Alistair Mead only remembers one thing from the year she went missing as a child: A series of books that don’t exist. After years of searching, she stumbles on a clue that proves the books were real but were somehow erased from existence.
Desperate for answers, Alistair is drawn into an ancient literary underworld whose members believe she might be the key to unraveling the books, and the altered history of the world.
Ben Kriminger hasn’t written in a year. Traumatized by the fanatical reaction to his novel, Ben is still trying to undo the bloody damage caused by his writing and the unhinged reader who couldn’t tell fiction from fact.
When book pages about a young woman named Alistair begin showing up on Ben’s doorstep, he finds that her story mirrors events in his own ill-fated novel. Still unsure if what he’s reading is fiction, Ben can’t help but act when the pages depict the same people who destroyed his life turning their twisted attention on Alistair.
As their parallel paths spiral toward an impossible revelation, Ben and Alistair learn that seeing this story through may damn the world to darkness before the final page is turned.
The thrilling and inventive fantasy book "The Book of Briars" by C.J. Bernstein will have readers on the edge of their seats. Emmeline Thistle, a young girl who is taken to the famous Briarwold Academy for magic users, is the main character of the novel. But when she learns about the terrible truths that the academy is hiding, she comes to the conclusion that using her abilities could be the only way to protect herself and her friends from a deadly threat.
Bernstein's excellent prose creates a rich, intricate world that is both recognizably familiar and completely original. The characters are well-rounded and multi-dimensional, and readers will be able to relate to their difficulties and victories.
The book's ability to perfectly meld magic, mystery, and adventure was one of its many qualities that I found impressive. Excellent pacing and a plenty of action and suspense keep readers interested from start to finish.
Fans of fantasy and adventure will enjoy "The Book of Briars" as a whole because it is an exciting and intriguing read. This is a spectacular book, and Bernstein's masterful world-building and narrative will have readers clamouring for the next book in the series. I heartily urge anyone looking for an engaging and captivating read to pick up this book.
The book's exploration of complicated topics like friendship, betrayal, and power, which gave the narrative depth and emotional impact, really caught my attention. The setting of Briarwold Academy is clearly depicted, and the story is further enriched by the world's distinct history and mythology.
C.J. Bernstein's "The Book of Briars" is a terrific first book, and I'm interested to see what the future holds for this gifted writer. This novel should not be missed if fantasy and adventure are your thing.
Overall, "The Book of Briars" is a skillfully written and captivating book that is certain to enthral readers of all ages. It is a must-read for anyone who enjoys fantasy and adventure because of its captivating characters, vividly conceived universe, and exciting plot.
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