The 48 Laws of Power

By Robert Greene and Joost Elffers

Harshit Sharma

Reviewed on May 2, 2023

Loved it! 😍

this is one of the best self development book if you read book for convert yourself ypu should really look out this book

"The 48 Laws of Power" by Robert Greene is a controversial but thought-provoking book that explores the principles of power and how to attain it. The book presents 48 laws of power, each with examples of how they have been used throughout history by those seeking to gain and maintain power.

Greene's writing is engaging and the examples he uses are often fascinating. The book covers a wide range of topics, including the importance of never appearing too perfect, how to use flattery to manipulate others, and the value of always planning ahead.

While some of the laws may seem cynical or even immoral, Greene argues that they are necessary for anyone seeking to achieve power in a competitive world. However, some readers may find some of the laws to be too Machiavellian, and may question the ethics of using some of the tactics presented in the book.

Overall, "The 48 Laws of Power" is an intriguing read that will make readers think about the nature of power and how it can be used effectively. Whether you agree with the laws or not, the book offers valuable insights into human behavior and the dynamics of power. The 48 Laws of Power, by Robert Greene, is a controversial book that explores the principles of power and how to obtain them. A fascinating study of power law that presents 48 principles, each illustrated by a story about how each law has been used throughout history by those who seek power and are seeking to maintain it. Greene's writing is engaging and the examples he uses are often fascinating.This book covers a wide range of topics, including the necessity of never appearing too perfect, using flattery as a method of manipulating others, and the importance of always thinking ahead. Some readers might find this book too cynical or even immoral, but I believe it is a valuable book to read about human behavior and power dynamics.

There are a number of topics discussed in the book, such as the importance of never appearing perfect, the power of flattery in manipulating others, and the importance of planning ahead when it comes to dealing with others. In spite of some readers' reservations about the book, it offers valuable insights into human behavior and power dynamics that many people may not be able to grasp.

It is important to remember that it is important never to appear perfect, how to use flattery to manipulate others, and the importance of always putting one's best foot forward. There are some readers who may not find the book to be cynical or even moral, but the book offers valuable insight into human behavior and power dynamics.

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hello my name is harshit sharma i m a student in b teach 1st year i love to read books for self development


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