The Art of Shaping the Metropolis

By Pedro Ortiz

husam talib

Reviewed on Sep 15, 2022

Worth reading 😎

professional practice experience on the effect of the matrix model work in conjugation with the balanced urban development in the metropolis

Art of shaping the metropolis book author is a visiting professor at Milan polytechnic where he teaches metropolitan management in the department of architecture and urban studies. A founder of IRU Madrid an urban planning consulting firm, and founder and director of the master’s program of urban studies at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid. Previously Pedro B. Ortiz was deputy mayor in charge of strategic planning and general director of urban and regional planning for the Madrid City region.

The book serves a wide audience. Geographers and historians who want to understand the new metropolitan planning model in terms of studying and analyzing the metropolitan fabric and form. Individuals specialized in politics on the effect of political rationales within the new metropolitan planning model in the decision-making process, dialogue presented in the model with various authorities levels in building the plan. Urban planners to identify the major differences between urban planning and metropolitan planning in various contexts EU, USA and a focus on the new metropolitan planning model. Urban designers to understand the required planning work in terms of graphical and presentation work in the metropolitan plan. Architects interested in metropolitan planning may get benefit from studying, analyzing, and providing a solution for various types of development in the metropolitan region.

The book theme is centered on the main idea of the relationship between the new metropolitan planning model (Reticular matrix model) and the balanced urban development (BUD). The four pillars of the new model are geography, history, geometry, and denial of the historic city and the metropolitan subsystems environment, transport, residential, social facilities, and production facilities. The balanced urban development characteristics in defining nuclei unite consisting of relationships between the location of many metropolitan functions like residential, public transport stations, social facilities, and urban centralities.

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Reviewed by
husam talib

Husam in his 25 years in architectural and urban design practice experience has helped several international firms in the Middle East achieve success by meeting project’s planned goals and reduced projects budgets without quality tradeoff.


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