August 1997
Teenagers in various state of inebriation and consciousness, packed the Walnut Lakefront home in West Bloomfield. Hayley Larson had a couple of beers, but was among the more sober of partygoers. She needed a bathroom for a variety of reasons related to her drinking and partying. She climbed the stairs of the beautiful lakefront residence, more mansion than home, looking for a bathroom.
Hayley wasn’t a bad girl—hell, she wasn’t even a party girl. She was tired of her friends accusing her of being a ‘pussy’ and always doing anything and everything her parents ordered. Her parents certainly wouldn’t approve of her being at a party where kids were engaged in various sex acts or where alcohol, drugs and marijuana were being used and abused.
This is my coming out party! I’m going to college next year!
Hayley reached the landing, looked left and then right. She decided to go right.
Good choice!
She found herself in the master bedroom and master bath. She breezed through the enormous bedroom and found herself in the most beautiful bathroom she’d ever seen. It was huge, perhaps larger than the bedroom she just passed through. The bathroom featured beautiful black and white marble with gold accents.
Is this solid gold?
As she walked to the commode, the seat cover automatically rose and an electronic robotic voice said ‘welcome’. An automatic fan began to hum, activated by her entry through bathroom door.
She sat down on the toilet and did her business. She couldn’t locate the toilet paper, so she swiveled while seated, attempting to locate some paper. Instead, she found a panel of buttons where one would expect to find a toilet paper dispenser or holder. She pushed the top button. A panel opened and dispensed a toilet seat cover. Hayley laughed out loud.
Too late for that!
She crumbled the seat cover, spread her legs and dropped the crumbled paper into the toilet.
There were two more buttons. Naturally curious, Hayley pressed the second button. A gold metal flap opened and a toilet paper dispenser roll immediately projected through the opening. She did what one does with toilet paper and when she finished she disposed of the used paper into the toilet. She pressed the third button and the toilet flushed underneath her. She smiled to herself, stunned at such wasted extravagance.
The home belonged to the parents of a classmate and his older brother. It was a popular party spot because the boys’ parents were constantly traveling without them, more than willing to leave their two sons alone in the house. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Wilkinson were narcissistic and obscenely wealthy. The boys, Jared and Oliver, both unplanned, were nuisances who cramped their parent’s active life style.
To assuage their guilt, they spoiled the boys rotten. Oliver, a freshmen law student of Wayne State University Law School in Detroit, was considerably older than Hayley’s classmate, Jared, Oliver’s younger brother. Oliver sported a Rolex watch on his wrist and drove a Mercedes convertible, both purchased for him by his father.
The two boys possessed all of the latest and greatest electronic gadgets of the time. They had everything a high school or college student could want except for caring and loving parents. Jared and Oliver loathed their parents for their neglect. To get even with their neglectful parents, the younger Wilkinson’s threw parties and entertained hundreds of partying teenagers and college students in their parent’s precious lakefront mansion, every time the elder Wilkinson’s ventured out of town.
The boys’ entitled lifestyles, wealth and party man images were chick magnets. Girls of all ages flocked to their parties. Drugs, booze and wild sex orgies ruled these events. Jared and Oliver were famous for these get-togethers, excessive use of drugs and booze, and, especially, for their sexual conquests. High school aged girls considered sex with Jared and especially with Oliver as a badge of honor in the West Bloomfield and Bloomfield Hills areas.
Jared was somewhat of a gentleman. Perhaps it was because he was younger. Oliver, on the other hand, rarely waited to be asked—he simply took what he wanted. Young girls in various stages of inebriation would be swept off their feet and carried into a bedroom. Whether previously deflowered or not, they became willing participants (so they all claimed) in wild moments of sex and drugs. Not a single girl ever pressed charges or uttered a word of complaint about Oliver’s behavior.
While Hayley Larson was certainly impressed with the house and its extravagance, she was not especially enamored with her hosts. She thought both Jared and Oliver were gross, obnoxious, immature, entitled and spoiled brats.
Her parents had nothing to worry about. Though under the drinking age, Hayley didn’t mind a beer here and there. However, she did not do drugs and was not sexually active. Hayley was no puritan, but, at sixteen, had never been in a serious relationship. She was saving her virginity for her first loving relationship and would never engage in gratuitous sex.
