africa. Visible from space it lies in the Sahara Desert. Hard to describe, it has this otherworldly presence and has been said to be part of the lost city of Atlantis.

Whatever your belief systems may be, I would still argue that the history of humanity, whether stemming from a grand creation story, or our evolution from fish learning to walk is a grand story full of mystery and awe. With the majority of the knowledge of how people lived being lost to the ages.

Whether you agree with the big bang or not you can't argue against the fact that science offers the best description of our working universe purely from a physical perspective. Modern advancement such as the electron microscope and the particle collider (CERN) have allowed us to understand a microscopic world previously inaccessible to us. It is now possible to look at molecules and atoms at the smallest scale and infer behaviors and patterns allowing us to paint a better picture of our surroundings.

Before I get too deep into science it would be unfair for me not to touch on a few creation myths and stories as they are a form of passed down history from our ancestors who were there in the beginning. Though many stories are abstract in nature. There is an aspect of truth that can't be ignored even if it is philosophical in nature. 

I will start with Judeo-Christian and Islamic Faith. The main belief is that God created the earth over a period of time, finally creating humanity. The first humans went on to have children and we are all descendants of these children. God also created angels. Currently the world is caught up in a war between the creator God and the fallen gods/angels. Good versus evil. Life is about being moral and upright to be rewarded with everlasting life in heaven with God.

A different take on the creation story is told by the Agikuyu tribe. One of thousands of African tribes. The Agikuyu in Kenya believed in a God called Ngai, or Mwenye Nyagah (bearer of light) Agikuyu believed in an energy system of which the source was God. God created the universe by putting his energy into things to give them life. God went on to create the world and ultimately the first Man and Woman, Gikuyu and Mumbi who had 9 daughters representing the various clans of the Agikuyu. They prayed facing Mt Kenya as they believed God used to stay there when visiting his creation during his tours. God also created husbands for the first daughters to marry and have children.

For the Hindus the creation story differs from other cultures in that there is no separation between creation and the creator. The material world is part of the creator. The material world is divine flowing the supreme creator. This is fundamentally different from Christianity where God is separate from and creates the material world. They believe that the Primeval One, having become bored being the only being in existence, split itself into a variety of forms i.e. the material world and all of its beings so that through them it could experience itself. Hindus also have many Gods and Goddesses that flow from the original creation and go on to become co-creators. Vishnu for example creates Brahma who goes on to create other living things including the sun and planets. Hinduism has many creation stories, for them, there is no single creation but periodic cycles of creation. The universe we live in is one of innumerable universes. The material world is endlessly created, sustained and destroyed. It rests in Brahman the energy that powers life and permeates all things giving them life and form. Brahman is not to be confused with Brahma. Brahman is the energy in all things, Brahma is one of many Hindu gods. 

Creation stories are as many as there are cultures in the world. In many, there is a general personification of good and evil or the elements of nature such as the moon and the sun. Some of these creation stories have gone on to shape modern culture. The story of Adam and Eve for example continues to be part of our modern lives and a large percentage of the earth identifies as Christian, Muslim or Jewish all being Abrahamic tribes.

There are also philosophical systems as well as atheistic viewpoints making up humanities belief systems. If I haven't mentioned your particular belief system, I apologize however this book is not about religion but about the physical reality we find ourselves in.

All these ideas represent a yearning by humanity to better understand our existence. When reading religious books, some parts of religion are designed to be taken literally while other parts are allegories with hidden meaning, open for interpretation or the passing of some secret knowledge not meant for the normal reader.

Even though religion plays a vital role in our society it cannot be relied upon to answer fundamental questions about our existence. Religion relies on faith. A belief in things not provable. Religion is also subject to manipulation by man. History has proven that human beings are capable of many atrocious crimes and acts of evil. It would be a bit naive to believe that religion and religious texts were immune from the corruption of humanity. History can be completely rewritten in three generations. Only intuitively can we truly know the truth of our past historically and spirituality.

