"Come along with Sunny, an endearing young giraffe, on her first day of school in this heart-warming tale of bravery and friendship."
Several occasions might cause a child to be anxious, worried, or scared: first day at a new school, taking a test, public speaking, or speaking to new people, to name just a few. When you're feeling any or all of these unpleasant feelings, it's common for your body to react much like Sunny's did. Sunny, a very cutely illustrated giraffe, has a very common reaction to the first day of school: their belly feels jumpy, and their hooves sweat. While we don't have hooves, our human body has areas that might break out in a sweat. Mama Giraffe did not dismiss her calf's fears; she reassured them that what they were experiencing was normal. Mama Giraffe also mentioned that when we feel anxious, our hearts can feel like they are running a race. Mama had a special breathing technique to quieten nervous bellies and pounding hearts. "Just breathe in slowly, like when you're smelling the daisies out in the garden. Then, breathe out through your mouth, like when you're blowing out the candles on your birthday cake." This breathing technique comes in handy when Sunny has to stand up to a classroom bully.
Bullies are present in every school, and often, the less-than-friendly classmate(s) target kids on their very first day or week of school. A bully can make it difficult for children to participate in class and interact with others on the playground. The negative attention can make a kid dread school days and can affect a kid's mental and physical health. Sunny had the misfortune of being on a bully's radar on their first day of school. Basher the bull's name-calling and mocking of Sunny's spots caused the giraffe to run out of the room in tears.
Basher felt zero guilt or remorse when Sunny cried. He didn't learn his lesson after spending time in the "calm corner," either. However, Basher's attitude drastically changed when Sunny stood up for herself, and he was the one no one wanted to play with on the playground.
Sunny's First Day shows the profound effect negative words can have on a person. The illustrated storybook shows the proper way to handle a bully. Sunny did not stoop to Basher's level and call him names. Instead, she took the advice of Bailey (the elephant) and stood up to Basher; she informed him what he was doing and showed him that she would not let him stop her from having fun with the other animals. Before she stood hoof to hoof with the bull, she first needed to quiet her nerves and racing heart using her mom's breathing technique. (Breathing techniques and positive affirmations are visited after the story's conclusion.)
While not every bully may change like Basher, Sunny's inspiring handling of the situation and her ability to calm her nerves are valuable lessons for children. I strongly recommend sharing this book with your elementary students to help create a more peaceful and healthy environment for them to grow and learn.
I loved the storyline and animal illustrations very much, but I couldn't overlook the editing errors. I would recommend another editing pass before the story goes live.
Amazon's suggested reading age is 5-9 years.