Hayley rose from the commode, the toilet seat descended and closed, automatically, of course. Suddenly, a sweet smelling room deodorizer sprayed from a ceiling fan. She surveyed the room, taking in various gadgets and gizmos, shaking her head from side to side, and wondering about other hidden devices the boys’ parents might privately enjoy using in this bathroom of all bathrooms. She chuckled at the thought, studied and primped herself in front of a massive gold-trimmed mirror.
Hayley was a very attractive young lady. She had long, straight auburn colored hair and large greenish blue eyes. A few light freckles dotted her face. Her skin glowed like porcelain, almost like the skin of a doll. She was tall, about five foot nine, athletic (she played varsity soccer), and dressed impeccably, tastefully accenting her smooth long legs and ample breasts. In short, Hayley was a stunning young woman.
Hayley adjusted her clothing, freshened her make-up and opened the bathroom door to leave. She took a step, looked up and was startled to see Oliver Wilkinson standing at the door, blocking her exit. Shane Marbury, Oliver’s best friend, stood by Oliver’s side.
“Shit, guys! You scared the hell out of me! How long have you been standing there?” Hayley uttered with a stunned smile.
The young men were barely coherent, seriously drunk, stoned, high, or a combination of the three.
“Hey, baby. We saw you come up here and we thought you might want to party. Jared’s told me all about you. You’re Hayley, right? How about this bathroom?” Oliver’s speech was slurred. He turned three hundred sixty degrees, taking in his surroundings.
“We are partying, Oliver. I needed to use the bathroom and now I’m ready to go back down. You coming?”
She tried to push by them, but they continued to block the bathroom exit.
“Let me show you all of the enjoyable gadgets my parents enjoy using in here.” Oliver gyrated and made lewd gestures.
Hayley expelled a nervous laugh. She felt trapped, threatened, and unsure of where this was going.
“From the gadgets I discovered by going to the bathroom, I can imagine, but I’ll pass, thank you.” She was very anxious to leave.
“Come on, Hayley; don’t be like that,” Marbury stammered.
“We can have a lot of fun in here. Stop being so high and mighty. Do you think you’re better than us? You’re nothing but a pompous bitch,” Oliver added, turning to Shane. “I think our girl Hayley needs to be taught a lesson, don’t you agree, Shane?”
Oliver waxed hurt feelings. The two young men pushed forward, backing Hayley further into the bathroom. She tried, unsuccessfully, to push by them, but they held their positions. Oliver closed the door behind him.
Hayley’s nervousness now escalated into full-blown panic. She tried to maintain her composure.
“Cut it out, guys! This is not the least bit funny. If you two want to play in the bathroom, be my guest, but find another play toy. I’m not interested,”
Hayley was now experiencing a complete loss of composure. She again tried to push by the two men and was again blocked from leaving. They pushed her backwards into the bathroom.
“Let me show you the whirlpool,” Oliver urged. He staggered to a panel on the wall closest to him. He hit a button and the whirlpool activated.
“My parents have all kinds of fun in here. See this panel?”
He walked over to another gold-plated panel and pushed a button. The panel opened and a tray of sex toys, lubricants and oils shot out from the opening behind the panel door.
“Pretty cool, huh? Have you ever had sex in a whirlpool? It is the absolute shit!”
“I’ve never had sex in a whirlpool,” Shane exclaimed, gyrating his pelvis. “I’m really looking forward to it.”
“I’ve never had sex anywhere. I’m a virgin and I plan to keep it that way. Now, get out of my way or I am going to call 9-1-1,” Hayley threatened.
She pulled out her phone and began to dial. Oliver raced over to her, pulled the phone from her hands, and threw it into the filling whirlpool.
“Not so fast, bitch” Oliver snarled.
“If you really are a virgin, which I don’t believe for a fucking second, prepare to lose your virginity. You have two choices: Relax, enjoy the experience and have fun with two great guys. Or fight, scream, scratch and resist. Either way, we always get what we want. No one ever says no to us and no one has ever been sorry.”
The disgusting young men stood in front of Hayley, blocking her exit, gyrating their pelvises and hips back and forth. They unzipped their pants and grabbed at their crotches.