We do mention religion in certain areas of the book. Our main focus however, is the ability of the human body and mind to experience the connection to source energy directly for themselves. On the other side of the coin science has come a long way in understanding what makes our universe spin and how the laws are governed. Despite the mysteries still left uncovered it offers us the best possible way to actually make sense of our surroundings and ourselves.

In my opinion science doesn't disprove the existence of God but rather deals in absolutes that are measurable and God is definitely not measurable. One-day God's energy will probably be as measurable as the flow of electricity or heat. Who knows? Maybe it already can be measured with private research behind closed doors.

Science is a wide topic but today we shall focus on how reality is set up. In particular, how the universe works and how it ties into consciousness. I studied electrical engineering and some of the things I will talk about might be a bit technical and come naturally to me but I will do my best to make it easy to follow. If I go over concepts too quickly I apologize. For those who know more science that I could ever possibly know, I hope you can bear with me. If you get stuck a quick internet search will shed some light on the topic. Everything I talk about is easily found on the first page of the search, just use the key words in the topic and you will be even better informed. Which is always good. Knowledge is never wasted and our brains have so far shown to have an infinite storage capacity.

There are many macro theories dealing with the emergence of the universe and in recent times micro theories dealing with the interactions of the small items. With macro representing very big things like galaxies and planets and the universe and micro the small elements like atoms, electrons, photons and others that make up the world of the small. I only cover enough science to put my point across or to explain a concept so this will not be a deep dive. We shall look at the current most popular scientific theories about the universe. I hope you will see that science is just as mysterious and awe inspiring just like the spiritual side of things. I also hope to show how our bodies act as a bridge between the intangible consciousness and the reality of our physical world. Hopefully paving the way for a way of life where we don't have to just have faith and belief but to a reality where you know and not just believe that something more is possible by learning how to interact with reality and consciousness in a better way, a more interesting way.

We start off our science journey with the big bang theory. The big bang theory is the most widely accepted scientific theory on the origins of the universe. The model describes how the universe expands from an initial state of high density and temperature to a cooler universe that allows for the formation of galaxies, stars and planets. The galaxies and other space bodies are moving away from us in all directions all originating from the Big Bang. By extrapolating the speed and direction of the expanding universe the age of the universe can be traced back to a single point. Known as the singularity. Scientists believe this singularity exists outside the laws of space and time which is science talk for great mystery.

After the initial period of expansion, the universe cooled enough to allow for the formation of subatomic particles and later atoms. Through gravity the particles formed the first elements and large clouds of gases. These large clouds went on to collapse in on themselves to form the first stars and planets. The big bang theory is gravity centric. Proposing that gravity plays the biggest role in the shaping and operation of the universe and the reason things are attracted to each other.

Dark matter and dark energy theory also plays a pivotal role in understanding the mechanics of gravity. Dark energy is a mysterious force that drives the expansion of the universe. Dark matter is invisible matter that interacts with other matter through gravity. It is said to make up 95 percent of the universe while other visible phenomena such as stars and galaxies make up the other 5 percent. Astronomers cannot see dark matter directly but can only see its effects. The biggest criticism against the big bang theory is the fact that despite major advancements in science and measuring equipment including the most expensive experiment in the world the CERN collider, dark matter and dark energy is yet to be proven despite it supposedly being the most abundant substance in the known universe.

The theory of gravity relies solely on the mass of an object exacting force on another object. Which works okay when describing the rotation of the moon around the earth and other planetary motion as these objects are very large. The problem is that 90 percent of the mass needed to create these gravitational relationships is missing. Enter dark matter and dark energy which comes in to explain how things are tied together attracting or repelling each other. Apart from the dark energy problem certain other questions are yet to be answered. Questions such as what caused the big bang? What was there before the singularity and what is space expanding into are yet to be answered. All physics does is point to the universe originating and expanding out from a single point.

