A true combination of imagination as well as in-depth character profiles. A remarkable read!
The Bone Clocks
By David Mitchell
The Bone Clocks is a story of many individuals, intertwined and bound together over many decades.
The story starts with the life of Holly Sykes, a rebellious teenager, running away from home after heartbreak and anger, leaving behind a life she feels is no longer hers. However, little did she know that one small encounter with a complete stranger in her journey as a runaway will have an impact on her, and the people around her, even decades later.
Weaving in and out of several characters' stories, The Bone Clock is an inventive book, with an ambitious storyline – one that will leave the reader pondering over it for a long time.
When Holly Sykes runs away from home, she is an angry, hurt, and rebellious teenage girl, on her way to prove a point. During her journey, she encounters an old woman who just helps a distraught and runaway teenage girl by giving her some tea. It was beyond Holly’s imagination how important this tiny encounter with a stranger would turn out to be.
Engagingly written, The Bone Clock spans a time period of approximately six decades. The story weaves in and out of character’s lives while leaving the reader wondering and looking forward to when the previous characters will pop up next.
The best part of the book for me was the character build-up. The in-depth way in which character’s lives are described, the maturity with which each character progresses and develops with the story made me feel as if I personally knew each and every one of them. And what an accomplishment that is for a writer!
Although the book contains some fictional aspects which are beyond the scope of the genre I usually confine myself to, nonetheless this was a deep, enriching, and extraordinary piece of story-writing. Easily deserves 4.5 out of 5 stars. This book is definitely recommended to readers who enjoy the depth and detail of the characters as well as the storyline.
I am Aqsaa Adil. By profession, I am a Math Teacher, resident in Qatar. I have been an avid bookworm throughout my life. Critically reviewing books would be an excellent opportunity for me to play a small, yet meaningful role in spreading the love for reading throughout the world.
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