“You assholes just ruined my phone. You’re drunk or high, maybe both. You’re out of your damned minds. Now let me out of here, now! I’ll fucking scream!” Hayley raged. She was officially terrified.
“Language, Hayley, language, shame on you. Everyone’s wasted. Scream all you want. No one’s coming to help you, Oliver rumbled and sneered at her. He reached his arm toward her, grabbed her blouse and ripped it open, revealing scant bra and ample cleavage.
“What beautiful tits you have my dear,” he marveled, imitating the Big, Bad Wolf character from the ancient children’s story.
“The better to suck on,” laughed Shane.
Hayley stepped back, helpless, stunned at their escalating criminal behavior.
Have they done this before?
Hayley screamed at the top of her voice. Her screams had the opposite effect of what she intended. It triggered action from the two men. The young men cornered her and began to rip at her pants, tearing them from her body and leaving her standing in bra and panties. They stepped back and admired their handiwork and her body.
“Beautiful specimen, Dr. Marbury, wouldn’t you say?” Oliver asked Shane, studying Hayley, one arm crossing his chest and the other supporting his chin like Rodin’s famous The Thinker.
“Stunning, Doctor Wilkinson,” replied Marbury, adopting a similar pose and glaring salaciously at Hayley’s body. His eyes darted up and down. He reached out and ripped at her bra, attempting to yank it off her body. Hayley screamed again and lashed out at Shane, deeply scratching his left cheek. He recoiled in pain. Blood began to run down his cheek.
“You fucking bitch!” Shane snapped. “You cut my face.”
He turned to Oliver and then to the mirror, studying his torn cheek.
“That’s going to leave a scar.”
He turned back to the terrified Hayley, now cowering in the corner of the bathroom and screaming at the top of her voice.
“Stop that fucking screaming! Look at my face. What the fuck? You are going to pay for this. No more mister nice guy.”
Shane and Oliver pounced and began tearing at Hayley’s bra and panties. Someone knocked loudly on the bathroom door.
“What’s going on in there?” A female voice screamed. “Open the fucking door!”
She continued to bang on the door and was soon joined by others outside of the bathroom door.
Hayley continued to scream as loud as she could. Oliver placed his hand over her nose and mouth in a vain attempt to shut her up. His actions prevented her from breathing and Hayley began to thrash and kick violently. Oliver held on for dear life while the girls outside the bathroom continued to shout and hammer on the door. Shane was no longer interested. He continued to peer into the mirror, studying his injury.
Hayley mustered all of the strength she could and finally pulled one arm free. She poked Oliver in the eye and then swung her fist as hard as she could, hitting him squarely on the chin. Oliver tumbled backward and fell into the whirlpool. Hayley raced for the door and pulled it open. Five classmates, four girls and Oliver’s brother, Jared, were standing outside the door.
“Oh my God, Hayley! Are you okay? What happened in there?” One girl cried.
Hayley didn’t answer. She was hysterical. She lowered her head like a charging bull and charged out of the bathroom, leaving the five classmates stunned at her appearance and demeanor.
They looked into the bathroom and saw Shane Marbury staggering around, tending to his bloody face. His penis was exposed. Oliver was fully clothed and lying in the whirlpool. His arms were on the side railings and he was trying, without much success, to extricate himself from the whirlpool tub.
Two girls ran down the hall to check on Hayley. They reached the top of the stairs and observed Hayley running down the stairs. She was almost to the bottom. They watched her run toward the front door and called out to her, urging her to wait, to let them help. Stunned partygoers turned to watch Hayley Larson run out of the front door in scant undergarments.
“Holy shit!” One jubilant and inebriated college boy shouted.
“That bitch sure knows how to party!”
September 2019
Democrats and the Democratic Party were counting down the months before Stephen Golding’s presidency was history. Many Dems opined Golding was a decent man (for a Republican), but most Democrats and Independents wanted a permanent end to the government stain that began with the election of Ronald John. Much happened since John’s election.
John’s politics were repugnant to most American citizens. His first act as POTUS was to institute a ban on all Muslims trying to enter the country. He sought billions in taxpayer money to build unnecessary barrier walls between Mexico and the United States and Canada and the United States. He became a champion of white nationalists and racists everywhere.