Other theories also exist that attempt to describe the origin of the universe but the big bang theory is the most accepted origin story of the universe. However lately a new train of thought has been gaining ground. Plasma cosmology or the electric universe theory attempts to get into how the universe works and how galaxies and other space phenomena are connected and interact. Even though it has the same shortcomings as the big bang theory when it comes to answering some of the same questions about the origins of everything it is still a solid theory worth learning about. Before we look at the electric universe theory we will mention other theories briefly.

The steady state model of the universe infers that the universe always had and always will have the same density. The expanding universe is reconciled to this theory by the fact that it is believed that the universe generates matter at the same rate as the universe's rate of expansion. The big bounce theory speculates that our universe is one of many universes that expands and contracts on a loop. The cycle repeats every couple billion years.

Finally, onto the electric universe theory also known as plasma cosmology. Plasma is the fourth state of matter after solids, liquids and gases. Though similar to a gas in some ways. Plasma is ionized, meaning it has free flowing charged particles. Giving it the ability to conduct electric currents. Electric currents in plasma create magnetic fields that shape plasma activity. It is the most malleable state of matter capable of being shaped by magnetic fields. In this way electricity can organize and shape elaborate cosmic structures while also producing the intense electromagnetic radiation permeating throughout space over very large distances.

Plasma also has modes. It can exist in various distinct forms when formed. Glow mode is the first mode and in this mode plasma creates a visible glowing light, neon tubes, fluorescent tubes, plasma televisions and even the earth’s auroras create visible light because of this phenomena. Star mode is when plasma creates a glowing concentrated point of energy giving off light like a star. This mode might explain how stars in space give off light. Dark mode is when plasma is invisible to the naked eye. It appears as empty space to the eye. Finally, we have arc mode where an arc is formed as plasma breaks down and energy is exchanged between interacting fields or plasma regions. The most common occurrence of this is in arc welding and in nature as the phenomenon of lightning. Plasma is very interesting and is important to the electric universe theory.

The electric universe theory challenges the gravity centric model that asserts that gravity is responsible solely for the arrangements of the galaxies and the formation of the stars and planets through the collapsing together of dust clouds. The electric universe theory does not aim to replace gravity but rather, add on to the theory and explain how the universe shapes and propagates itself. It theorizes that charged particles exist in all of space as plasma. The sun, stars and galaxies are plasma. A web of electromagnetism interconnects all these space phenomena. We all know moving electrons and magnetism have an innate relationship. Moving electrons create electromagnetism. The ability of electrons to create magnetism is the reason why we have electricity in our daily lives. Where the electric universe theory shines is that it can both explain the macro and the micro universe. Atoms and electrons are bound by the same electromagnetic laws as the largest galaxy clusters.

Advanced telescopes are now able to photograph and measure these electromagnetic waves, the radio, infra-red, ultraviolet, x-ray waves plus much more have revealed patterns in the cosmic web of interconnectivity. What were once believed to be islands in space can now be seen to be interconnected and interacting with each other. A quote from one of the researchers for the electrical universe theory David Talbot reads.

“The visible universe is a theatre of charged particles. A dance of electrons and protons holds it together. We see its rhythms and geometries in microscopic detail, even as its music plays out across the cosmos: atoms and molecules joined by the electric force; stars and galaxies organized and energized by the same force; and on our little planet Earth, living organisms animated by the electricity of life. No empty space exists. Everything we now see is connected by the universal dance of charged particles.”

Though many scientists are not fully on board with the electric universe theory it is finding more and more traction as an explanation for our working universe. If the electric universe theory holds true, then it is the only theory that can explain both the macro and micro. Explaining the formation of large galactic structures and explaining localized atoms e.g. the electrical synapses in the brain.

