Wow, the opening paragraph will hook readers. It was suspenseful and a bit frightful. Imagine if you went to bed mobile and woke up paralyzed. That must be scary. "Larry panicked and shrieked in fear." I think many people would react accordingly. I know I would have. The fear factor was turned up when another voice entered the picture. The introduction was unnerving, but the image after the statement was not. "You can yell as much as you want to, but no one will hear you, and no one cares. We have more important things to do than help you."
I expected more sinister, villainous eyes with that line, not something you'd see in a looney tunes cartoon.
Larry's predicament becomes stranger, and the fear level doesn't dwindle. Larry had the resist the urge to scream for help. He was taking his captor's warning very seriously.
The Great Escape: A Tale of an Unforgettable Adventure by Vijay Mirchandani did have its intense moments, but I also found lightness to the story in the form of character names and imagery: Donut, Orange, Bowl. Most, if not all, kids will find humor in the picture of the guy breaking wind on the toilet—also, the toilet paper roll with x's for eyes and its tongue sticking out.
There were some editing errors, but (overall) this was quite an exciting read. I had no idea what would happen next, and the mystery had me reading on. I admit, when I read the opening passage, I thought Larry was a human. What a shocker to read his true form. (no spoilers)
Look no further if you're looking for a young adult book that centers around unique characters, has an unusual storyline, and contains weird but humorous illustrations. You've found it with The Great Escape: A Tale of an Unforgettable Adventure.
HEA, I think. :)
Review submitted to Reedsy on 8/8/22.