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In 2015, Europe became swamped with massive migration by those who have the faith structure known as Islam. News stories told of some horrible crimes by migrants. But what stood out was migrants claiming in courts and in front of the media as the police were taking them away, that they did nothing wrong and these behaviors were not illegal in their country. In 2016, I went to Paris, Berlin and Stockholm with a team and spoke with politicians, intelligence service personnel and journalists trying to learn more about what was happening. This book is the result of that journey. What if the truth is, that those who follow Islam have different and opposing social norms (behaviors), to Western Civilization? If that is true we could be facing The Cancer of Civilization Jihad. This book looks at social norms to see if Islam's scriptures endorses the behaviors claimed by followers of Islam. It then looks at news articles to see if these behaviors are on display. Are we experiencing a clash of civilizations? Read to learn more.

Is there an Islamic social norm requiring a Hijrah (Migration) to Western Civilizations?


When I started to have a clue as to what was happening in respect to Civilization Jihad, I was struck by one comment recorded by the FBI. “Stage 1 is complete, we are here.”

     For a long time the reasoning behind this statement caused me to be curious. Then I began to read about the hijrah. Sam Solomon, was one of the first authors I read on this topic, in his book Modern Day Trojan Horse: Al-Hijra, the Islamic Doctrine of Immigration, Accepting Freedom or Imposing Islam? After reading this work I looked deeper into the concept of the hijrah and began to ask my own questions.

If the hijrah is an Islamic doctrine, do governments know and acknowledge this?

If the hijrah is real there must be examples throughout history – what are they?

If hijrahs have been historically documented and acknowledged before jihads, what is the reason we do not seem to have this information at our fingertips today?


           While I had many questions, these three seemed to grab my attention the most. Is this true, that the hijrah (Immigration) is an Islamic doctrine? This question seemed to scream to me: if this is true, how stupid are we taking in Muslims who seek to conquer us?!

     Simple, right? How we do find the real answer to that first question? Especially, if the knowledge has been hidden? What do we have to do to learn the truth? These basic simplicities evolved into an acceptance that somehow, some way, we have been lied to. Who did the lying seemed unimportant at first. The importance was finding the truth regardless of who was hiding it.

I began by looking at the “Islam Question & Answer” website, an online resource where Muslims and non-Muslims ask questions about Islam that are supposed to be answered by knowledgeable Islamic clerics. I found they had answered the question:  ”Can Muslims settle in kaafir countries for the sake of a better life?”

Interestingly they start their answer by condemning those Muslims who live amongst non-Muslims:

In the Sunnah, the Prophet (PBUH) said: “I disown every Muslim who settles among the mushrikeen” [non-Muslims]. (Narrated by Abu Dawood, 2645; classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh Abi Dawood.)[1] 


According to this manner of thought living in Dar al-Harb is not only wrong for Muslims it was not acceptable to live in non-Islamic communities in Muslim lands, according to their prophet. However, the author of this document does make an exception. 


Rather we should say that each Muslim has his own unique set of circumstances and his own ruling that applies to him, and each person is accountable for himself. If he is able to practice his religion in the Muslim country in which he lives more than he can in a kaafir country, then it is not permissible for him to settle in a kaafir country.  


But if it is the other way round, then it is permissible for him to settle in a kaafir country, subject to the condition that he is confident that he can resist the desires and temptations to be found there by taking the precautionary measures prescribed in sharee’ah.  


Zakriya al-Ansaari al-Shafa’ia said in his book Asna al-Mataalib (4/207):  


It is obligatory to migrate from the kaafir lands to the Muslim lands for those who are able to do that, if they are unable to practice their religion openly.”[2]


So why are Muslims coming to non-Muslim countries, what they call Dar al-Harb if it is forbidden? Is this merely a smoke screen? Are these very words quoted above only for a select few? It makes little sense that they could not practice what they believe in an Islamic country. Or is this a screening out policy? A doctrinal statement that insists Muslims not strong in their faith must stay in an Islamic country. What then of those who hold their Islamic faith with strength? 

Two Hadith passages state that Muhammad said answer this question.


I charge you five of what Allah has charged me with: to assemble, to listen, to obey, to immigrate and to wage jihad for the sake Allah. (Hadith no. 2863 Kitab al Amthael reported by Timri, also reported by Imam Ahmed Ibn Hanbel as Hadith no 17344)


This wording implies that migration for the purpose of jihad is not only Ok, it is commissioned by the prophet of Islam. But is this the only citation of such a statement? 


·      Sura 2:218 “Surely those who believed and those who emigrated and performed jihad.” 

