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As we all travel through life, we will face or have faced at least ONE obstacle found in "The Call of Jeremiah McGill."


Faced with the realities of growing up, a boy must find the faith and strength to accept his destiny.

Eleven-year-old Jeremiah McGill is at a cusp in his young life. It’s 1971 and America is in a historical transition with sons in the Vietnam War, fundamental changes in civil rights, protests, and political tumult. As the young boy wants only to pass his time reading comic books and galavanting with his friends, his preacher father has a different divine destiny in mind for him. Feeling removed and uncertain about his connection to his faith, Jeremiah’s not sure where he fits in.

As Jeremiah begins his discovery of who he is, the boy has a whirlwind of questions troubling him: confusion about his new friendship with a white boy at school, navigating the relationships that he has with some of his questionable friends, and defining his place within his faith-driven family. Jeremiah is at a crossroads, trying to figure out his place in the world. And though it may be evident to others in his life, it’s something the boy must do on his own.

Throughout history, the world has seen races divided and war's impacts on society and soldiers' psyche. The Call of Jeremiah McGill touches upon these sensitive subject matters through the lives of several young boys (pre-teens) and their families. 

Eleven-year-old Jeremiah McGill is the youngest son of a pastor who believes his son needs to embrace his faith more. He needs to find his purpose like his brother, Zeke, did by becoming the church's organist. However, Jeremiah doesn't know what God's role is for him yet. Many people, young and old, feel this uncertainty. 

Jeremiah is also dealing with a race dilemma because the leader of their friend group isn't keen on Colton, a white young man, joining their crew. The self-imposed leader Rodney spoke harshly to Colton while Jeremiah remained silent. Rodney thought Colton should "stick to his own kind." This train of thought, this behavior, was prevalent from all races then and (unfortunately) now. But, as history has shown us, people like Otis stand up against those who intend to put others down and push them aside. To Otis, everyone was a friend regardless of skin color. 

Otis, the soft-spoken crew member, had his life changed drastically once his brother, Kenny, returned home from the war. Kenny faced PTSD and a drug addiction to cope with the unspeakable, unimaginable things he did and saw while fighting in the Vietnam War. Those who served our country in this war or any war will relate to the mental and physical toll war has on a body and mind. It breaks your spirit. Otis didn't know how to help his brother. The events playing out at home affected his school life. Luckily for Kenny and Otis, they had a great support system: friends and church. 

As we all travel through life, we will face or have faced at least ONE obstacle found in The Call of Jeremiah McGill. If you've ever doubted your purpose in life or faced racial injustice, PTSD, or drug abuse, I encourage you to read the book. While these topics seem intense, this book is uplifting in the end. It shows us that there's help if you need it. It reminds faith-driven people that God is with them to help and guide them. Everyone has a purpose in life; all you need is patience and an open mind to discover it. 

While Amazon has this book listed from birth to eleven years, I think it's better suited for young teens and older. 

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I've been constructing reviews for over a decade and don't plan on stopping anytime soon. Most of the reviews will be featured on my blog (Kam's Place), Pinterest, Instagram, BlueSky, and Goodreads. Don't forget to tip your waitress! :D


Faced with the realities of growing up, a boy must find the faith and strength to accept his destiny.

Eleven-year-old Jeremiah McGill is at a cusp in his young life. It’s 1971 and America is in a historical transition with sons in the Vietnam War, fundamental changes in civil rights, protests, and political tumult. As the young boy wants only to pass his time reading comic books and galavanting with his friends, his preacher father has a different divine destiny in mind for him. Feeling removed and uncertain about his connection to his faith, Jeremiah’s not sure where he fits in.

As Jeremiah begins his discovery of who he is, the boy has a whirlwind of questions troubling him: confusion about his new friendship with a white boy at school, navigating the relationships that he has with some of his questionable friends, and defining his place within his faith-driven family. Jeremiah is at a crossroads, trying to figure out his place in the world. And though it may be evident to others in his life, it’s something the boy must do on his own.

Summer Heat of '71 Finds Headless Moe

One Saturday afternoon, me and my buddies were sitting outside on my front porch enjoying some of Mama’s ice-cold sweet tea she made for us to combat the heat. It seemed as if our town, Cape Creek, Missouri, had the heat and the humidity worse off. Folks stayed inside their homes with fans on, probably sipping on some iced lemonade while doing much of nothing.

“I’m tellin’ y’all,” Rodney started as we were finishing our last glasses of sweet tea. Tall, skinny, Rodney had just turned twelve and felt as if he was the leader of us, since he was the oldest.

“Ever since the beginning of the summer, I heard some strange things been going down where Headless Moe be at the train station.”