He cut taxes for millionaires and billionaires and left the middle class with the huge bill. He cut important environmental regulations, which allowed polluters to self-regulate. Many social programs for the America’s poorest citizens were drastically cut or eliminated. America was reeling as a direct result of his policies.
His ethics were worse than his politics. John was a self-proclaimed, self-made billionaire. When he was elected president, he was supposed to sever ties with all of his business interests. A president must avoid conflicts of interest or the appearance of conflicts in interest. However, while the arrogant and narcissistic John purported to sever ties with those interests, he never actually did so. One such interest was his partial ownership of the Barrington Arms Corporation, an international gun manufacturer.
A short time ago, a troubled young man named Kevin Burns, brandishing Barrington Arms weapons, walked into a suburban Michigan high school and opened fire, killing nine students and injuring several others. At the same time, a special prosecutor conducted an investigation into the president. His report found evidence of President John’s participation in a conspiracy to commit murder and obstruct justice. The House of Representatives impeached him. The Senate convicted him and removed him from office. Ronald John was currently under house arrest awaiting trial on multiple charges. His co-conspirators, facing significant prison time, were happy to turn on John, testify against him and for the government.
Stephen Golding was Ronald John’s vice president. His claim to fame was his refusal to pardon President John for his multiple crimes. That one act made Golding enormously popular with many Americans, albeit for a short period of time. Despite immense political pressure from the right wing of the party, Golding stuck to his principles. In his opinion, John’s crimes, if proven, were too egregious to pardon.
Golding squandered the goodwill he created by caving in to the most severe conservative policies of his party and his predecessor. He was far less bombastic or controversial than John, but his partisan policies were not much different. He supported restrictions on immigration, drastically reduced taxes for the richest one percent, and deregulated various business interests. He also supported virtually all of President John’s draconian cuts to or elimination of social programs for the poor.
Golding’s embrace of a right wing conservative agenda caused a rapid erosion of his support from centrist Democrats and independents. Stephen Golding was simply too extreme for them. His poll numbers dropped dramatically and there were rumors he would withdraw his name from consideration for the 2020 presidential election. While the party persuaded him to continue, he seemed disinterested and the polls showed him trailing virtually every Democratic candidate.
Zachary Blake was a prominent Michigan trial lawyer and a staunch advocate of the Democratic Party and democratic values. While he appreciated Golding’s position denying a presidential pardon for Ronald John, he opposed his stance on every other policy.
Zack was ecstatic with polls predicting a proverbial blue wave for 2020. However, he remained cautiously optimistic. Three short years ago, Ronald John trailed by five to seven points in every poll leading up to the 2016 election. John won three normally Democratic leaning states by a total of seventeen thousand votes and became president, despite losing the popular vote by almost ten million votes.
Zack played a huge and happy roll in bringing Ronald John to his knees. He represented several of the Michigan school shooting victims, the families of those killed and a number of those injured. Among the injury victims was Zack’s own son, Kenny Tracy, who became a student advocate against gun violence and a political activist in the battle for gun control.
Zack’s recent exploits in rather high-profile criminal and civil cases made him a multi-millionaire and caused clients everywhere to seek out his firm’s legal services. Business was booming. Zack was rather young, considering his success. While short in stature, about five foot, seven inches tall, he was very nice looking, with a dazzling smile, jet black hair with a touch of grey at the temples. His combination of skill, looks, and a quiet confidence less than arrogance made Zack a sought after local and national talking head on all legal topics.
On this day in October, Zack was enjoying a rare quiet moment at home with the love of his life, his wife, Jennifer. The couple was watching All in with Chris Hayes on left-leaning MSNBC. The show and its host were highly critical of Ronald John, Steven Golding and the Republican Party in general, which is why Zack enjoyed the program and the network.
A ‘breaking news’ bulletin scrolled at the bottom of the screen, and Hayes interrupted a story about chaos at the southern border and Hayes began reporting the ‘breaking news.’
“This just in—the United States Supreme Court has announced the rather sudden retirement of Justice Noah Fitzgerald, an important moderate and so-called ‘swing vote’ on the court. The prospect of Steven Golding appointing our next Supreme Court Justice and solidifying a conservative majority on the high court is a positively chilling development,” Hayes reported.