·      Sura 8:72  “Surely those who believed and those who emigrated and performed jihad with their money and their lives for the sake Allah, and those who gave asylum…”  

·      Sura 8:74  “And those who believed and emigrated and performed jihad for the sake of Allah, and those who gave asylum and help [gave you victory], those are the true believers, they will receive forgiveness and generous provisions.   

·      Sura 8:75 ““And those who believed afterward and emigrated and performed jihad with you, so those are of you. 


The Hadiths also solidify the purpose of Muslim migration to non-Islamic lands (Dar al-Harb) is for the sole purpose of jihad, war against the infidel. Who is the infidel? Any non-Muslim!


'A'isha reported that the Messenger of Allah was asked about migration, whereupon he said: There is no migration after the Conquest (of Mecca), but Jihad and sincere intention. When you are asked to set out (for the cause of Islam), you should set out, (Sahih Muslim 1864, Book 20, Hadith 4599) 


     Doesn’t this information make you question why non-Muslim countries would accept any Muslims inside their borders?     

     But there is more on this.


Narrated Mu'awiyah: I heard the Messenger of Allah say: Migration will not end until repentance ends, and repentance will not end until the sun rises in the west. (Sunan Abi Dawud 2479, Book 14, Hadith 2473) 

Clearly the meaning of “until repentance ends” means when all have turned to Allah. Migration after the conquest of Mecca, if to a non-Muslim land is for the sole-purpose of conquest! Whether it be an Islamic army crossing a border to wage war, or an individual. 

As you can see, the Hadiths and the Koran provide several examples showing the purpose of migration (al-Hijrah) is to accomplish jihad. Shouldn’t Western governments be aware of this? Why aren’t they? The US government spends hundreds of millions of dollars researching “violent extremism” trying to determine why some persons become terrorists. Is it really that hard to accept that people who hold devout Islamic beliefs will migrate to wage a war? Even if doing so subversively since they are outnumbered?

Khalid Masud wrote “The obligation to migrate: The doctrine of hijra in Islamic law” which is a chapter in Muslim Travellers edited by Dale Eickelman and James Piscatori in 1990. Masud states:


From the Qur’anic texts the following significant points about hijra can be inferred: (1) It was an obligation of physical movement towards self-definition in the nascent Muslim society; (2) hijra was closely associated with jihad; and (3) hijra established a bond of relationship among Muslims, particularly with the ansar.[3] 


Masud’s point on hijra being closely associated with jihad has great significance because what is defined today as Islamic terrorism is often classified as Islamic jihad (holy war) against non-Muslims. Masud did share that there were differing opinions by scholars on whether hijra remained obligatory and shared those who do not consider it obligatory, believed that after the death of their prophet Muhammad hijra ended. But according to Masud, many scholars considered it an important and relevant teaching.


Abu Sulayman Hamid b. Muhammad Khattabi al-Busti (AD 931-96/9), a scholar of hadith, … argued that hijra was actually meant to support and strengthen dar al-Islam in its nascent days. After the conquests dar al-Islam was so strong and established that migration was no longer required. The hijra would be required again only and whenever the conditions so demanded (Ibn Hajar 1959; vi, 378)[4] 


Masud uses a quick historical examination of the time period of the first few Caliphs to look at the truth of this matter. Masud notes that in the cases of opposing Muslim groups (631-632 AD) justified their war, “most often the ruling group in the centre - in terms of jihad. It was therefore necessary to strengthen their camp by asking their followers to migrate from enemy territories.”[5]   

Masud provides the example of the Khawarij who justified their jihad and hijra by stating:


all territories were dar al-kufr until they were brought into the fold of Islam. A territory could turn again into dar al-kufr if its rulers denied the sovereignty of Allah, or committed a major sin, whereby they became kafirs. In these circumstances, hijra from such a territory and jihad against it become obligatory.[6]  


This created reasoning for one group of Muslims to declare an opposing Muslim entity to be mushriks (polytheists), justifying a hijra for the purposes of strengthening their camp before a jihad. There are several historical examples of this. William Hunter recorded examples of hijrahs used by Muslim leaders against other Muslim leaders  in The Indian Mussulmans (1871).

Masud quotes Ibn Hanbal as offering a “parallel to the famous five pillars of Islam: ‘I convey the following five commandments given by Allah: attention (sawm’), obedience (ta’a), migration (hijrah), struggle (jihad), and organization (jama’a).’”

This quote is actually very important in that it refers to the four things that happen when Muslims do migrate to non-Muslim lands. 1) Communal prayers are instituted sometimes to show strength. 2) Obedience can be a reference to remaining separate from the non-Muslims. 3) Jihad used as “struggle” keeping the hate of the infidel in the heart, which the last caliph defined as the lowest level of jihad in the 1915 fatwa. 4) Organization, this communal obligation to organize encourages the Muslims in their non-integration of their community into their new homeland. This creates a division and separation of cultures and laws.