The mysteries of paranormal activity that surrounded Headless Moe was all Rodney talked about that afternoon. I adjusted my thick, owl-like glasses, sitting perfectly on my dark brown skin as Rodney, who wasn’t getting the satisfaction he wanted by us responding, decided to beef up the tension to his so-called “news.”

“I overheard my mama talking to one of her friends, who said that one of our neighbors saw a headless ghost, staring right at ‘em.”

“You jivin’, man!” responded a now curious and yet skeptical Drew. Drew was a bronze-skinned, heavier-set fellow that looked older than his age. He was not one who was fond of ghost stories and felt as if Rodney was just pulling someone’s leg.

“You know you jivin’, ain’t ya? Ain’t no Headless Moe.”

Rodney swirled his glass around with a devious look on his face. “I wish I was, Drew. I wish I was.”

One thing about Rodney I’ve learned from knowing him is that you never can figure out if he’s telling the truth. He uses this skill as bait, making a story seem so good and believable that one would think he’s telling you something real. Once hooked, he draws you in as his prey.

“Na-na-naw, it . . . it . . . it . . . it . . . can’t . . . b-b-be,” Drew stuttered, trying his best not to show any fear. “Th-th-th-there ain’t no . . . su-su-such things as . . . as . . . ghosts, is there, Otis?”

“Now what ya askin’ him for, Drew?” questioned Rodney. “What could Otis possibly know more than me?”

“I just don’t believe you, that’s all,” answered Drew. A long silent pause drew out as Drew then turned towards Otis. “You don’t believe what Rodney’s tellin’ us, do ya, Otis?”

Otis, who was rocking back and forth on the porch banister, stared at the golden-red sun. His perfectly Afro hair gleamed, and his skin reflected the sunlight as it made his generally high yellow color become a golden-brown.

He looked at Drew and shrugged his shoulders. “I dunno. It is kind of hard to believe in such a thing as a headless ghost.”

“See Rodney,” Drew replied, happy that Otis backed him up. “Otis don’t believe you either.”

Rodney rolled his eyes, wiping sweat off his brow and face with nothing to say. No comeback. No smart remark to keep this Headless Moe tale alive.

Before us, the grayish-blue sidewalk of my house stretched until it met the metal gate. On the other side of it was Daddy’s blue station wagon, or what I called the Blue Stallion. I stared at it and began thinking about another Sunday in 1971 filled with church, church, and more church.

My father, Reverend Walter McGill, is the Pastor, with my mother as the choir director and my big brother Zeke as the organist. Daddy always said that we were born into greatness and that our family is called. Seems everyone, except me, knew who they were. Me? I wasn’t anything but just an eleven-year-old Pastor’s Kid. A PK, as some call it.

“Man, this ain’t cool,” Rodney suddenly said.

He stood up where he was, on the second step of the porch, and leaped all the way to the middle of the sidewalk. “Y’all, let’s do something.”

“Something like what?” I asked.

“I don’t know, Jeremiah,” Rodney responded. “But it has to be something adventurous!”

Oh, great. Whenever we hear something about an adventure, that means a trick or prank is up the road. I didn’t like it when we went on one of Rodney’s adventures. We always end up in deep trouble or something goes terribly wrong with no plan, just Rodney trying to dominate.

“Whatchu got planned, Rodney?” demanded Drew.

“Well,” replied Rodney. He stared at the sidewalk tiles one by one trying to keep the suspense going, which got on my nerves.

“Come on, Rodney. What’s on your mind?” Otis asked dryly.

“We’re going down to that old train station and look for Headless Moe.”

“Oh no!” I jumped up, almost knocking my glasses off my face as I protested Rodney’s idea of an adventure. “We can’t be going down there, it ain’t right!”

Rodney, who wasn’t into my reasoning for not doing this adventure, side-eyed me and said, “Aww, quit being a square, Jeremiah. It ain’t like anyone down there.”

“I’m with Jeremiah,” said Drew. “I think we should go down to the Nelsons' and get us a soda.”

“You jokin’, right, Drew?” Rodney said. “You rather think about food than go on an adventure of a lifetime?”

Although still scared, Drew reluctantly agreed to tag along. Otis seemed to be in too. I was still trying any tactic to call this whole thing off.

“But we still can’t just walk on private property like that,” I argued. “It’s too hot and we can get lost. And may I remind you that I have a curfew?”

“Welp, y’all, looks like Jeremiah is at it again!” Rodney concluded. He was making those noises you would hear on police cars, saying that I was trying to stop their fun. Otis chuckled a bit, while Drew let out a big laugh. I saw nothing funny about Rodney’s joke.

“You can’t stay out late anyway because you’re a preacher’s kid,” Rodney said to me. He knew I hated that name and always used it to get under my skin. “Besides, you too scared.”

“I ain’t scared,” I exclaimed. I stood up and was walking down the edge of the bottom step where Rodney was with my chest sticking out, showing my bravery.