“Justice Fitzgerald is quoted as saying it has been his honor and privilege to serve on the nation’s highest court for the past twenty-seven years and he has the utmost confidence President Golding will appoint a worthy and competent successor.”
Hayes looked gravely into the camera and shook his head from side to side.
“We all know Justice Fitzgerald’s role as a centrist jurist has been the crucial balance between the conservative and liberal leaning justices on the high court. He was probably the most important member of the modern version of the Supreme Court.”
Zachary Blake could not believe his ears.
Why can’t Fitzgerald wait a year, for the good of the country? Why would this decent man and fine Justice retire now and permit the likes of Golding to nominate his successor? Is Fitz in poor health? Perhaps I was wrong about his integrity…
Zack cringed at the prospect of lame duck President Golding appointing a young right wing Supreme Court justice on his way out of office. The pick, after all, would impact the high court for the next thirty to forty years, long after the country forgot about the short presidency of Stephen Golding.
The mid-term elections heavily favored the Democrats, but because of huge Republican gains resulting from Ronald John’s sweeping victory two years earlier, the Republicans still managed to hold onto a slim majority in both houses of Congress. Thus, there was very little the Democrats could actually do to prevent a Golding appointee from becoming the country’s next Supreme Court Justice.
The rest of the “All In” program speculated on and discussed that very issue. Hayes and his left-leaning guests discussed the type of jurist Golding might nominate. They sarcastically urged Justice Fitzgerald to reconsider, to delay his retirement to permit Golding’s successor the opportunity to nominate his replacement on the high court.
This was folly, however. Fitzgerald’s retirement was a done deal. Zack and every other pro-justice lawyer would have to acclimate themselves to a Supreme Court shift to the right. All Zack could hope for was Golding would ignore conventional wisdom and the will of his party’s leaders.
Might he choose a moderate?
Hayes’ guests began to toss some names around. Zack listened to various suggestions from all over the country. None of the names being bandied about were familiar to him. These men and women were from other states. He assumed they were very conservative, but none of them rang his alarm bell.
Alarm bells sounded, big time, when Hayes suggested Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Oliver Wilkinson as a potential nominee. Wilkinson was part of a group of extremist judges appointed to Michigan’s state court appeals bench by a conservative Governor in 2010. After Ronald John was elected POTUS, one of his first judicial appointments was Oliver Wilkinson to the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals.
The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals serves parts of Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky and Tennessee. Wilkinson was it’s most extreme, conservative member. Zack knew him well from his days on the Michigan Court of Appeals and was appalled by the suggestion of his name. He glared at the television screen and cursed Chris Hayes for mentioning Wilkinson in the context of a United States Supreme Court appointment.
Judge Oliver Wilkinson was the one of the youngest people ever appointed to the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals. He was responsible for many decisions that moved Michigan jurisprudence far to the right of its citizens. Wilkinson’s judicial philosophy was decidedly anti-justice. He sided with insurance companies and large corporations over 97% of the time. Severe restrictions on Michigan Malpractice cases, Premises Liability cases and Auto Accident cases resulted from concepts first offered by and from opinions or decisions originally penned by Judge Oliver Wilkinson.
Michigan elects its state judges. After his initial appointment, Wilkinson was supported by and received millions in PAC money from pro-insurance and large corporate interests. The local trial lawyers associations, the voice of the people, always supported his judicial opponents, but lacked the funding to compete with large corporate donors.
These very same interests and donors recommended Wilkinson to Ronald John for a federal judicial appointment. The donors especially liked Wilkinson because of his extremism and his youth. He could be wreaking havoc on liberals for decades. Federal judges are not elected, and not subject to the will of the people, but Ronald John was an elected official. Pro-corporate and pro-insurance donors helped him become president of the United States and he was more than happy to oblige his donors. In turn, Wilkinson rewarded President John and his ilk for their support, issuing extremely conservative opinions on a variety of federal issues.
The thought of Oliver Wilkinson on the United States Supreme Court made Zack physically ill. At his age, forty-four, Wilkinson could be penning terrible decisions on the Supreme Court for almost half a century. If Wilkinson became the final candidate, Zachary Blake vowed to do everything in his power to prevent the nomination. Civil rights, human rights, women’s rights, affirmative action, campaign finance, capital punishment, social, civil and criminal justice reforms all hinged upon the next nominee to the high court.