It’s time to step back and analyze what is happening around the globe in light of massive Muslim migration. Are Muslims making a hijrah today in accordance with Islamic scholars? If so, these massive migration are only for one purpose….Islamic conquest.



Perhaps we simply need to listen to what Muslims are saying to other Muslims. Dr. Ismail al-Faruqi gave a talk to the UK Islamic Mission in 1986. He said:


We are here to stay, we are here to plant Islam in this part of the world and we must utilize everything in our power to make the word of Allah supreme…In the presence of living here, we can become ambassadors of Islam… Allah … has carved out a vocation for you, a new mission, and this mission is to save the West, to save the humanity of the West, by converting that humanity to Islam… we want to live henceforth as if we were muhajjirs, Companions of Muhammad from Makka to Madina … And so let us invest our Hijra with this new meaning, let us appoint ourselves as ambassadors of Islam in this country and let us begin a pramme, a programme of real action.[7]


Dr. Patrick Sookhdeo, wrote the report, Islam in Britain, in 2005. In this he identified two major problems with Islamic immigration: self-imposed segregation or separation from the native culture of the new country and the Islamic requirement to organize. In the USA there had not been enough Muslims outside of major cities to identify self-imposed segregating groups. However, there has been evidence of organization since the Muslim Brotherhood’s first legal organized entity the Muslim Student Association began in 1963.

In the United Kingdom this self-imposed segregation and organization revealed a definitive goal and plan. Srdja Trifkovic wrote in 2002 of a 1982 Declaration by the Islamic Foundation in Leicester, that claimed the Islamic movement:


… is an organised struggle to change the existing society into an Islamic society based on the Qur’an and the Sunna and make Islam, which is a code for entire life, supreme and dominant, especially in the socio-political spheres. …that the ultimate objective of the Islamic movement shall not be realized unless the struggle is made by locals. For it is only they who have the power to change the society into an Islamic society.[8]


     This statement reveals that Muslims, who appeared to come to the UK in the 1960s and 1970s “for a better life”[9] actually came with the intention of making the United Kingdom into an Islamic country. This is subversive. It is seditious. It is a hijrah.

     Dr. Sookhdeo states that “because of Islam’s history of political dominance during most of which shari’a was enforced, and Because of its theology based on political power, Muslims have difficulty adapting to life as minorities in a non-Muslim environment. Traditionalists develop strategies to help Muslims maintain their Muslim identity and resist secular temptations.”[10]

     The organization of Muslims is seen as a religious obligation. Dr. Sookhdeo noted that Islamic scholar Mawdudi, whom Jihadists refer to often, talked about da’wa and its inability to be effective if there is no organization. He said this about a Muslims duty to organize.


These aims cannot be realized so long as power and leadership in society are in the hands of the disbelieving rulers and so long as the followers of Islam confine themselves to worship rites … Only when power is in the hands of the Believers and the righteous, can the objectives of Islam be realized. It is therefore the primary duty of all those who aspire to please Allah to launch an organized struggle, sparing neither life, nor property, for this purpose. The importance of securing power for the righteous is so fundamental that, neglecting this struggle, one has no means left to please Allah.[11]


Dr. Sookhdeo also observed that Professor H. Ali Kettani, believed that organization was the key to Muslim Minority group’s survival:


The secret of the Muslim communities which have been able to survive across the centuries and generations lies in one word: organization. Islam cannot survive if individual Muslims believe it is a personal affair… When a group of Muslims is formed the first thing they should do to keep Islam among themselves is to organize themselves on an Islamic basis. To keep Islam alive from one generation to another, they should establish two basic Islamic Institutions: the mosque and the school.[12]


     With this point of view that organization is required and needed for the faith structure to survive in a non-Muslim land it is not surprising that the first organization are mosques and schools in most countries. It is interesting that both Mawdudi and Kettani express a belief that Islam alone is not able to keep a Muslim from straying. He needs to be organized into resistance to his new country and its government. That organization will not be viewed as successful until the day the government submits to Islam as its authority alone.

     These organizations have helped create the possibility of parallel lives rather than assimilation into a new host country. Muslims in the UK can be born into a Muslim family, go to a Muslim school, go to Muslim Community Centers and then work in exclusively Muslim work environments. These organizations allow and encourage the Muslim to remain separate from the Christians and Jews


Is immigration a national security threat?