Further proof of the plasma cosmology theory is that scientists have been able to recreate a sun in a laboratory. In a study by University of Wisconsin-Madison, physicists were able to recreate the sun in a lab and even mimic solar winds. The sun is essentially a big ball of hot plasma - an energetic state of matter made up of ionized gas. As the sun spins, the plasma spins along too. The plasma movement in the core of the sun produces a magnetic field that fills the solar atmosphere. The Big Red Ball is the name given to the equipment they used. A three-meter-wide hollow sphere, with a strong magnet at its center. The researchers pump helium gas in and ionize to create plasma and then apply an electric current that along with the magnetic field, stirs the plasma, creating a near perfect mimic of the spinning plasma and electromagnetic fields of the sun. With such experiments the electric universe is showing to be more than a theory and can be shown to be fact. We do live in an electric universe controlled by electromagnetic fields.

Thinking about the electric universe theory makes me smile as I picture how the physical universe is all interconnected. Bound by electric fields controlling the largest and smallest in the universe while at the same time holding in place the laws needed for things to interact with and be a part of each other. With your body and consciousness as the only way to interact with this world. It is truly a miracle.

Another relevant field of science to the narrative I am weaving is the field of Cymatics. Cymatics is the study of sound and vibration made visible, typically on the surface of a plate, diaphragm or membrane. The word translates from the Greek meaning wave. Hans Jenny, one of the original investigators of the phenomena concluded, “This is not unregulated chaos; it is a dynamic but ordered pattern.”

Before talking about cymatics any further, it is important to define the word frequency and how it relates to energy as I use it a lot throughout the rest of this book. Energy is the power or capacity to do work. Such as the capacity to move an object by application of force. Energy moves particles, electrons, large objects etc. Since the universe is alive and in motion most components are vibrating or moving because of energy being exerted on them. These movements are usually cyclical, up and down, on and off, low and high. Just like our heart beats or breathing. This movement against the constant of time is the frequency of said object or the frequency of its energy source. Frequency can either be fast moving or slow moving. If we have energy and movement then we also have frequency.

Tesla himself said that if you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.

Another important term to define is the word field as it relates to electricity and magnetism. We start first by defining the word charge. An electrical charge is a property of matter that causes two objects to attract or repel depending on their charges, positive or negative. An electric field is a region of space around an electrically charged particle or object in which an electric charge would feel force. The same applies to magnetism, it is the space around an object where the magnetic force would be felt. An invisible web surrounding a charged point. A field can have both magnitude and direction. Now that we have gotten that out of the way we can continue with cymatics.

When working with cymatics the surface of a plate, diaphragm, or membrane is vibrated by applying a frequency from a frequency generator or even a musical instrument. I saw a research video where a lady was able to create complex cymatic patterns using her voice by singing out certain frequencies. Examples of the vibratory surfaces that can be used include sand particles on a metal surface, cornstarch water solution on plate etc.

Different patterns emerge when a vibration is applied to the medium depending on the frequency of oscillation applied or the geometric shape of the medium being applied i.e. square or circular.

By varying the applied frequency, different patterns and shapes are observed at varying frequencies. The patterns have been likened to naturally occurring shapes found in nature. e.g. tortoise shell shapes, snowflake shapes, caterpillar shapes etc. The images are all amazing to look at and give the impression that this phenomenon is certainly a clue to the formation of the universe and everything in it. Cymatics shows us that everything has a vibration including our bodies, this can be extended to the bodies also suspended in space. The cymatic field certainly helps us understand ourselves and the universe a bit more and adds to the mystery of the universe. It helps explain how objects in our world come to have shape and dimensions.

One further thing about cymatics is the zero point phenomena. There are places on the surface of the plate or diaphragm where vibration doesn't exist so the materials don't create a pattern at these points. The spaces remain empty. One would assume the vibrations would cover the entire membrane but this is not the case. It is the difference between the areas with the vibrations and the zero points that create the various beautiful patterns at different frequencies.

The field of cymatics points to the fact that every unique shape in the universe from the tiniest atom to the largest sun are the results of unique vibrational frequencies. Every object has its own frequency blueprint that forms the complex shapes of reality when it comes into contact with matter by using the elements spread out in the universe and being controlled by the electromagnetic fields permeating throughout.

