Sustainable Urban Design: An Environmental Approach

By Ritchie R. Adam

husam talib

Reviewed on Dec 15, 2016

Loved it! 😍

An essential book for architecture and graduate students in the field of sustainability, it comprise several professional practice examples.

Adam Ritchie and Randall Thomas are the authors of sustainable urban design book. Adam Ritchie is a physician holds a double bachelor degree in applied physics from Denis Detroit and York universities. Worked as a partner for Max Fordham LLP for 15 years as sustainable team leader and know is director of Ritchie and Daffin practice in London for engineering service design. He holds various certificates of professionalism from applied physics registration bodies. Randall Thomas is a professor in architectural science in Kingston University since 2005. He holds an engineering degree and a PhD in the field. Worked in Max Fordham as an engineering consultant and he has various registration certificates from several professional bodies such as charted engineering council.

Many readers of this publishing house realize clearly that the books they publish are for students, whether they are at undergraduate or graduate levels. It serves mainly graduate architects if they are looking for sustainability general concepts for buildings. Adding to that several urban design concepts for outdoor sustainable solutions such as landscape planting and its relation to CO2 reduction. Other engineering disciplines related to building design, such as mechanical and electrical, may as well benefit from this book, but from an architectural perspective. The book does not include any calculation base for most of the sustainability concepts application on buildings.

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Reviewed by
husam talib

Husam in his 25 years in architectural and urban design practice experience has helped several international firms in the Middle East achieve success by meeting project’s planned goals and reduced projects budgets without quality tradeoff.


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