Because there are some who do not see a threat from the first stage of Civilization Jihad, it is time to look at Islamic immigration as in terms of it posing a possible threat to our national security. Immigration in the United States of America, has been studied in light of being a national security threat for a long time. This study is much broader than a singular view of Islam alone. Leo Lucassen wrote The Immigrant Threat in 2005. His book addresses immigrants that come in large numbers, “hundreds of thousands rather than tens of thousands.” His book sees an immigration threat of such large groups existing on three levels: religious, national, and social.  But let’s not forget the most important. Intentional infiltration and take over massive overpopulation through migration and child rearing.

Dr. Patrick Sookhdeo states in his book, Dawa: The Islamic Strategy for Reshaping the Modern World, (2014) that “most Muslim countries regard their large populations as a political weapon and are glad to send their citizens to settle in Europe, America, Canada, Australia, Latin America, Japan, South Korea and other Non-Muslim countries.”[SPG1] [13]

Recent news events have shown that this is more than true. On October 10th of 2019, Erdogan threatened to open the Turkish border into Europe

On September 5th Bild.de reported a new threat from Turkey’s president Erdogan. He is demanding even more money than the willing European Union has already agreed to pay. According to Bilder, the EU has paid out €5,600,000,000 ($6.21 billion) out of an agreed €6 billion ($6.65 billion). Erdogan wants additional money now to build housing facilities not in Turkey, but 30 miles into Syria, or else!

On July 21, 2019, “Turkish Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu accused European countries of leaving Turkey alone to deal with the migration issue. In comments published by the state news agency Anadolu Agency,[14] he warned: "We are facing the biggest wave of migration in history. If we open the floodgates, no European government will be able to survive for more than six months. We advise them not to try our patience."[15]

Keep in mind that Turkey was providing medical and other logistical support to the terror group known as ISIS or the Islamic State that “created” this migration crisis.

Only a few months earlier on April 16, 2019, the Libyan Prime Minister Fayez al-Sarraj said. “What’s going to happen with this security breakdown is that 800,000 illegal migrants on Libyan ground will have to leave Libya and will cross the sea towards Europe. Amongst these 800,000 there are terrorists and criminals. This will be disastrous.”[16]

These threats are pretty constant. It shows just a glimmer of a belief in Islamic supremacy, which will be tackled in the next chapter.


Religious Threat

A different religion could have a differing and competing world view that may not be compatible with those in the country they emigrated to. On top of this religion could have a long history of conflict with the religion of those already in the country dating back centuries. Lucassen states that in some respects, a competing religion of migrants could be against the religion of those who started the country. It could even be a causative factor of the country being created and separated from others. A massive group of persons from such a religion would indeed pose a threat to the nation under this view.


America: It is no secret that the Navy and Marine Corp were first formed under the US Constitution to war against the Barbary States, the first official enemy of the constitutional government of the United States of America. In the US we refer to them as the Barbary Pirates. The Barbary States were Islamic ruled states in what is now referred to as Libya. These states functioned as independent governments ruled by a despotic caliph. These states made war against any vessel that passed with their reach, thus the label pirates fits. The pirates following shariah captured goods, and people. They then chose to either keep them or sell them back at a ransom. Some people were kept as slaves, some were ransomed. These actions are still legal under shariah thus allowing for the Muslim pirates near Somalia to continue to exist.

So is there a long standing enmity between Muslims and the Judeo-Christian heritage of colonial America under the US Constitution. Cultural divides are shown in the recordings of the war from the Islamic belief that lying is permissible to non-Muslims. When Lieutenant Andrew Sterrett, commanded the frigate Enterprise in battle against the Tripolitan 14-gun galley commanded by Admiral Rais Mahomet.


In a three-hour battle, the outgunned galley lost sixty men, while the Enterprise, incredibly, lost none. The Tripolitans twice lowered their colors, only to resume fighting when the Americans approached to take possession of the surrendered vessel.[17]


     During the time period a ship’s flag was only lowered as a sign of surrender. To say deception is not a part of war would be insane, but to make a declaration of surrender and then fire on those who seek to end the conflict peaceably, was a stance against the rules of warfare on the seas at the time. It endangered every ship’s ability on the high seas to surrender after a battle and it’s captains ability to save the remaining crew.

     This belief that it is permissible to deceive or lie to non-Muslims so permeates Islamic culture, that the term taqiyya, is known widely known in counterterrorism circles. This belief runs counter to a belief in the concept of the importance of communication amongst men and women of the United States of America. The Constitution allows for freedom of speech, however the concept of lying and deceiving others is not a protected form of speech. We have terms such as slander, defamation of character, and perjury that declare that this belief is dangerous to American way of life.