Sometimes it feels like religion and science are trying to say the same thing. It makes me think of the creation story of the bible where it talks about the word of God creating the universe, and what is a word if not a vibration.

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made.”


As a science minded person one could easily replace the word with frequency or vibration. Let us give it a go.

In the beginning was the frequency and the frequency was with God and the frequency was God.

It is fitting to talk about frequency as everything that exists emerges from a center forming the universe around us in the same way that speech comes from the mouth or a song resonates from a musical instrument. As we close out this chapter it would be wrong not to talk about quantum mechanics as its mysteries also play a role in the creation of the universe as it attempts to show how the material world works at the smallest end of the scale.

Simply quantum mechanics is the branch of physics relating to the very small. When it comes to atoms and electrons we need new models to describe the behavior of the very small particles in the universe. Classical mechanics which describe the movement of everyday sizes and speeds, cease to be useful when it comes to describing how these small particles interact with each other.

I don't want to get too deep into the science of quantum mechanics as that is beyond the scope of this book and to be honest is worthy of a book on its own. However, it is important to reference the most famous quantum mechanics experiment, the double slit experiment.

Imagine shining a beam of light at a screen that contains two closely-spaced parallel slits. Some of the light passes through the slits. Forming a pattern on the wall behind the slits. The pattern formed would be an interference pattern. Sections of light and dark patterns. The pattern shows light can be thought of as a wave. Imagine waves on a pond where two pebbles have been dropped simultaneously. Ripples of waves will emerge. If the emerging peaks of the waves coincide they will reinforce each other, whereas if a peak and a low coincide they will cancel out. Patterns of light and dark stripes will form on the wall behind the screen based on whether there was reinforcement or cancelling out. This experiment showed classic wave behavior showing light had properties of a wave. A wave is spread out in space; it has no localized position. A particle on the other hand has a defined position in space. Another example of a wave is sound moving in a room whereas a particle can be thought of as a grain of sand. If you blasted sand particles at the screen with the two slots one would expect the particles to form behind only in the space left by the holes cut.

Substituting the light for electrons which are particles the electrons also behaved like waves. How is that possible? Electrons are particles; how can they also form patterns synonymous with wave behavior? You would expect each particle to pass through the slit in a straight line and not produce an interference pattern. It was theorized that each electron particle would pass through both slits and interfere with itself. This interference with itself would create the wave-like behavior. Meaning that the physical position of the particle could not be narrowed down. The particle existed in both slits.

Something stranger that was observed was that if one was to place a detector just behind one of the slits to find out if a given particle travels through the slit, the interference pattern vanishes. Meaning the photon was now not in two places at once but its observation point had collapsed and now existed exclusively in the observed space.

That would imply nature was somehow aware and would change its behavior depending on whether someone was looking or not. The experiment showed that reality exists as a probability in space until it is observed then collapses into an observable state. Another way of saying this is that reality would not exist without consciousness. Future versions of this experiment would introduce a delay in the measuring of the photon. But it made no difference. It was as if the universal mechanics not only knew if we were looking but also if we were planning to look. The clear interaction of consciousness and the behavior of particles around us making up reality is mind blowing. Coupled with the fact that our human eyes can only observe a small piece of all the reality that exists, even with advanced technology and sensing machines the observable universe is still a very small percentage of all that exists.

One wonders what else is out there that we cannot see or measure and how it possibly interacts with our consciousness and physical bodies hidden from our awareness.

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1 Comment

ann mutonyiThis is an enthralling book which engages your mind. I have been able to connect dots to questions that I have wondered about in life. I also like the practical suggestions that the author gives that can shift our beliefs about our existence. Definitely one of the most mind opening books I have read in a while.
over 3 years ago
About the author

Interests lie in consciousness, spirituality, reality and the greater meaning of life. Always looking for new ways to define my reality, trying to achieve the highest mind-body-soul connection possible using meditation, anything really and the power of will. Live in Nairobi, Kenya. Age:37 view profile

Published on November 07, 2021

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Genre:New Age

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