“So, you in?” Rodney said.

I became silent. Dead silent as I felt my conscience begin talking to me.

“See, what I tell you?” Rodney smirked. “Nothing but a scaredy preacher’s kid.”

“What’s going on out there?”

The front door of our blue-and-white painted house opened. Mama, who was wearing a light green sundress with a sunflower, stood at the front screen door.

“Rodney, what in the world are you doing down there making all that noise?” she asked. She opened the screen door and stepped outside. Her smooth, light pecan skin accented the green and yellow colors of her dress. “You ain’t sugar high, are ya?”

“No, Mrs. McGill,” Rodney responded.

Mama looked around the porch at all the empty glasses. “Looks like y’all finish up the last of the sweet tea pretty fast, didn’t y’all?”

“Yes, ma’am, and it was very good, too,” replied Drew. Whenever Drew gets around Mama, it seems as if he turns on this southern-boy charm.

“Why, thank you, Drew. That’s so sweet of you.”

He smiled, showing his two front teeth, the right one chipped.

“I thought I heard y’all talking about going down to that abandoned train station?” Mama began questioning, standing at akimbo.

“No, Mrs. McGill, we weren’t talking about that at all,” Rodney quickly answered, lying hard to my mama.

“Good, y’all don’t need to be going to that place.”

I stared over at Rodney, who had his face down, trying not to listen to what Mama told us. “Lord Jesus, I don’t remember being this hot since I was a little girl.”

“Really, Mrs. McGill?”

“Yes, Drew, it’s been that long. This kind of heat will have people’s minds see things that ain’t really there.” She stopped, rubbed her brow full of sweat, then rubbed her smooth, relaxed hair flowing to her shoulder. “Otis.”

Otis was still and quiet, not saying a word this whole time like he always did.

“Otis, how have you been doing lately?”

“Fine,” he shyly answered while looking down at the sidewalk.

“Come closer, let me take a good look at you,” she exclaimed.

Otis did what she asked, walking from where he was toward her.

“My, my, my,” she started. “Boy, you’ve grown up, aren’t you? I thought to myself when I saw you with your mama and little Sam in church last Sunday, that you becoming a handsome young man wearing your light brown pants with your white shirt. Your mother told me that you all received a letter from your brother Kenny this past week.”

“Yes, ma’am, we did,” Otis replied.

In the conversation that followed, I began thinking about that summer when Otis’s oldest brother, Kenneth Wilson, Jr. was being called to serve in Vietnam. That was a sad day, watching him ship out along with many others around here fighting for what some called a senseless war. I didn’t know if it was a senseless war or not at the time, but I couldn’t imagine how Otis felt daily without his oldest brother. Three years later, even though he rarely talks about it, you can see the bravery he shows for his mother and his little brother, Samuel.

Mama nodded her head and smiled when Otis finished talking about the letter.

“Well, I know it’s good to hear from him, and I will continue to pray for his safety. Tell your mother I’ll be stopping by sometime today when it cools down.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Mama collected all the glasses we used to drink our tea and the pitcher and walked to the door.

“If y’all do anything, you make sure you be careful! This heat ain’t anything to play with and don’t y’all be straying too far, ya hear?”

We all let Mama know that we understood what she told us.

“Can I get the door for you, Mrs. McGill?” Drew asked.

“No, Drew, that’s OK, I got it. Jeremiah? You make sure you be back here before the streetlights come on, hear?”

“Yes, Mama.”

While Rodney and Drew left my house and went searching for the Headless Moe, I made the decision to go with them. There was no way I was going to let Rodney have the best of me.

Otis lagged behind, trying to reason with me. “You know you don’t have to go, Jeremiah,” he said. “Personally, I still think Rodney may be making this Headless Moe story all up.”

I thought so too and knew going along wasn’t the best idea either.

“Lord knows I don’t want to get in trouble,” I responded. “Why did Rodney have to call me a preacher’s kid, anyway?”

“Man, Jeremiah, you know how Rodney is. He’s just trying to get to you. Besides, we all know the reason you’re going is to prove that you’re brave.”

I often asked myself why I, a son of a preacher, had a friend like Rodney. Maybe it was because his family sometimes attended our church. It could be because our fathers were classmates. None of those things matter. What mattered was me proving to myself and Rodney that I was no scaredy preacher’s kid.


About the author

MG Fiction author Joseph L. Moore has been a storyteller since childhood. He currently serves as a minister of music of House of Prayer, World Outreach Mission. An educator for nine years, Joseph lives in Cape Girardeau, Missouri, south of St. Louis. The Call of Jeremiah McGill is his debut novel. view profile

Published on May 09, 2023

Published by Gatekeeper Press

40000 words

Worked with a Reedsy professional 🏆

Genre:Christian Fiction

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