Taming Demons for Beginners

By Annette Marie

Lorraine Geeky

Reviewed on Aug 23, 2021

Loved it! šŸ˜

Nerdy, socially awkward bookworm who stress bakes? Check. Powerful, mostly evil demon who loves cookies? Check. What more do you need?

Taming Demons for Beginners is a fun, quick read I devoured in a little over 2 hours. With complicated demon contracts, rune-based magic, 12 demon houses, a nerdy bookworm and a cookie-loving demon, thereā€™s a little bit of everything here. 

Although, I admit, my favourite part was the cookie-loving demon because obviously. And the descriptions of these cookies made me really wish I had cookies, which overall was a negative, because thereā€™s none in the house. 

I digressā€¦ Taming Demons for Beginners starts a little bit slow, introducing the reader to the characters, the world and the complication that comes summoning and contracting demons. I stuck with it, because I could see the tension and drama building. Hell, I didnā€™t have to predict it, the first chapter doubles as a hint of whatā€™s to come and I had to know what happens next. 

The thing with this book is the main character isnā€™t necessarily my favourite ever. In fact, I finished reading the book 5 minutes ago and her name escapes me, but that could be because the book is first person. 

After looking it up, the main character is Robin Page. Her personality can be summed up as a nerdy, socially awkward bookworm who bakes when sheā€™s anxious. Which is also how you could sum me up, so I should love her. Maybe thatā€™s why I donā€™t, but I wanted a little more. A little more fight, a little more willingness for action. It begins to happen come the end, so I think itā€™ll come in future books in the series and Iā€™ll be able to rave about the character growth. Or maybe it wonā€™t, and sheā€™ll stay true to her nerdy socially awkward bookworm thing, which isnā€™t a bad thing. I guess I was just hoping for her to be occasionally badass and not leave it all up to the demon. 

Speaking of the demon, Zylas is where this whole books strength was for me. From mysterious smokey darkness to powerful crimson magic and very few rules. Oh, and donā€™t forget about the adoration for cookies or food in general. And the disregard for human life, thatā€™s always a bonus. I loved reading the interaction between Zylas and Robin. And thatā€™s a bonus for the book overall. 

The dialogue flows well and naturally. All the characters have well-defined voices that make the whole story a breeze to read as itā€™s not bogged down with heavy descriptors or constant need to identify who is speaking. 

If youā€™d like to read a book in an interesting modern-day magical world with a 20-year-old bookworm and a powerful cookie loving demon, then Taming Demons for Beginners may just be for you. 

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I'm Lorraine, a 20-something book reviewer and blogger from South West England. I've been an avid reader and writer from a young age, much preferring to spend an evening curled up in a candle-lit room with a good book or video game than pretty much anything else!


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