National Security Threat

According to Lucassen a threat can also exist in taking in large numbers of low or non-skilled persons. Doing this creates conflict with those who are already within the country and are also low skilled. This conflict exists primarily as low skill jobs become fewer and fewer in a world filled with technology.

Not stated in Lucassen’s initial review of national threats are differing political ideologies that may be entirely opposed to the political beliefs and practices of their new homeland. If large groups of immigrants enter a country with this conflict, it becomes a viable threat to the governing philosophy of the current governmental structure.


Social Threat

Lucassen viewed this threat as being primarily criminal activities and the growth of poverty and low income housing.

Some of this threat, extends not only from the first generation, but from the second generation and their difficulties in life starting with their ability or inability to attain success in an academic environment. Yes, this is a look at whether they are successful in integrating by learning the language and social structure of the community where their parents have chosen to live.

If we look at countries where a hijrah is seemingly changing the social fabric and structure such as Sweden, Denmark and the UK, do we see criminal activity that Lucassen warns about?

The very week I am writing this I was notified by a person from Sweden one of my hashtags on LinkedIn could not be accessed in their country. #MuslimMigrantCrime, was the hashtag I started to use to document the numerous crimes that I was discovering related to the hijrah into Europe. Sweden is a country that has moved from protecting its citizens to protecting Islam. This very month, August 2019 several sad crimes have been noted in Sweden.

It is time to ask if there are vast differences between social norms from Islam and social norms from Judeo/Christian heritage.


[1] —. 2003. "Can Muslims settle in kaafir countries for the sake of a better life?" Islam Question & Answer. April 19. Accessed April 10, 2020. https://islamqa.info/en/answers/13363/can-muslims-settle-in-kaafir-countries-for-the-sake-of-a-better-life.

[2] ibid

[3] Eickelman, D. F., & Piscatori, J. P. (1990).  Muslim Travellers: Pilgrimage, Migration, and the Religious Imagination. Berkeley: University of California, p.32.

[4] Ibid, p. 33.

[5] Ibid, p. 34.

[6] ibid

[7] al-Faruqi, I. (1986). The Path of Da'wah In The West. London.  19-26

[8]  Trifkovic, S. (2002, December 20). The Islamic Conquest of Britain. Retrieved August 2, 2019, from Chicles Magazine: https://web.archive.org/web/20040710081633/chroniclesmagazine.org/news/trifkovic/newsst122002.html.

[9] Al-Munajjid, Muhammad Saalih. "Can Muslims Settle in Kaafir Countries for the Sake of a Better Life? - Islamqa.info." Can Muslims Settle in Kaafir Countries for the Sake of a Better Life? - Islamqa.info. April 20, 2003. Accessed March 28, 2020. http://islamqa.info/en/13363. 

[10] Sookhdeo, D. P. (2005). Islam in Britain. London: The Institute for the Study of Islam and Christianity, p.9

[11] Mawdudi, S. A. (2007). The Islamic Movement: Dynamics of Values, Powe and Change. London: The Islamic Foundation, p. 79.

[12] Kettani, M. (1986). Muslim Minorities in the World Today . London: Mansell Publishing , p. 25.

[13] Sookhdeo, Patrick. 2015. Dawa: The Islamic Strategy for Reshaping the Modern World. London: Isaac Publishing.

[14] Soylu, Süleyman. 2019. Interior Minister Soylu: When we open the doors, their government cannot last 6 months. July 21. Accessed March 28, 2020. https://www.aa.com.tr/tr/politika/icisleri-bakani-soylu-kapilari-actigimizda-hukumetleri-6-ay-dayanamaz/1537340.

[15] Kern, Soeren. 2019. Turkey Threatens to Reignite European Migrant Crisis. July 21. Accessed August 22, 2019. https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/14624/turkey-threatens-migrant-crisis.

[16] Hayward, John. 2019. Libyan PM: Siege of Tripoli Could Drive 800,000 More Migrants into Europe. April 16. Accessed 22 2019, August. https://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2019/04/16/libyan-pm-siege-of-tripoli-could-drive-800000-more-migrants-into-europe.

[17]  Toll, Ian W. 2006. Six frigates: The Epic History of the Founding of the US Navy. New York City, NY: W. W. Norton & Co., Inc., p. 171.

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About the author

Paul Sutliff has a BA in Religion and Philosophy from Roberts Wesleyan College, a Master of Education from Nazareth College of Rochester and a post-grad Certificate in Mid-Level Intelligence Analysis. Paul says he is only an awakened Patriot to what is happening around him. view profile

Published on April 03, 2023

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60000 words

Contains mild explicit content ⚠️
